Hypothetical: I really need your honest answer about the third party candidate

Would you vote for such a candidate?

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Nov 17, 2011
Suppose there is this third candidate for president and everyone is talking about him that he has a real chance to win. there is also a big buzz about him on the mainstream media about how bad or good or dangerous this guy is:
He is running together with 435 candidates for congress one in each district, 100 candidates for senate 2 in each state so that he would not have to argue with special interest puppet government and could get right to it, making real changes. He does not focus on gay rights, climate changes, tax rates or the middle east. he does not accuse left or right. instead he and his candidates campaign on the following platform, not giving the media any tidbits:

- I will only serve one 4 year term and then never serve in government again.
- I will not accept any gifts or donations for my campaign from anyone
- I will unconditionally vote for the following 5 laws immediately once elected:
1. In order to end the criminal monopoly of influence, using money, Create national political media outlet, for the sole purpose of political debates - this will cost tax payers nothing as it will be run by volunteers who will be elected and replaced by the people, just like politicians. they will be considered government officials, and will be upheld to the same bribery law listed below. presence of this media outlet will be made known as follows:
2. A law that requires any private media outlet that wants to have the right to broadcast any political debate, to air 10 second ads on their radio or television, or, 2"x2" ads on their web sites or news papers, stating the following: "WARNING: being mislead by propaganda on the special interest controlled news media, can be brainwashing, and dangerous to your society, you can alternatively watch the political coverage on a national political media"
3. Law that makes it a crime, for any special interest lobbyists or anyone else to make any contributions to public officials. and, for public officials to accept any money or gifts, because public officials, are supposed to represent everyone equally - they are not businesses, they can not be turned into prostitutes, they have nothing to sell but humans. children. elderly.
4. Set up an internet voting system in all parts of the nation, so that each vote can be easily registered and verified.
5. Implement negative voting, in all elections, in order to offset any propaganda attempts for any candidate. each voter gets one for vote, as well as one against vote. so that we have a choice to vote against a candidate, if we feel he was overly publicized by special interests, targeting all the ignorant and stupid voters
I believe the vast majority of Americans would vote for a third party candidate(s) instead of their own party if there was a clear choice. I am making this thread to confirm my beliefs. I do not believe left or right wholeheartedly or anywhere close to it support their democratic or republican party. I believe vast majority of Americans KNOW they are both corrupt. and sometimes I wonder if the biggest idiots are not those of us who think we are smarter then the rest and the rest are too stupid to understand? no, they are NOT too stupid to understand, but it is the smart people's obligation to somehow unite, present them a solution. I've taken effort to do so, but where are you, the smart people? you did not mention anything wrong with my latest speech on youtube, you just ignore the truth yourself like a bright sun light
I was really turned off to your ideas when a while ago you suggested a jail sentence or some such weird thing for one of the most inane things possible. Might have been death or something, I forget, but it was enough to think that you're out of your gord and it alienated the rest of your ideas.
I was really turned off to your ideas when a while ago you suggested a jail sentence or some such weird thing for one of the most inane things possible. Might have been death or something, I forget, but it was enough to think that you're out of your gord and it alienated the rest of your ideas.

It was death for people who exercised their free speech.

And why is this troll allowed to use the forum for advertising?
I was really turned off to your ideas when a while ago you suggested a jail sentence or some such weird thing for one of the most inane things possible. Might have been death or something, I forget, but it was enough to think that you're out of your gord and it alienated the rest of your ideas.
Jail or death to those who attempt to bribe government. don't listen to the troll Above. attempting to bribe government is no different then attempting to bribe a judge or a jury. it is the reason people hate capitalism being unable to differentiate between the two. our lack of understanding is the primary reason we are turned off from the world in the first place.
Death to political dissenters was popular in your Motherland, wasn't it?

I was really turned off to your ideas when a while ago you suggested a jail sentence or some such weird thing for one of the most inane things possible. Might have been death or something, I forget, but it was enough to think that you're out of your gord and it alienated the rest of your ideas.
Jail or death to those who attempt to bribe government. don't listen to the troll Above. attempting to bribe government is no different then attempting to bribe a judge or a jury. it is the reason people hate capitalism being unable to differentiate between the two. our lack of understanding is the primary reason we are turned off from the world in the first place.

Death is not the correct penalty, it's draconian retarded and lacks any sort of common-sense or humanity.

It's like punching your child in the face for burping.
If you honestly want a conversation about a viable third party candidate, then you have to talk about instant runoff elections.
Death is not the correct penalty, it's draconian retarded and lacks any sort of common-sense or humanity.

It's like punching your child in the face for burping.


Actually, I would expect much more long term results from death.


One punch really doesn't do the trick.
Death is not the correct penalty, it's draconian retarded and lacks any sort of common-sense or humanity.

It's like punching your child in the face for burping.
People who bribe governments and lie to get people into wars where millions of people die and millions of people suffer, are
Death is not the correct penalty, it's draconian retarded and lacks any sort of common-sense or humanity.

It's like punching your child in the face for burping.
People who bribe governments and lie to get people into wars where millions of people die and millions of people suffer, are

People who lie and bribe the Government don't always cause death or lie for war, numb-nuts, which is why it's an irrational punishment.
Death is not the correct penalty, it's draconian retarded and lacks any sort of common-sense or humanity.

It's like punching your child in the face for burping.


Actually, I would expect much more long term results from death.


One punch really doesn't do the trick.

Who cares about the result, imposing that sort of penalty itself deserves punishment.....or psychotherapy.
Everyone knows the only thing a 3rd party candidate is good for is to take away votes from the guy you hate. Draft dodger and degenerate Bill Clinton would never have won without Ross Perot. Mostly it's the ignorant and the radical lefties who try to organize a 3rd party movement because they are either stupid or too lazy or too impatient to work within the party they support to get the best candidates. The Tea Party movement is just a grass roots operation but it is feared and despised by the left because it works within the system.

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