I am opposed to painless lethal injection for the Death Penalty

Sunni Man

Diamond Member
Aug 14, 2008
The governor of Florida just signed off on the death of a convicted child rapist and murderer by painless lethal injection.

Why the painless and so called humane lethal injection??

The sick pervert should be endlessly tortured and then executed by the most painful way possible.

We need to bring back something like the 'rack' or the 'iron maiden'. ... :thup:


Lethal injection isn't painless. Because the condemned is unconscious you simply don't see how painful it really is.

Still, if capital punishment is to be a deterrant, I think it should be as violent, gruesome, and sick as possible. Let victim families choose the method and/or carry it out themselves however they wish. That'd be justice.
....................................................^^ We finally agree on something ... :thup: :eusa_angel:
Life in prison with no chance of parole is far greater punishment than the death penalty.
Life in prison with no chance of parole is far greater punishment than the death penalty.
At $60,000 per year per inmate.

The only people being punished by life in prison for convicted murderers is the American taxpayer. .... :doubt:
The governor of Florida just signed off on the death of a convicted child rapist and murderer by painless lethal injection.

Why the painless and so called humane lethal injection??

The sick pervert should be endlessly tortured and then executed by the most painful way possible.

We need to bring back something like the 'rack' or the 'iron maiden'. ... :thup:



I would go with 3 methods. Hanging, Firing squad, and guilottine.
Painful execution, aka "torture".

I agree with Sunni on many things, but I cannot agree with him about this. As Gandalf says (I will paraphrase) many who live deserve to die, and many who die deserve to live...but it is not our place to grant or take life.

God will punish as he sees fit. In a godly society, yes, people must be held accountable for their crimes and in some cases, that may include the death penalty...but there is no valor or purpose in torturing those committed to death. It simply demeans and soils us.
At $60,000 per year per inmate.

The only people being punished by life in prison for convicted murderers is the American taxpayer. .... :doubt:

You think the endless appeal process doesn't cost us?

But once its done, its done.
The sick child rapist/murderer in the OP has been setting in prison for 20 years.

All on the backs of the American tax payer to warehouse this piece of garbage..

This is idiotic.

2 years should be the max before the sentence is carried out. ... :cool:
Lethal injection isn't painless. Because the condemned is unconscious you simply don't see how painful it really is.

Still, if capital punishment is to be a deterrant, I think it should be as violent, gruesome, and sick as possible. Let victim families choose the method and/or carry it out themselves however they wish. That'd be justice.

Then the families would be just as sick minded as the condemned.
I believe any punishment should fit the crime and the victim(s) should have input in the final determination.
Although I am a major supporter of Capital Punishment, I do not condone torture. I believe lethal injection is the way to go.
No concern for the wishes of victims of capital crime?

If you have a few minutes to spare, read this report and tell us how you feel these two should be punished. Try to think about it from the frame of mind of the victims' loved ones.


The Wichita Massacre URL
New Nation News - Bloody Kansas - Wichita Wilding
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Although I am a major supporter of Capital Punishment, I do not condone torture. I believe lethal injection is the way to go.
No concern for the wishes of victims of capital crime?

If you have a few minutes to spare, read this report and tell us how you feel these two should be punished. Try to think about it from the frame of mind of the victims' loved ones.

The Wichita Massacre - A Shameless Media Coverup

The Wichita Massacre URL
New Nation News - Bloody Kansas - Wichita Wilding
That is in fact the only reason why I support Capital Punishment, to provide justice to the victims family members. However, as a civilized society, I believe we should administer the punishment in a civilized fashion. For instance, I would not ever support stoning.

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