I am presently Briggs, but someone is using my real account

US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
US Message Board
Where your voices count
Search results
Pelosi and House Democrats Screw Up Everything Again
Pelosi just can't do this. Surely her sheep won't follow her on this block. Partisan politics has to stop NOW!! Is there nothing that woman wouldn't do to get Trump...even sink this country into depression.
Jackson Post #167 Sunday at 9:44 PM Forum: Politics
I can’t imagine how Trump supporters are going to spin the next few months
I know what we should do to be sure Americans are safe....let's release all the prisoners in jails and prisons! Pelosi will love that. (And Rightwinger, lol)
Jackson Post #213 Sunday at 9:35 PM Forum: Politics
CDZ Should prisoners be released from jail and prison over the Chinese virus?
Absolutely...Chicago was my next guess. What do you bet Pelosi is going to try to get all of them released so they vote in November.
Jackson Post #40 Sunday at 9:31 PM Forum: Clean Debate Zone
CDZ Should prisoners be released from jail and prison over the Chinese virus?
What makes sense is that if the law has changed about the penalty or legality of what the person is in prison for, let him go. If someone is in jail for marijuana, and the laws in that state have changed and it is now legal let all of those prisoners go free. That's it. Weinstein has to stay. :)
Jackson Post #38 Sunday at 9:27 PM Forum: Clean Debate Zone
CDZ Should prisoners be released from jail and prison over the Chinese virus?
When I saw that prisoners were going to be released, I thought of New York or California. How did I know? What's happening to this world?
Jackson Post #37 Sunday at 9:15 PM Forum: Clean Debate Zone
Pelosi and House Democrats Screw Up Everything Again
It would have been smarter to think of a plan before putting a pricetag on it.
Jackson Post #41 Sunday at 1:18 PM Forum: Politics
What are cities doing with the homeless?
"Honey, We are taking Johnny out of college..."
Jackson Post #24 Sunday at 12:55 PM Forum: Current Events
Pelosi and House Democrats Screw Up Everything Again
From the OP' link: We’ll be introducing our own bill and hopefully it will be compatible with what they discuss on the Senate side,” Pelosi said as she left a short meeting in the Capitol with the leaders of both parties negotiating the stimulus package. If it is compatible with what the...
Jackson Post #36 Sunday at 12:51 PM Forum: Politics
What are cities doing with the homeless?
Have you seen the pictures from other countries washing down the streets? They aren't doing that because people have a habit of licking the streets. The infection drop from people and land on the ground, where the homeless sit and it gets on them. And yes the infection is airborne and can...
Jackson Post #22 Sunday at 12:43 PM Forum: Current Events
What are cities doing with the homeless?
You are thinking about victim zero before the pandemic hit. No, it didn't start with an interaction with someone from China. But there were people on that plane that came from China that were coming from Hoboken. And that guy caught it, interacted with dozens of people over the months and...
Jackson Post #20 Sunday at 12:26 PM Forum: Current Events
What are cities doing with the homeless?
It takes just one homeless person to go to a shelter for a meal and sit next to an Infected person. They bring it back to their buddies on the street, who sit with others....
Jackson Post #17 Sunday at 12:06 PM Forum: Current Events
"He Knew"
Obviously Dana isn't thinking. People are not dying because of Trump, FEWER are dying because of Trump. So if this is all Trump's fault, do you blame all of the other countries' leaders for their country's deaths? C'mon Dana...God gave you a brain. Blow the dust off it and use it.
Jackson Post #18 Sunday at 12:03 PM Forum: Politics
It’s Unfortunate Obamacare Rejected Death Panels
Jackson Post #3 Sunday at 11:56 AM Forum: Politics
What are cities doing with the homeless?
This pandemic is awful. Thank God we live in the US! It's hard enough here.
Jackson Post #11 Sunday at 11:54 AM Forum: Current Events
This Is How Crazy The Democrats Are
What does CNN stand for Communist Network News?
Jackson Post #2 Sunday at 11:52 AM Forum: Media
What are cities doing with the homeless?
Thank God you made it out.
Jackson Post #9 Sunday at 11:49 AM Forum: Current Events
"He Knew"
Read profiles if Corruption if you believe Biden lives with a halo over his head. Just as many of other senators, he has made millions off hid job influence. He even got cushy jobs for his family members. He's no innocent tyke, Trump doesn't make money peddling influence, he's made his...
Jackson Post #15 Sunday at 11:48 AM Forum: Politics
Illinois Governor Lists Gun Stores As ‘Essential,’
I read that some jails are opening the doors and letting prisoners out. Rethinking the gun law now.
Jackson Post #6 Sunday at 11:28 AM Forum: Current Events
"He Knew"
So it's 50-50 who do you believe? We have a virus outbreak...who could have foreseen this? No country foresaw this coming. Now some cities are opening the jails, letting people out...
Jackson Post #7 Sunday at 11:24 AM Forum: Politics
What are cities doing with the homeless?
Started thinking of San Francisco and their homeless problem.. The streets could be called Virus Avenue! Are they putting them up in those fancy hotels? Are they going to disinfect them first? Lord, what a mess! I saw some jails are opening the doors because the virus could wipe out the...
Jackson Thread Sunday at 11:22 AM Replies: 23 Forum: Current Events
So that happened...
Tell her we are all thinking of her and keep us informed .
Jackson Post #14 Saturday at 2:09 PM Forum: The Flame Zone
Looking BAD ABNORMALS! Majority of Americans now say they approve of Trump's handling of coronavirus
Trump ignores scientists? He has them speak every day!!!
Jackson Post #113 Saturday at 1:53 PM Forum: Politics
Trump Botches Softball Question
I'm sure most of you heard the story about the people in an apartment building in Italy. Everyone was on lock down and all had balconies. One man went out on the balcony and started singing the national anthem. Others hears him and most came out and sang the anthem with him. It was cool...
Jackson Post #101 Friday at 11:59 PM Forum: The Rubber Room
Trump Botches Softball Question
Hooray! That makes life a little easier!
Jackson Post #84 Friday at 11:49 PM Forum: The Rubber Room
Trump Botches Softball Question
That's the beauty of Trump. He doesn't do anything that will help him...all of his accomplishments were for the citizens of this country. He owns all of these hotels, and they are basically empty. Will he be getting a bail out? No.
Jackson Post #82 Friday at 11:48 PM Forum: The Rubber Room
Trump Botches Softball Question
I did. His brain is...diddlysquat.
Jackson Post #73 Friday at 11:43 PM Forum: The Rubber Room
Trump Botches Softball Question
Well, you liberals will be happy to hear that Biden is going to make daily briefing on the virus. Except the daily briefings will be a couple of days a week. (God Love him!) He 's going to go over the plans he has for the people of this nation...like, self quarantining, getting masks and...
Jackson Post #58 Friday at 11:37 PM Forum: The Rubber Room
Trump Botches Softball Question
I'm calm. You are the one who is pissed off at Trump....
Jackson Post #45 Friday at 11:28 PM Forum: The Rubber Room
Looking BAD ABNORMALS! Majority of Americans now say they approve of Trump's handling of coronavirus
did you hear there is a bad virus going around the globe? And you think Trump is doing all that for the airlines, hotels and cruise lines? That has to be the stupidest comment on this board. You should get an award!
Jackson Post #66 Friday at 11:26 PM Forum: Politics
Trump Botches Softball Question
Nope. Just shook my head and thought that guy should be banned.
Jackson Post #36 Friday at 11:18 PM Forum: The Rubber Room
1 of 17

Active Topics
Getting more groceries from your groceries
Started by JustAnotherNut A moment ago
Do you see people blowing off social distancing.
Started by Sun Devil 92 17 minutes ago
Real Information About Covid-19
Started by WelfareQueen 20 minutes ago
Ways of preserving your harvest
Started by JustAnotherNut 42 minutes ago
I have a question
Started by MadChemist 51 minutes ago
Let's get America working again. Stop the Democrat insanity. This is insane.
Started by yowsa Today at 9:45 PM
So why is the NFL Draft still scheduled to take place on April 23rd but all the other sports are
Started by fbj Today at 9:32 PM
I am presently Briggs, but someone is using my real account
Started by Briggs Today at 9:13 PM
How much to grow per person......
Started by JustAnotherNut Today at 8:27 PM
FDA Approves Centuries-Old Blood Treatment for Critical Coronavirus Patients
Started by excalibur Today at 8:06 PM

Most reactions - Past 7 days
325 miketx287 Rambunctious286 eagle1462010263 g5000263 Pogo233 JGalt223 Weatherman2020209 Golfing Gator208 Flash185
185 Asclepias182 depotoo176 PoliticalChic174 Oddball173 Nostra170 skye168 rightwinger167 bripat9643163
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In normal times, for the past 11 years I see people once a month when I check my mail. I always have my dogs, and they are better company than most people. present company excluded of course.
Did you remember the picture of the shih Tzu? She was beautiful!
Well now Alleged jackson dba briggs, that puts me in a quandry. How I answer could be used for validation for some evil purpose I havnt thought. So if I tell the truth, and say "yeah I do, animals especially dogs catch my eye" , then if you are indeed the perportrator of some unknown scheme, it might be of benifit to you ...somehow.
so if i deny the truth, otherwise known as a judas act in common parlance, it offers no ill gained advantage, yet could deny you legitimate benefit.
This might be to stressfull for me, i need a safe space.
You are so funny! I'm laughing so hard!
What are they posting.
what could possibly be gained by such a diabolical scheme?
This is interesting, briggs, keep us posted because, as you know all of us are crazy bored.
wait a minute! Are you the real imposter?How do we know?
Yeah keep updating us about this nefarious scheme. You think it's Chinese in origin?
cool cool
I assure you I am the real Jackson, lol. If you look up mmy posts with briggs, you can see I finally had tell people I was Jackson and a conservative. They were calling me a Commie because I said Trump should act more presidential. Anyway, I am Jackson...waiting to hear what will happen.

Well hello there Jackson. I'm BATMAN
LOL Are you making fun of me? I wouldn't blame you

No. It was just a silly joke. I'm not that subtle when i make fun of someone.
Then it's nice to meet you. I'm ROBIN/BRIGGS/JACKSON.
move away if your gonna laugh, you know social distance and virus and stuff
Well, if eith of us get it, we'll just have to get masks and use gloves.
uuuhh, some post dont show up because most of the members are on my ignore list.
did i mention i have no tolorance for stupid?
US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
US Message Board
Where your voices count
Search results
Pelosi and House Democrats Screw Up Everything Again
Pelosi just can't do this. Surely her sheep won't follow her on this block. Partisan politics has to stop NOW!! Is there nothing that woman wouldn't do to get Trump...even sink this country into depression.
Jackson Post #167 Sunday at 9:44 PM Forum: Politics
I can’t imagine how Trump supporters are going to spin the next few months
I know what we should do to be sure Americans are safe....let's release all the prisoners in jails and prisons! Pelosi will love that. (And Rightwinger, lol)
Jackson Post #213 Sunday at 9:35 PM Forum: Politics
CDZ Should prisoners be released from jail and prison over the Chinese virus?
Absolutely...Chicago was my next guess. What do you bet Pelosi is going to try to get all of them released so they vote in November.
Jackson Post #40 Sunday at 9:31 PM Forum: Clean Debate Zone
CDZ Should prisoners be released from jail and prison over the Chinese virus?
What makes sense is that if the law has changed about the penalty or legality of what the person is in prison for, let him go. If someone is in jail for marijuana, and the laws in that state have changed and it is now legal let all of those prisoners go free. That's it. Weinstein has to stay. :)
Jackson Post #38 Sunday at 9:27 PM Forum: Clean Debate Zone
CDZ Should prisoners be released from jail and prison over the Chinese virus?
When I saw that prisoners were going to be released, I thought of New York or California. How did I know? What's happening to this world?
Jackson Post #37 Sunday at 9:15 PM Forum: Clean Debate Zone
Pelosi and House Democrats Screw Up Everything Again
It would have been smarter to think of a plan before putting a pricetag on it.
Jackson Post #41 Sunday at 1:18 PM Forum: Politics
What are cities doing with the homeless?
"Honey, We are taking Johnny out of college..."
Jackson Post #24 Sunday at 12:55 PM Forum: Current Events
Pelosi and House Democrats Screw Up Everything Again
From the OP' link: We’ll be introducing our own bill and hopefully it will be compatible with what they discuss on the Senate side,” Pelosi said as she left a short meeting in the Capitol with the leaders of both parties negotiating the stimulus package. If it is compatible with what the...
Jackson Post #36 Sunday at 12:51 PM Forum: Politics
What are cities doing with the homeless?
Have you seen the pictures from other countries washing down the streets? They aren't doing that because people have a habit of licking the streets. The infection drop from people and land on the ground, where the homeless sit and it gets on them. And yes the infection is airborne and can...
Jackson Post #22 Sunday at 12:43 PM Forum: Current Events
What are cities doing with the homeless?
You are thinking about victim zero before the pandemic hit. No, it didn't start with an interaction with someone from China. But there were people on that plane that came from China that were coming from Hoboken. And that guy caught it, interacted with dozens of people over the months and...
Jackson Post #20 Sunday at 12:26 PM Forum: Current Events
What are cities doing with the homeless?
It takes just one homeless person to go to a shelter for a meal and sit next to an Infected person. They bring it back to their buddies on the street, who sit with others....
Jackson Post #17 Sunday at 12:06 PM Forum: Current Events
"He Knew"
Obviously Dana isn't thinking. People are not dying because of Trump, FEWER are dying because of Trump. So if this is all Trump's fault, do you blame all of the other countries' leaders for their country's deaths? C'mon Dana...God gave you a brain. Blow the dust off it and use it.
Jackson Post #18 Sunday at 12:03 PM Forum: Politics
It’s Unfortunate Obamacare Rejected Death Panels
Jackson Post #3 Sunday at 11:56 AM Forum: Politics
What are cities doing with the homeless?
This pandemic is awful. Thank God we live in the US! It's hard enough here.
Jackson Post #11 Sunday at 11:54 AM Forum: Current Events
This Is How Crazy The Democrats Are
What does CNN stand for Communist Network News?
Jackson Post #2 Sunday at 11:52 AM Forum: Media
What are cities doing with the homeless?
Thank God you made it out.
Jackson Post #9 Sunday at 11:49 AM Forum: Current Events
"He Knew"
Read profiles if Corruption if you believe Biden lives with a halo over his head. Just as many of other senators, he has made millions off hid job influence. He even got cushy jobs for his family members. He's no innocent tyke, Trump doesn't make money peddling influence, he's made his...
Jackson Post #15 Sunday at 11:48 AM Forum: Politics
Illinois Governor Lists Gun Stores As ‘Essential,’
I read that some jails are opening the doors and letting prisoners out. Rethinking the gun law now.
Jackson Post #6 Sunday at 11:28 AM Forum: Current Events
"He Knew"
So it's 50-50 who do you believe? We have a virus outbreak...who could have foreseen this? No country foresaw this coming. Now some cities are opening the jails, letting people out...
Jackson Post #7 Sunday at 11:24 AM Forum: Politics
What are cities doing with the homeless?
Started thinking of San Francisco and their homeless problem.. The streets could be called Virus Avenue! Are they putting them up in those fancy hotels? Are they going to disinfect them first? Lord, what a mess! I saw some jails are opening the doors because the virus could wipe out the...
Jackson Thread Sunday at 11:22 AM Replies: 23 Forum: Current Events
So that happened...
Tell her we are all thinking of her and keep us informed .
Jackson Post #14 Saturday at 2:09 PM Forum: The Flame Zone
Looking BAD ABNORMALS! Majority of Americans now say they approve of Trump's handling of coronavirus
Trump ignores scientists? He has them speak every day!!!
Jackson Post #113 Saturday at 1:53 PM Forum: Politics
Trump Botches Softball Question
I'm sure most of you heard the story about the people in an apartment building in Italy. Everyone was on lock down and all had balconies. One man went out on the balcony and started singing the national anthem. Others hears him and most came out and sang the anthem with him. It was cool...
Jackson Post #101 Friday at 11:59 PM Forum: The Rubber Room
Trump Botches Softball Question
Hooray! That makes life a little easier!
Jackson Post #84 Friday at 11:49 PM Forum: The Rubber Room
Trump Botches Softball Question
That's the beauty of Trump. He doesn't do anything that will help him...all of his accomplishments were for the citizens of this country. He owns all of these hotels, and they are basically empty. Will he be getting a bail out? No.
Jackson Post #82 Friday at 11:48 PM Forum: The Rubber Room
Trump Botches Softball Question
I did. His brain is...diddlysquat.
Jackson Post #73 Friday at 11:43 PM Forum: The Rubber Room
Trump Botches Softball Question
Well, you liberals will be happy to hear that Biden is going to make daily briefing on the virus. Except the daily briefings will be a couple of days a week. (God Love him!) He 's going to go over the plans he has for the people of this nation...like, self quarantining, getting masks and...
Jackson Post #58 Friday at 11:37 PM Forum: The Rubber Room
Trump Botches Softball Question
I'm calm. You are the one who is pissed off at Trump....
Jackson Post #45 Friday at 11:28 PM Forum: The Rubber Room
Looking BAD ABNORMALS! Majority of Americans now say they approve of Trump's handling of coronavirus
did you hear there is a bad virus going around the globe? And you think Trump is doing all that for the airlines, hotels and cruise lines? That has to be the stupidest comment on this board. You should get an award!
Jackson Post #66 Friday at 11:26 PM Forum: Politics
Trump Botches Softball Question
Nope. Just shook my head and thought that guy should be banned.
Jackson Post #36 Friday at 11:18 PM Forum: The Rubber Room
1 of 17

Active Topics
Getting more groceries from your groceries
Started by JustAnotherNut A moment ago
Do you see people blowing off social distancing.
Started by Sun Devil 92 17 minutes ago
Real Information About Covid-19
Started by WelfareQueen 20 minutes ago
Ways of preserving your harvest
Started by JustAnotherNut 42 minutes ago
I have a question
Started by MadChemist 51 minutes ago
Let's get America working again. Stop the Democrat insanity. This is insane.
Started by yowsa Today at 9:45 PM
So why is the NFL Draft still scheduled to take place on April 23rd but all the other sports are
Started by fbj Today at 9:32 PM
I am presently Briggs, but someone is using my real account
Started by Briggs Today at 9:13 PM
How much to grow per person......
Started by JustAnotherNut Today at 8:27 PM
FDA Approves Centuries-Old Blood Treatment for Critical Coronavirus Patients
Started by excalibur Today at 8:06 PM

Most reactions - Past 7 days
325 miketx287 Rambunctious286 eagle1462010263 g5000263 Pogo233 JGalt223 Weatherman2020209 Golfing Gator208 Flash185
185 Asclepias182 depotoo176 PoliticalChic174 Oddball173 Nostra170 skye168 rightwinger167 bripat9643163
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Forum software by XenF
Are you ready for this? Those are all mine! There's no explanation except I am batshit crazy!
freedom of speech is two parts, the speech itself, and the audience. one part is ineffective without the other.
In my kingdom I can deny those I personally deem as unworthy the right to my audience.
so most of the members you were arguing with are on my royal denial of the right to the kings personal audience.
uuuhh, some post dont show up because most of the members are on my ignore list.
did i mention i have no tolorance for stupid?
I have 4 people on ignore. I cannot tolerate filthy mouths and stupidity
US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
US Message Board
Where your voices count
Search results
Pelosi and House Democrats Screw Up Everything Again
Pelosi just can't do this. Surely her sheep won't follow her on this block. Partisan politics has to stop NOW!! Is there nothing that woman wouldn't do to get Trump...even sink this country into depression.
Jackson Post #167 Sunday at 9:44 PM Forum: Politics
I can’t imagine how Trump supporters are going to spin the next few months
I know what we should do to be sure Americans are safe....let's release all the prisoners in jails and prisons! Pelosi will love that. (And Rightwinger, lol)
Jackson Post #213 Sunday at 9:35 PM Forum: Politics
CDZ Should prisoners be released from jail and prison over the Chinese virus?
Absolutely...Chicago was my next guess. What do you bet Pelosi is going to try to get all of them released so they vote in November.
Jackson Post #40 Sunday at 9:31 PM Forum: Clean Debate Zone
CDZ Should prisoners be released from jail and prison over the Chinese virus?
What makes sense is that if the law has changed about the penalty or legality of what the person is in prison for, let him go. If someone is in jail for marijuana, and the laws in that state have changed and it is now legal let all of those prisoners go free. That's it. Weinstein has to stay. :)
Jackson Post #38 Sunday at 9:27 PM Forum: Clean Debate Zone
CDZ Should prisoners be released from jail and prison over the Chinese virus?
When I saw that prisoners were going to be released, I thought of New York or California. How did I know? What's happening to this world?
Jackson Post #37 Sunday at 9:15 PM Forum: Clean Debate Zone
Pelosi and House Democrats Screw Up Everything Again
It would have been smarter to think of a plan before putting a pricetag on it.
Jackson Post #41 Sunday at 1:18 PM Forum: Politics
What are cities doing with the homeless?
"Honey, We are taking Johnny out of college..."
Jackson Post #24 Sunday at 12:55 PM Forum: Current Events
Pelosi and House Democrats Screw Up Everything Again
From the OP' link: We’ll be introducing our own bill and hopefully it will be compatible with what they discuss on the Senate side,” Pelosi said as she left a short meeting in the Capitol with the leaders of both parties negotiating the stimulus package. If it is compatible with what the...
Jackson Post #36 Sunday at 12:51 PM Forum: Politics
What are cities doing with the homeless?
Have you seen the pictures from other countries washing down the streets? They aren't doing that because people have a habit of licking the streets. The infection drop from people and land on the ground, where the homeless sit and it gets on them. And yes the infection is airborne and can...
Jackson Post #22 Sunday at 12:43 PM Forum: Current Events
What are cities doing with the homeless?
You are thinking about victim zero before the pandemic hit. No, it didn't start with an interaction with someone from China. But there were people on that plane that came from China that were coming from Hoboken. And that guy caught it, interacted with dozens of people over the months and...
Jackson Post #20 Sunday at 12:26 PM Forum: Current Events
What are cities doing with the homeless?
It takes just one homeless person to go to a shelter for a meal and sit next to an Infected person. They bring it back to their buddies on the street, who sit with others....
Jackson Post #17 Sunday at 12:06 PM Forum: Current Events
"He Knew"
Obviously Dana isn't thinking. People are not dying because of Trump, FEWER are dying because of Trump. So if this is all Trump's fault, do you blame all of the other countries' leaders for their country's deaths? C'mon Dana...God gave you a brain. Blow the dust off it and use it.
Jackson Post #18 Sunday at 12:03 PM Forum: Politics
It’s Unfortunate Obamacare Rejected Death Panels
Jackson Post #3 Sunday at 11:56 AM Forum: Politics
What are cities doing with the homeless?
This pandemic is awful. Thank God we live in the US! It's hard enough here.
Jackson Post #11 Sunday at 11:54 AM Forum: Current Events
This Is How Crazy The Democrats Are
What does CNN stand for Communist Network News?
Jackson Post #2 Sunday at 11:52 AM Forum: Media
What are cities doing with the homeless?
Thank God you made it out.
Jackson Post #9 Sunday at 11:49 AM Forum: Current Events
"He Knew"
Read profiles if Corruption if you believe Biden lives with a halo over his head. Just as many of other senators, he has made millions off hid job influence. He even got cushy jobs for his family members. He's no innocent tyke, Trump doesn't make money peddling influence, he's made his...
Jackson Post #15 Sunday at 11:48 AM Forum: Politics
Illinois Governor Lists Gun Stores As ‘Essential,’
I read that some jails are opening the doors and letting prisoners out. Rethinking the gun law now.
Jackson Post #6 Sunday at 11:28 AM Forum: Current Events
"He Knew"
So it's 50-50 who do you believe? We have a virus outbreak...who could have foreseen this? No country foresaw this coming. Now some cities are opening the jails, letting people out...
Jackson Post #7 Sunday at 11:24 AM Forum: Politics
What are cities doing with the homeless?
Started thinking of San Francisco and their homeless problem.. The streets could be called Virus Avenue! Are they putting them up in those fancy hotels? Are they going to disinfect them first? Lord, what a mess! I saw some jails are opening the doors because the virus could wipe out the...
Jackson Thread Sunday at 11:22 AM Replies: 23 Forum: Current Events
So that happened...
Tell her we are all thinking of her and keep us informed .
Jackson Post #14 Saturday at 2:09 PM Forum: The Flame Zone
Looking BAD ABNORMALS! Majority of Americans now say they approve of Trump's handling of coronavirus
Trump ignores scientists? He has them speak every day!!!
Jackson Post #113 Saturday at 1:53 PM Forum: Politics
Trump Botches Softball Question
I'm sure most of you heard the story about the people in an apartment building in Italy. Everyone was on lock down and all had balconies. One man went out on the balcony and started singing the national anthem. Others hears him and most came out and sang the anthem with him. It was cool...
Jackson Post #101 Friday at 11:59 PM Forum: The Rubber Room
Trump Botches Softball Question
Hooray! That makes life a little easier!
Jackson Post #84 Friday at 11:49 PM Forum: The Rubber Room
Trump Botches Softball Question
That's the beauty of Trump. He doesn't do anything that will help him...all of his accomplishments were for the citizens of this country. He owns all of these hotels, and they are basically empty. Will he be getting a bail out? No.
Jackson Post #82 Friday at 11:48 PM Forum: The Rubber Room
Trump Botches Softball Question
I did. His brain is...diddlysquat.
Jackson Post #73 Friday at 11:43 PM Forum: The Rubber Room
Trump Botches Softball Question
Well, you liberals will be happy to hear that Biden is going to make daily briefing on the virus. Except the daily briefings will be a couple of days a week. (God Love him!) He 's going to go over the plans he has for the people of this nation...like, self quarantining, getting masks and...
Jackson Post #58 Friday at 11:37 PM Forum: The Rubber Room
Trump Botches Softball Question
I'm calm. You are the one who is pissed off at Trump....
Jackson Post #45 Friday at 11:28 PM Forum: The Rubber Room
Looking BAD ABNORMALS! Majority of Americans now say they approve of Trump's handling of coronavirus
did you hear there is a bad virus going around the globe? And you think Trump is doing all that for the airlines, hotels and cruise lines? That has to be the stupidest comment on this board. You should get an award!
Jackson Post #66 Friday at 11:26 PM Forum: Politics
Trump Botches Softball Question
Nope. Just shook my head and thought that guy should be banned.
Jackson Post #36 Friday at 11:18 PM Forum: The Rubber Room
1 of 17

Active Topics
Getting more groceries from your groceries
Started by JustAnotherNut A moment ago
Do you see people blowing off social distancing.
Started by Sun Devil 92 17 minutes ago
Real Information About Covid-19
Started by WelfareQueen 20 minutes ago
Ways of preserving your harvest
Started by JustAnotherNut 42 minutes ago
I have a question
Started by MadChemist 51 minutes ago
Let's get America working again. Stop the Democrat insanity. This is insane.
Started by yowsa Today at 9:45 PM
So why is the NFL Draft still scheduled to take place on April 23rd but all the other sports are
Started by fbj Today at 9:32 PM
I am presently Briggs, but someone is using my real account
Started by Briggs Today at 9:13 PM
How much to grow per person......
Started by JustAnotherNut Today at 8:27 PM
FDA Approves Centuries-Old Blood Treatment for Critical Coronavirus Patients
Started by excalibur Today at 8:06 PM

Most reactions - Past 7 days
325 miketx287 Rambunctious286 eagle1462010263 g5000263 Pogo233 JGalt223 Weatherman2020209 Golfing Gator208 Flash185
185 Asclepias182 depotoo176 PoliticalChic174 Oddball173 Nostra170 skye168 rightwinger167 bripat9643163
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Forum software by XenF
Are you ready for this? Those are all mine! There's no explanation except I am batshit crazy!
i love a mystery
freedom of speech is two parts, the speech itself, and the audience. one part is ineffective without the other.
In my kingdom I can deny those I personally deem as unworthy the right to my audience.
so most of the members you were arguing with are on my royal denial of the right to the kings personal audience.
And dear sir, what was your vocation in Arizona?
freedom of speech is two parts, the speech itself, and the audience. one part is ineffective without the other.
In my kingdom I can deny those I personally deem as unworthy the right to my audience.
so most of the members you were arguing with are on my royal denial of the right to the kings personal audience.
And dear sir, what was your vocation in Arizona?
I should remain a little mysterious myself.
I spent most of my life as a civil engineer with a somewhat intermitant private practice. Presently I am a farmer, and locally famous as that crazy old bastard at the end of the rim road.
freedom of speech is two parts, the speech itself, and the audience. one part is ineffective without the other.
In my kingdom I can deny those I personally deem as unworthy the right to my audience.
so most of the members you were arguing with are on my royal denial of the right to the kings personal audience.
And dear sir, what was your vocation in Arizona?
I should remain a little mysterious myself.
I spent most of my life as a civil engineer with a somewhat intermitant private practice. Presently I am a farmer, and locally famous as that crazy old bastard at the end of the rim road.
I don't generally think of farming for Arizona.
Well, I looked back on my Brigggs account and I started using this one on Monday. So that must be when the change took place. Nobody has my account. No mystery. I'm kind .of disappointed
:bigbed:Thank you to everyone who responded to my thread. You have been great! Goodnight!
freedom of speech is two parts, the speech itself, and the audience. one part is ineffective without the other.
In my kingdom I can deny those I personally deem as unworthy the right to my audience.
so most of the members you were arguing with are on my royal denial of the right to the kings personal audience.
And dear sir, what was your vocation in Arizona?
I should remain a little mysterious myself.
I spent most of my life as a civil engineer with a somewhat intermitant private practice. Presently I am a farmer, and locally famous as that crazy old bastard at the end of the rim road.
I don't generally think of farming for Arizona.
yeah its a cover for my nefarious activity.
Actually agriculture is a big part of az economy. ccotton is on our state flag.
I am origionalky from nc, but spent 10 years in northern california. I grow what grows, squash, cucumbers, I do garden starts for sale, tobacco for cigar leaf, lavender, I have avacodos, but not old enough yet to produce, likewise kiwis. all marketable quantities. I grow saffron and medical marijuana, hemp for cbd. I have 26 double leaf pinon trees so far i have found on my property and about every forth year they produce pine nuts. I fight the packrats to harvest them. i also wildcraft ephedria for market. I guide hunts on my property for deer and pronghorn and invite coyote hunters, I do control access. I cut and sell firewood, juniper and pinon.
hmm i am going on too long.
I live on 10 fenced acres, over 50 miles from a power line, and own 990 acres. i have range rights on an adjacent 160 acres. i have a few cows, but lease range rights to the remaining allotment and they run my cattle with theirs and manage it all. I train dogs for search and rescue and personal protection each summer as well.
freedom of speech is two parts, the speech itself, and the audience. one part is ineffective without the other.
In my kingdom I can deny those I personally deem as unworthy the right to my audience.
so most of the members you were arguing with are on my royal denial of the right to the kings personal audience.
And dear sir, what was your vocation in Arizona?
I should remain a little mysterious myself.
I spent most of my life as a civil engineer with a somewhat intermitant private practice. Presently I am a farmer, and locally famous as that crazy old bastard at the end of the rim road.
I don't generally think of farming for Arizona.
yeah its a cover for my nefarious activity.
Actually agriculture is a big part of az economy. ccotton is on our state flag.
I am origionalky from nc, but spent 10 years in northern california. I grow what grows, squash, cucumbers, I do garden starts for sale, tobacco for cigar leaf, lavender, I have avacodos, but not old enough yet to produce, likewise kiwis. all marketable quantities. I grow saffron and medical marijuana, hemp for cbd. I have 26 double leaf pinon trees so far i have found on my property and about every forth year they produce pine nuts. I fight the packrats to harvest them. i also wildcraft ephedria for market. I guide hunts on my property for deer and pronghorn and invite coyote hunters, I do control access. I cut and sell firewood, juniper and pinon.
hmm i am going on too long.
I live on 10 fenced acres, over 50 miles from a power line, and own 990 acres. i have range rights on an adjacent 160 acres. i have a few cows, but lease range rights to the remaining allotment and they run my cattle with theirs and manage it all. I train dogs for search and rescue and personal protection each summer as well.
Well, you are a busy and fascinating fellow! Never heard of pronghorn, ephedria or double leaf pinon trees. The to demonstrate my ignorance. Guess I didn't leave the city to learn about such exotic wildlife and crops.
I wrote to the mods telling them I could not get back in after the website change. I had trouble with my password. So, they finally found "Briggs" that I used when I couldn't remember my password before. Anyway...on Sunday, I was notified that someone was using my account and sure enough, I just found it myself. Can I get my account back?
In normal times, for the past 11 years I see people once a month when I check my mail. I always have my dogs, and they are better company than most people. present company excluded of course.
Did you remember the picture of the shih Tzu? She was beautiful!
I did, that's "the white dog". I have seen this "Jackson" before.
This is Charlie the Maltese after eating spaghetti .

And Honey is a mixed Maltese
I wrote to the mods telling them I could not get back in after the website change. I had trouble with my password. So, they finally found "Briggs" that I used when I couldn't remember my password before. Anyway...on Sunday, I was notified that someone was using my account and sure enough, I just found it myself. Can I get my account back?
In normal times, for the past 11 years I see people once a month when I check my mail. I always have my dogs, and they are better company than most people. present company excluded of course.
Did you remember the picture of the shih Tzu? She was beautiful!
I did, that's "the white dog". I have seen this "Jackson" before.
This is Charlie the Maltese after eating spaghetti .
View attachment 315625
And Honey is a mixed Maltese
View attachment 315626
I wrote to the mods telling them I could not get back in after the website change. I had trouble with my password. So, they finally found "Briggs" that I used when I couldn't remember my password before. Anyway...on Sunday, I was notified that someone was using my account and sure enough, I just found it myself. Can I get my account back?
In normal times, for the past 11 years I see people once a month when I check my mail. I always have my dogs, and they are better company than most people. present company excluded of course.
Did you remember the picture of the shih Tzu? She was beautiful!
I did, that's "the white dog". I have seen this "Jackson" before.
This is Charlie the Maltese after eating spaghetti .
View attachment 315625
And Honey is a mixed Maltese
View attachment 315626
I wrote to the mods telling them I could not get back in after the website change. I had trouble with my password. So, they finally found "Briggs" that I used when I couldn't remember my password before. Anyway...on Sunday, I was notified that someone was using my account and sure enough, I just found it myself. Can I get my account back?
In normal times, for the past 11 years I see people once a month when I check my mail. I always have my dogs, and they are better company than most people. present company excluded of course.
Did you remember the picture of the shih Tzu? She was beautiful!
I did, that's "the white dog". I have seen this "Jackson" before.
This is Charlie the Maltese after eating spaghetti .
View attachment 315625
And Honey is a mixed Maltese
View attachment 315626
How sweet! It looks like he is enjoying it. My dog, Pebbles would eat dog food with gravy and I had to wash her mouth after dinner each night .lol

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