Zone1 "I am so tired of white men failing up” - Rep. Ayanna Pressley (D) on the House Floor

Like it or not, she is the face of the future United States.
unfortunately Parser

but what goes unnoticed is her standing in society

she is one of the chosen few in Congress, along with the rest of what pretends to represent us, and has no clue

this is much like Mr IM2, who would come and preach here daily what he sees as an injustice , taking no responsibility while blaming anyone but himself is a libtard machination

Anecdotally , i've lived among them , image being stopped walking in the 'hood' by cops wondering wft a white boy was doing there , and we can trade notes

IM2 will never see the divide he's fermented , pursued , and sells here daily

The real black community would be holding their heads in their hands reading his BS

I'm sure the millions and millions of poor, dumb, jobless or working shit bottom of the barrel jobs, living in poverty, dopehead, broke ass white people in this country would love to know why they didn't "fail up".

And what's her explanation for why she didn't fail down? I mean she is a congressman sitting in a leather chair on TV with her own name placard. Is that considered failing down?
Actually it is not statistically accurate. Pressley was more accurate than the racist white congressman. You rght wingers believe a bunch of racist crap and it needs to stop. That white conservative was the divider. Nobody has been sheltered by the media but whites. If that wasn't the case, this kind of shit would never be said.

Loo at the white republican presidential candidate. A failure in every way. But he inherited wealth from his daddy.
Actually it is not statistically accurate. Pressley was more accurate than the racist white congressman. You rght wingers believe a bunch of racist crap and it needs to stop. That white conservative was the divider. Nobody has been sheltered by the media but whites. If that wasn't the case, this kind of shit would never be said.

Loo at the white republican presidential candidate. A failure in every way. But he inherited wealth from his daddy.
Ayanna is that you ???
Alter this scenario to a white conservative Congressman saying "I'm so tired of black men failing," which would be a statistically accurate statement. What would be the reaction of the media and PC culture police? Far left extremists like Pressley only seek to divide. These people need to stop being sheltered by the media and start being called to the carpet on their rhetoric, just like the majority would be were it reversed.

she looks like Jamaal Bowman in drag ..
I live in Kansas where pig farmers earn a nice income. So try another example. Because pig farmers are racists too. Trump is the apex entitled elitist in America, the rich white male, and you listen to them telling you how you are entitled to things because yu are white. You listen and bellieve them when they tell you how America is a white country. You listen to them tell you how the only real Amercans are white and you guys believe that too. So you are part of that entitled elite from where I and other people of color are concerned.
he actually said pig farmers are racists too .. lol !

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