Zone1 "I am so tired of white men failing up” - Rep. Ayanna Pressley (D) on the House Floor

This country was built on identity politics. And it continues maintaining a herarchy based on identity.
That isn't addressing the real meat and potatoes of the issue here though.

. . . . and when a financial down turn comes, who will it hit the hardest? Hmmmm? C'mon now, let's work together here.
Alter this scenario to a white conservative Congressman saying "I'm so tired of black men failing," which would be a statistically accurate statement. What would be the reaction of the media and PC culture police? Far left extremists like Pressley only seek to divide. These people need to stop being sheltered by the media and start being called to the carpet on their rhetoric, just like the majority would be were it reversed.

The irony is that SHE failed up. :laugh:
Alter this scenario to a white conservative Congressman saying "I'm so tired of black men failing," which would be a statistically accurate statement. What would be the reaction of the media and PC culture police? Far left extremists like Pressley only seek to divide. These people need to stop being sheltered by the media and start being called to the carpet on their rhetoric, just like the majority would be were it reversed.

What's with the failing "up" part? And why did you not include the word up when you made your comparison to Black men?

This isn't an attack, I'm just curious as to why you made the comparison in the manner you did.
That isn't addressing the real meat and potatoes of the issue here though.
It never does Mr B, because they don't want it to
. . and when a financial down turn comes, who will it hit the hardest? Hmmmm? C'mon now, let's work together here.
MLK was off'd when he went down classist avenue

and for good reason, as it's the root of all racism

anecdotally i live in the land of the affluent / effluent , and i don't smell very nice

i could care less what color, stripe , religion, or sexual pronoun you want me to make notice of

they all pale in comparrison to one's station in this life

which isd why i have issue with phoney's in Congress parroting some racist bullsh*t they've no metric for

screw them and the meal ticket they're looking for

And it continues maintaining a herarchy based on identity.
. .. and you?

Are part of the problem, a hypocrite who marches lock-step with yoar party, playing the race card, over and over, even when it ain't appropriate.

Maxine Waters backs FDIC chair after sexual harassment report​



“. . . The fact that you have yet to resign proves you take no responsibility for your actions,” Rep. Patrick McHenry, the committee chair, told Gruenberg. “And let me be clear, showing up today is not an act of courage, it’s an act of hubris.”

McHenry and other Republicans reiterated their repeated demands that Gruenberg step down, pressing him over how he could preside over the agency for 10 of the last 13 years without knowing about or addressing the wide range of workplace misconduct issues.

Only one Democrat — Rep. Bill Foster (D-Ill.) — has urged Gruenberg to resign. And Gruenberg appeared to survive Wednesday’s hearing without any additional Democrats calling for his ouster.

“You’re on a short leash; a lot of people here would like to see you gone,” Rep. Stephen Lynch (D-Mass.) warned him. “I’m not so sure you’re the guy to make the changes, but maybe you are. Maybe you can prove that to us, I don’t know.”

Rep. Maxine Waters, the top Democrat on the committee, mounted the most forceful defense of Gruenberg. She said the FDIC had allowed workplace misconduct issues to fester for years under both Republican and Democratic leaders.

Waters told reporters after the hearing she wasn’t concerned about additional Democratic defections. “Gruenberg did well for himself,” she said, calling him “believable in terms of accepting responsibility and following through with a plan to deal with the issues. . . ”

So? The thread appears to be about a DNC congresswoman calling a white man at the FED terrible and a racist, yet none of the DNC except one, (Rep. Bill Foster (D-Ill.,) a white man from Ill.,) all want him to keep his job, while the GOP want him fired?

Is that right? :auiqs.jpg:


clown werld thread #1,222,457
It never does Mr B, because they don't want it to

MLK was off'd when he went down classist avenue

and for good reason, as it's the root of all racism

anecdotally i live in the land of the affluent / effluent , and i don't smell very nice

i could care less what color, stripe , religion, or sexual pronoun you want me to make notice of

they all pale in comparrison to one's station in this life

which isd why i have issue with phoney's in Congress parroting some racist bullsh*t they've no metric for

screw them and the meal ticket they're looking for

Yep, that is about the long and short of it. She bitches at him, and then doesn't even want him removed from his job.

No, you are raxcist. You ignore racist comments from the white conseveratives daily.. You are the racist and you are mentally retarded if you think you can call me racist because I point out how whites like yoursef still exist.
Obvious projection.
That bald fuck is married to a homie that spent 10 years in prison.

All we have to do is wait, white people. :laughing0301:
who the 'eff is this rasict POS, and why is congress letting her have any time?

Just another racist statist left marxinazi. Hopefully the statist left marxinazi profe$$ional politician$ will become more of an endangered species after our upcoming elections. How are your lil cutie pies doing? Do you have a fresh batch of kids? If so would you send me some images of them please.

Take care, till next time!
. I found that clip from the GOP congressman far more elucidating about the corruption that was actually going on.
If you're familiar with federally funded construction jobs, they hire minorities first Mr B
So you are part of that entitled elite from where I and other people of color are concerned.
I didn't get a mortgage to build my farm, because i was white IM2, i was literally told if my name sounded more 'ethnic' i'd have had a better chance
and when a financial down turn comes, who will it hit the hardest? Hmmmm? C'mon now, let's work together here.
middle America, sm biz gets hit hardest , elites , big biz , and especially congress skate
How are your lil cutie pies doing? Do you have a fresh batch of kids? If so would you send me some images of them please.
5 new piglets the other day>

middle America, sm biz gets hit hardest , elites , big biz , and especially congress skate
BINGO! :113:

RFKjr's dad used to say, “When White folks catch a cold, Black folks get pneumonia.”

This conversation? Is stuck on stoopid, and that is precisely the way both parties want it.

Since LBJ, the black vote really does determine who wins the presidency. The only way the rest of America can outvote that demo, is if every other demo votes the other way, or if the GOP can appeal to enough black professionals & black small businesses. . . .

I don't think it matters as much anymore. Both parties don't care about the common man or black folks anymore TBH. Look at how that populist debate with Pelosi at Oxford lit the internet on fire. . . .

RFK Jr. sees an opening as more Black voters sour on Biden​

The independent presidential hopeful spent MLK weekend crisscrossing Atlanta as he courted Black voters.


Democrats need to get real about RFK Jr.’s strength with Black voters​

Our government merely facilitated a wider disparity during covid Mr B

The same happened in the '08 crash

All their policies resulted in damaging our capitalist system, with the introduction of socialist remedies

Our economy has never recovered.

and all of it has little to to with left/right race/religion which is no more than a cloak for the entitled elites who were the perps of it all

Oh were definitely on the slippery slope as a nation Mike , of that i've no argument. Yet as we do descend into whatever orwellian facade of what we were , there will be two sorts among us

>Those that realize it, and try to do something about it

>Predators that seek only their own piece of the pie

who the 'eff is this rasict POS, and why is congress letting her have any time?

Like it or not, she is the face of the future United States.

In a few decades, Congress will be full of entities like her.

And some people claim that this nation has a bright future!!!
Like it or not, she is the face of the future United States.

In a few decades, Congress will be full of entities like her.

And some people claim that this nation has a bright future!!!
Nah moderates will be rife in both parties

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