Be careful what you wish for.

The bill was bad because it institutionalized 5,000 migrants a day for perpuity
Fake news
Biden waited 3 years to even pretend that he wanted border security
It's not true....but so what?
I have seen this statement often in the last week. Obviously your cult has officially sent this misinformation out for you cutroaches to chew on and then spit back out.
But you really have no clue WTF you are talking about do you?
Fake news

It's not true....but so what?
I have seen this statement often in the last week. Obviously your cult has officially sent this misinformation out for you cutroaches to chew on and then spit back out.
But you really have no clue WTF you are talking about do you?
It was a political deathbed conversion

We can do better when trump is back in the white house
"Everything you need to know"? You get everything you need to know by logging on to a fake web site called "republicans against Trump"? Lefties hope so anyway.
I'm not seeing that at all, but you partisans will partisan.
Not seeing it.? How about Trump saying really stupid shit like the Democrats should reimburse his campaign for what they spent attacking Biden, ? That right there shows how anxious and unhinged he is. And then they are saying that Biden bowing out shows that Democrats are the real threat to democracy because they have disenfranchises the millions who voted for Biden. Seriously? More desperation and fear on display. Those millions voted for the Biden Harris ticket, knowing full well that Harris might become President in a 2nd Biden term
Not seeing it.? How about Trump saying really stupid shit like the Democrats should reimburse his campaign for what they spent attacking Biden, ? That right there shows how anxious and unhinged he is. And then they are saying that Biden bowing out shows that Democrats are the real threat to democracy because they have disenfranchises the millions who voted for Biden. Seriously? More desperation and fear on display. Those millions voted for the Biden Harris ticket, knowing full well that Harris might become President in a 2nd Biden term
those people were voting against trump, and still have skin in the game.
After the debate, fox and related right-wing sources have been constantly ranting that Biden should drop out of the race. Now that he's done exactly what they demanded, their hair is on fire. I can't find a single right-wing source that isn't whining about Harris taking his place. They seem to think the MAGA cult has been mistreated in some way. Their ranting and raving will certainly keep the trumpsters stirred up, but it doesn't matter. They are always stirred up about one silly thing or another anyway.

Dimwingers forced him out because he was gonna lose, stupid.
Not seeing it.?

How about Trump saying really stupid shit like the Democrats should reimburse his campaign for what they spent attacking Biden, ? That right there shows how anxious and unhinged he is.

Trump has always been unhinged and he says stupid shit all the time.

And then they are saying that Biden bowing out shows that Democrats are the real threat to democracy because they have disenfranchised the millions who voted for Biden. Seriously?

Is that not an accurate statement? We've known for a long time Biden was like this. They tried to hide it from everyone and kept gaslighting anyone who brought it up. He never should have ran again.

More desperation and fear on display.

You're seeing what you want to see.
Biden isn't running.

Trump is too old.

You can see Trump was wearing diapers as far back as 2007 during this fake fight:

You all swore up and down until Biden resigned from running yesterday that Biden was fit and we were all conspiracy theorist for calling out his issues

If you think Biden and Trump being close to the same age means they have the same levels of competence you need your eyes checked

Trump got shot and was golfing the next day then attended the RNC for 4 days and closed it out with a 2 hour speech

When has Biden spoke for 2 hours? When has Kamala?
Mommy issue much?
Why do you hate women?
I do not hate women. If you think that from that post, you're dumber than we know you are. Mommy issue? Damn you're stupid. Disliking Harris is not hating women stupid. YOU assholes want men in women's sports, bathrooms, and locker rooms. Why do YOU hate women? Keep flailing...
You really suck at attempting to channel how one feels .. All you have to do is look at the last month of Democrats forcing your voted candidate out of the presidential run, supported by the media, the lack of funding from donors and Hollywood.

Nice try though ...
Harris received over 81 million in her first 24 hours of campaigning. Sounds like some kind of record to me.

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