Be careful what you wish for.

After the debate, fox and related right-wing sources have been constantly ranting that Biden should drop out of the race.
And that’s because they didn’t think President Biden would withdraw.

The ‘plan’ was to keep Democrats divided, disorganized, and in disarray – now Democrats are energized, organized, and determine to defeat Trump.
And that’s because they didn’t think President Biden would withdraw.

The ‘plan’ was to keep Democrats divided, disorganized, and in disarray – now Democrats are energized, organized, and determine to defeat Trump.
Amazing how you only got organized after the guy that’s been leading your party the past 4 years, quit yesterday
After the debate, fox and related right-wing sources have been constantly ranting that Biden should drop out of the race. Now that he's done exactly what they demanded, their hair is on fire. I can't find a single right-wing source that isn't whining about Harris taking his place. They seem to think the MAGA cult has been mistreated in some way. Their ranting and raving will certainly keep the trumpsters stirred up, but it doesn't matter. They are always stirred up about one silly thing or another anyway.

Harris received over 81 million in her first 24 hours of campaigning. Sounds like some kind of record to me.
That doesn't fix her inability to communicate effectively nor her cackle which only demonstrates her tell that she is not confident with the topic. She is the word salad queen, and all those deplorables that lost their vote and voice, won't be able to understand her. Although, I expect the sheeple and low information voters to just support her.

Good luck!
I put it about 50/50...but this is what you said....This is going to be a bigger blowout than Reagan/Mondale

Are you willing to wager on that?

You think its 50/50

Ok ill make the same wager with you I made with IM2

Loser leaves the board for a month after making a public thread saying how wrong they were and wishing the new president well

Take the deal of stfu cause that's all you're getting

C'mon 50/50 man should be easy for you

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