I can only do what I can do. The same for you.

The Left is fundamentally unfunny. This is not even close to funny. This is putting Leftists' dark internal thoughts in comic form and thinking that is general humor.

It's pathetic

Do you not see a stark difference between the two candidates?
The Left is fundamentally unfunny. This is not even close to funny. This is putting Leftists' dark internal thoughts in comic form and thinking that is general humor.

It's pathetic
That isn't meant to be funny.

It's supposed to make a point.

It does that quite well.

Enjoy your raw sewage.
Yesterday my wife and I had a conversation with an undecided voter. She said she does not like Kamala Harris but cannot bring herself to vote for Donald Trump because he is a convicted felon. Then she followed up with, right? She knows what she reads and what she hears. She is 65. I asked her if she recalls what the Soviets and East Germans did with disidents and citizens that did not toe the line of Marxist central planning. Her face went blank and she reacted as if I was speaking Chinese. She had no idea what I was talking about.

What was this woman taught in school about our government and other governments unlike ours? She was completely unaware that history is repeating itself in our time, but that history is turned inside out and now central planning is considered to be a good idea. Central planning is essentially a cabal of enriched and empowered elites dictating how lesser citizens will live and behave and if they stray they will be punished until they relent through fear of reprisals or being ostracized.

This woman who is about 12 years younger than I am has no concept of what the United States is about or the principles embedded in our constitution. She is seeing that the government brought charges against a man who is defying the state. She cannot fathom that what is taking place today in America is a carbon copy of what the Soviets and East Germans did in the Cold War. The Soviets and the East German Stasi knew that free speech was dangerous to the state and its power over the people. So they outlawed it calling it "desinformatsiya" This is where the media-bandied word "disinformation" was hatched.

I can't turn back the clock and get this woman a better sense of what is happening in the world. She is a frightening, manufactured outcome of government gone bad. There is no way I can guide this woman with a persuasive argument using facts and history. This undecided voter has been fed nothing but "government truth" over actual facts as the federal figurehead, Joe Biden uttered in a bizarre Freudian slip that could someday be a massive footnote in the written accounts of the fall of the United States.

I don't know where this woman was when Hillary Clinton and her minions were physically destroying evidence of serious wrongdoing. Clinton was an agent of the government so there were no charges brought and the US security state actually addressed the people saying that no reasonable person would charge her.

That brings us to Donald Trump and his defiance of the corrupted Deep State. This woman watched the election of 2016 where the people went to bed with Trump comfortably leading. Then "special" votes in boxes and suitcases were unpacked in the dead of night. When the Sun came up the state won the day as it did so many times in Soviet and East German society. Of course, that connection was weak in this woman's mind as it was in many minds.

Now we are faced with a crossroads where anyone who resists the government is a speader of "disinformation" or "desinformatsiya" as Joseph Stalin coined it. How many people know who Joseph Stalin was? Not many I would venture to say. The state has said that no reasonable person would prosecute state actors, Hillary Clinton Joe Biden and even Barack Obama, for his Cracker-Jack box birth certificate but by extension it says that anyone who supports Donald Trump is "unreasonable". The "state" operates the same no matter what lattitude or continent is occupies.

I try to explain to this woman that I do not want to cut off the testacles of the boys and the breasts of the girls to make a better world. I do not think it's a good idea to to use our borders as trunstiles to let in motor voters that will bend to the will of backstabbing globalization and replace me as a homegrown American. I can shout this from rooftops and if I get an echo back then so be it. When I look at Trump I see something less than perfect, when I look at Harris I see pure evil.

I can only do what I can do. It is better than doing nothing. I know that woman will probably vote for Harris. I did my part. You need to do yours.

The 2024 Democrats are the "Kinder Gentler" version of The Stalin Regime.
People who say they're undecided draw the partisan preachers. Most undecideds have learned to STFU as they quietly study or ignore the issues and candidates.
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