I Dare You To Honestly Claim You're Not Bigoted/Prejudiced...


aka Sheik Yerbouti...
Dec 30, 2008
against any of the various racial/ethnic/sexual identity/political/etc. groups...
I'm not a bigot, I'm just a member of a group of better people.

An American whose Black Irish ancestors had the good sense to come here.

Not that there's anything wrong with the rest of you, you just don't stack up.

no offense

Everyone, whether young or old, intelligent or something less, discriminates. It's the power of observation. I remember when my daughter was about a year old. I had to take her to Loyola Hospital for some treatments. She was sitting on my lap and a very black lady with a daughter about the same age as mine, sat down next to us. Her and I started chatting a bit about our girls. Our girls were staring at each other. My daughter caressed the little girl's arm, then looked at her fingers. She did it again, then looked, then put her fingers in her mouth. She laughed. The other girl did the same back, both of us mothers were flustered. Then we started laughing.

Now there are some folks that never go beyond what they see, that's IT. Those folks are beyond discriminating, into the position of phobic by idiocy.

Do I avoid large groups of young, black males? Yep, though same with large groups of young, white males or Hispanic, young males. Why? Large groups of young males are prone towards aggression to those they consider prey. Individually might be nice, but always better to err on the side of wise use of discrimination.

While I certainly have my concerns about Muslims, I deal with the individuals as individuals. I've been subbing for a class for the past 3 weeks, another week to go. The class was writing 'controversial topic essays.' A Muslim girl had picked the topic, 'Christians Falsely Think Muslim Women Are Persecuted In Islam.' This is an ELL class and this particular girl dresses much less than modestly, so I was a tad confused at first. I had no knowledge of where she was going with this, for mostly her argument was that Islam allows for choice. Yet she had a couple sentences where she railed against Iran and the Taliban.

It really came down to her argument was that while she believes that the Koran allows for choice, some Islamic countries don't. The West tends to focus on what she believes to be corruptions of the Koran by misogynists. We reworked her thesis and she did fine. I don't have to agree with all someone else believes and wouldn't argue religion with a teen, ever. I just had to listen, question, restate what I thought I was hearing, and advise. I respected her.

I'd say that pretty much sums up my thoughts on this topic.
Since I have no clues as to who my ancestors might have been intimate with, I try real hard to keep bias away. Tall people do get on my nerves though.:lol:
against any of the various racial/ethnic/sexual identity/political/etc. groups...

I'm not. I look at people as individuals.

When you can deal with them as an individual, sure.

But you can't always deal on an individual level, is the thing. You don't move to an all-black neighborhood because... it's all black, and chances are, it'll be a bad experience for you. You don't interview each resident one-by-one to make that call.

Whites think everyone else regards them as a series of individuals, rather than as members of a group. Not so much. At some level, you're white.
I can honestly say I'm neither one of those,being from Mars,I've only seen crazy humans
I Dare You To Honestly Claim You're Not Bigoted/Prejudiced...
against any of the various racial/ethnic/sexual identity/political/etc. groups...

That’s not the issue, the issue is how one responds to his bigotry and prejudice.
I Dare You To Honestly Claim You're Not Bigoted/Prejudiced...

against any of the various racial/ethnic/sexual identity/political/etc. groups...

I'm biased against Young Earthers and various other fundamentalists.

And people who have ever gone starry-eyed over Obama.
against any of the various racial/ethnic/sexual identity/political/etc. groups...

I'm not. I look at people as individuals.

When you can deal with them as an individual, sure.

But you can't always deal on an individual level, is the thing. You don't move to an all-black neighborhood because... it's all black, and chances are, it'll be a bad experience for you. You don't interview each resident one-by-one to make that call.

Whites think everyone else regards them as a series of individuals, rather than as members of a group. Not so much. At some level, you're white.

I live in a pretty mixed neighborhood, I take long walks with my dogs here on a daily basis and run into almost every demographic of people. Do I "size people up" when I am approaching them? Hell yeah! I size them up on attitude and mannerisms. Our neighborhood has homeless people passing through, drunk people passing through, yuppies, military families and individuals exercising and walking, etc, etc.

We all just kind of have a "live & let live, but don't fuck with me " attitude, that's why I think the the actions of Zimmerman were pretty stupid and fucked up. We have PLENTY of "Trayvons" of many races walking down the street, if I were to follow all of them, I would be very exhausted and probably deservedly assaulted.
Do I avoid large groups of young, black males? Yep, though same with large groups of young, white males or Hispanic, young males.

Al Sharpton wants to you to know you're a racist, guilty of profiling and bigotry. It doesn't matter that you'd avoid a group of young, white Mormons just the same as a gang of Afro thugs.

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