I Didn't Know Fire Exits Needed

Laws aren't followed without supervision, are they? For instance, if the speed limit is 55, will most people actually drive 55 without a cop present? Will you? I won't.

The point is that laws themselves can do nothing to alter people's behavior, here or in some other place. It takes enforcement and THAT requires some level of government having the power and the resources to compel compliance.

And, to the right, that equates to "government interference" in the market place. Right? Why or why not?

A law is government regulation idiot.

Yes, but what good is that law without enforcement?

Thanks for conceeding the regulation argument. Now you want to switch topics?
See? This would be America's future, just as it was our past, if the Republican's ever get their way and eliminate "burdensome" regulations and "government interference" in the market place.

Fire exits aren't burdensome.

This is America's future if Democrats ever get their way and dumb down our children in their failing public schools.

"Burdensome" is a rather subjective term, wouldn't you say? Burdensome to one would be a critical necessity to another. Who gets to decide? You? Me?

"Burdensome" is a rather subjective term, wouldn't you say?

You used it. I don't think fire exits are burdensome. Do you?

Who does? Do you have a list?
How about a list of Republicans who wish to eliminate them?
You used it. I don't think fire exits are burdensome. Do you?

No, I don't.

Who does? Do you have a list?
How about a list of Republicans who wish to eliminate them?

I was speaking in general terms, not specifically related to fire exits. That might not have been clear, but it should be accepted that the GOP talks frequently about "burdensome" regulations on business. They may not mean fire exits specifically, but the idea is such that even those might be considered as "burdensome" since "burdensome" is very much in the eye of the beholder.

The point is that we DO need regulations, AND enforcement, even in those instances where it might cut into business profitability, something the GOP seems to think is an example of too much government.
I was speaking in general terms, not specifically related to fire exits. That might not have been clear, but it should be accepted that the GOP talks frequently about "burdensome" regulations on business. They may not mean fire exits specifically, but the idea is such that even those might be considered as "burdensome" since "burdensome" is very much in the eye of the beholder.

The point is that we DO need regulations, AND enforcement, even in those instances where it might cut into business profitability, something the GOP seems to think is an example of too much government.

Well I have one example of over regulation and cutting into profit. I pay a nursery fee every year to the state government. It costs $100.

Thing is, all I use the nursery license for is to transport plants from someone else's nursery to a project site. Something you can do for free. So over regualtion does exist.

In one of the largest financial problems we have faced, housing loans WERE regulated. How did that protect us?
No, I don't.

I was speaking in general terms, not specifically related to fire exits. That might not have been clear, but it should be accepted that the GOP talks frequently about "burdensome" regulations on business. They may not mean fire exits specifically, but the idea is such that even those might be considered as "burdensome" since "burdensome" is very much in the eye of the beholder.

The point is that we DO need regulations, AND enforcement, even in those instances where it might cut into business profitability, something the GOP seems to think is an example of too much government.

The point is that we DO need regulations, AND enforcement

Yes. And the tens of thousands of additional pages of regulations that are added every year can be seen by reasonable people as burdensome without making the ridiculous claim that the GOP wants to eliminate fire safety regulations.

Even liberal hero George McGovern realized the reality of burdensome regulations when he became a business owner.
I was speaking in general terms, not specifically related to fire exits. That might not have been clear, but it should be accepted that the GOP talks frequently about "burdensome" regulations on business. They may not mean fire exits specifically, but the idea is such that even those might be considered as "burdensome" since "burdensome" is very much in the eye of the beholder.

The point is that we DO need regulations, AND enforcement, even in those instances where it might cut into business profitability, something the GOP seems to think is an example of too much government.

Well I have one example of over regulation and cutting into profit. I pay a nursery fee every year to the state government. It costs $100.

Thing is, all I use the nursery license for is to transport plants from someone else's nursery to a project site. Something you can do for free. So over regualtion does exist.

In one of the largest financial problems we have faced, housing loans WERE regulated. How did that protect us?

I love it when liberals whine about banking deregulation.
Banks are one of the most regulated things around.
The crisis was not caused by too few regulations on banks.
Where are all these regulations Bush supoposedly slashed?
How many pages of new regulations did he add to the Federal Register during his terms?
See? This would be America's future, just as it was our past, if the Republican's ever get their way and eliminate "burdensome" regulations and "government interference" in the market place.
That's not true. I lived in the most conservative strongly Republican city in the United States of America for 35 years, and I owned a business there. Every year, my business was visited by the Fire Department to check that there were (1) no fire hazards and (2) the fire hydrants in 3 places required by law were both accessible and worked properly.

Stop blaming Republicans for everything.
See? This would be America's future, just as it was our past, if the Republican's ever get their way and eliminate "burdensome" regulations and "government interference" in the market place.
That's not true. I lived in the most conservative strongly Republican city in the United States of America for 35 years, and I owned a business there. Every year, my business was visited by the Fire Department to check that there were (1) no fire hazards and (2) the fire hydrants in 3 places required by law were both accessible and worked properly.

Stop blaming Republicans for everything.

Well, then, just what ARE they talking about when they go on about government regulations killing jobs? If not fire escapes, what? If those are not "burdensome," what is? And, who gets to decide?
Well, then, just what ARE they talking about when they go on about government regulations killing jobs? If not fire escapes, what? If those are not "burdensome," what is? And, who gets to decide?

This might be a good time to mention the fire escapes in question aren't in the US...
The heck you say!

The end of the century saw the introduction of the first control of means of escape in case of fire from factories under the Factory and Workshop Act 1891 which concerned premises in which more than 40 persons were employed; workshops in which more than 40 persons were employed being added by the Factory and Workshop Act 1895.

The Act also made rules concerning new public buildings which included regulations (based on the earlier 1879 theater regulations) on the width of staircases and exits, and required that every new building exceeding sixty feet in height be provided on the storeys over 60 feet above the street level "with such means of escape in the case of fire for the persons dwelling or employed therein as can be reasonably required under the circumstances of the case" and that no such storeys be occupied until the Council had issued a certificate that the provisions of this section had been complied with. It also provided a schedule of "fire-resisting materials".

History of Fire Safety

the Factory and Workshop Act 1895.

thanx for the correction.......that was started by Republicans too....

Are you SUUUURE about that?

absolutely....the "Republicans Guide to History".......page 340.....the section on getting out of a Burning Building.....Quickly....fire Escapes were first Utilized at the Republican Convention of 1894......
The hackery in this thread is as thick as it gets.

The inherent issues in this thread spoke to employment practices and procedures regarding safety.

Regardless which political party claims to have instituted safety practices in the US, it is an example that should be followed by those who sell their goods in the US. If they don't the jobs should come back to the US. The jobs should come back to the US in any event.
Nope, it sort of like fog around here Connery. We still have pretty good visibility in this thread.
Nope, it sort of like fog around here Connery. We still have pretty good visibility in this thread.

When I buy a shirt from Disney I have to accept that the price is high. the quality is questionable and the sizing is all screwed up.

I do not mind paying more money for clothing. Make manufacture the goods domestically.
Nope, it sort of like fog around here Connery. We still have pretty good visibility in this thread.

When I buy a shirt from Disney I have to accept that the price is high. the quality is questionable and the sizing is all screwed up.

I do not mind paying more money for clothing. Make manufacture the goods domestically.

Too bad we can't get more people to think that way. Walmart started out buy American, that didn't last.
the Factory and Workshop Act 1895.

thanx for the correction.......that was started by Republicans too....

Are you SUUUURE about that?

absolutely....the "Republicans Guide to History".......page 340.....the section on getting out of a Burning Building.....Quickly....fire Escapes were first Utilized at the Republican Convention of 1894......

I hope you're being sarcastic because the Factory and Workshop Act of 1895 was passed by the British Parliament. I don't think there's too many Republicans there.
Are you SUUUURE about that?

absolutely....the "Republicans Guide to History".......page 340.....the section on getting out of a Burning Building.....Quickly....fire Escapes were first Utilized at the Republican Convention of 1894......

I hope you're being sarcastic because the Factory and Workshop Act of 1895 was passed by the British Parliament. I don't think there's too many Republicans there.

but Rush said......you mean he lied?....:eusa_eh:
"The owner of a Bangladesh clothing factory where a fire killed 112 people says he was never informed the facility was required to have an emergency exit, a sign of how far removed the leaders of the nation's garment industry are from issues of worker safety.

"It was my fault. But nobody told me that there was no emergency exit, which could be made accessible from outside," factory owner Delwar Hossain was quoted Thursday as telling The Daily Star newspaper. "Nobody even advised me to install one like that, apart from the existing ones." "I could have done it. But nobody ever suggested that I do it."

Factory Owner: I Didn't Know Fire Exits Needed - ABC News

Common sense is not one of this business owner's strong points. Moreover, I do not believe a word of his story.

This is reminiscent of the The Triangle Shirtwaist Fire (1911) NYC where the fire exits while built were blocked or locked. The fire caused the deaths of 146 garment workers and at trial, the average recovery was $75 per life lost.

Someone somewhere is paying a high price for our cheap clothing and such.

btw posting something like this that is embaressing to business it the mark of a libturd ;)
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"The owner of a Bangladesh clothing factory where a fire killed 112 people says he was never informed the facility was required to have an emergency exit, a sign of how far removed the leaders of the nation's garment industry are from issues of worker safety.

"It was my fault. But nobody told me that there was no emergency exit, which could be made accessible from outside," factory owner Delwar Hossain was quoted Thursday as telling The Daily Star newspaper. "Nobody even advised me to install one like that, apart from the existing ones." "I could have done it. But nobody ever suggested that I do it."

Factory Owner: I Didn't Know Fire Exits Needed - ABC News

Common sense is not one of this business owner's strong points. Moreover, I do not believe a word of his story.

This is reminiscent of the The Triangle Shirtwaist Fire (1911) NYC where the fire exits while built were blocked or locked. The fire caused the deaths of 146 garment workers and at trial, the average recovery was $75 per life lost.

Someone somewhere is paying a high price for our cheap clothing and such.

btw posting something like this that is embaressing to business it the mark of a libturd ;)

Haaaa, no that makes me a guy who almost died in a fire saving some kids because some parent was a stupid fuck who left her apartment and her small children alone with the stove on in a high rise....so when I see this type of thing I get a little burnt up..:mad:

btw....I am a die hard Wall Street guy...as far as I am concerned "the chief business of the American people is business.." So my thread speaks squarely to my perspective. Moreover, make it safe, make it right and make it in the US.

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