I Got Your Unity Right Here

I'm sure those who died on the beaches of Normandy, died in the French countryside, parachuted into Holland, fought their way through Italy, froze in Belgium and pushed their way through a fanatical German reich would really like your opinion.

View attachment 758209
Murica bailed them out in two world wars, and the deadbeats can't even pony up the paltry 3% to NATO.

I repeat: fuck 'em.


  • 1.png

    Not One More Penny for War in Ukraine​

  • 2.png

    Negotiate Peace​

  • 3.png

    Stop the War Inflation​

  • 4.png

    Disband NATO​

  • 5.png

    Global Nuclear De-Escalation​

  • 6.png

    Slash the Pentagon Budget​

  • 7.png

    Abolish the CIA and Military-Industrial Deep State​

  • 8.png

    Abolish War and Empire​

  • 9.png

    Restore Civil Liberties​

  • 10.png

    Free Julian Assange​

Those are good demands.
I believe that properly understood, there is a difference between a “demand” and a “request.” There is a difference between what one seeks and what one is in a position to demand.

“Demand” seems to connote some obligation on the other side.

Some of the “demands” made by the “Rage against the war machine” group make sense. Others don’t — or at least they don’t completely.
Do you trust other countries to do the job? I don't.

Besides, we get to put our troops all over the globe because of it, and if shit goes down, we're already in a spot to start nipping it in the bud.
Lol. You stupidly trust the USG. LMFAO.

Apparently you can’t learn from history.
I believe that properly understood, there is a difference between a “demand” and a “request.” There is a difference between what one seeks and what one is in a position to demand.

“Demand” seems to connote some obligation on the other side.

Some of the “demands” made by the “Rage against the war machine” group make sense. Others don’t — or at least they don’t completely.
It's our gubmint....They work for us, not the other way around...."Demands" is a very proper use of the language, IMO.


  • 1.png

    Not One More Penny for War in Ukraine​

  • 2.png

    Negotiate Peace​

  • 3.png

    Stop the War Inflation​

  • 4.png

    Disband NATO​

  • 5.png

    Global Nuclear De-Escalation​

  • 6.png

    Slash the Pentagon Budget​

  • 7.png

    Abolish the CIA and Military-Industrial Deep State​

  • 8.png

    Abolish War and Empire​

  • 9.png

    Restore Civil Liberties​

  • 10.png

    Free Julian Assange​

I’m for all ten.
I can actually get behind quite a few of those demands ... I think America has donated more than enough blood and treasure to Europe and we don't own them one drop more of either.

Withdraw from NATO, withdraw from all overseas budgets. No more military aid to anyone.

Limit the role of the CIA to surveillance of overseas threats only. No direct action without Congressional approval.

Eurotrash is like a one-legged Arapahoe with one crutch.
Unfortunately, U.S. taxpayers are the crutch!!
It's our gubmint....They work for us, not the other way around...."Demands" is a very proper use of the language, IMO.
I dunno. If some shitbag like Rev. Al “demands” a certain program (like the so-called “reparations” nonsense), the fact is that it ain’t a real demand. It’s a recommendation or even a claim of entitlement. But that doesn’t make it anything which the government needs to honor.
I dunno. If some shitbag like Rev. Al “demands” a certain program (like the so-called “reparations” nonsense), the fact is that it ain’t a real demand. It’s a recommendation or even a claim of entitlement. But that doesn’t make it anything which the government needs to honor.
I'd say that if the "demands" are that these bureaucratic warmongering usurpers get the hell back in their box, that would be a legit demand.
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I's say that if the "demands" are that these bureaucratic warmongering usurpers get the hell back in their box, that would be a legit demand.
That is certainly closer to a valid demand.
Remember these loonytoons?....I guess needlessly escalating wars that have nothing to do with Murica are all good, when (D) are doing it.....

Russia‘s gonna overrun NATO
The Ukes are winning.

Which is it?
Good point. They want to say it both ways. I have never thought Ukraine would win. I don't care. I don't think Russia will overrun NATO, either: it's 140 million Russkies versus three times that many Europeans, some of those countries with nukes. Let the Europeans take care of their own silly selves: no more World Wars won by us for them!!
It's our gubmint....They work for us, not the other way around...."Demands" is a very proper use of the language, IMO.
You wish they work for us. Wait till they start drafting you and yours for their stupid war in Ukraine and see if you think the gubmint works for us. They want us all working for them, being slaves to their wars. That's what conscription is.
You wish they work for us. Wait till they start drafting you and yours for their stupid war in Ukraine and see if you think the gubmint works for us. They want us all working for them, being slaves to their wars. That's what conscription is.
Well, I was pointing out the way it should be, not the way that it is now.
Outside of the economic libertarian element, this is what the 1960s-70s "liberals" were all about....More evidence that today's "progressives" have turned into everything that they proclaimed to hate a mere 50 years ago....

Excellent post.

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