I Have a single, one mouse Problem, and Need Help!


Warrior Princess
Mar 24, 2007

Let me begin by saying, I have a kitty cat, who my husband and I love dearly! She was a stray, that found us and picked us, to be her caretaker, or chose us, to be her slaves.... :)

the lord only knows where she came from...? We have several thousands of acres of forest that surrounds us and neighborhood with maybe 10 to 15 homes in the whole area, two others on our dirt road and immediate area.....

Someone likely dropped her off and dumped her, the only other option is there is a Lobsterman, that has a whole compound of buildings and barns on his property that sits back in, and off the road, about a quarter of a mile away that we have seen a whole bunch of different cats lounging in the sun near the road... maybe she came from there?

Well, my kitty LOVES field mice (and shrimp)(and rabbit).... the shrimp in Maine are tiny, popcorn sized shrimp, not like Florida where I used to Shrimp off a bridge near the condo I lived in, and could catch almost colossal sized shrimp right off the bridge at night! Yummy! But if she is from the Lobsterman's house down the road, then him giving the dregs of his fishing to all of his barn cats, would make some sense to her loving them....

Any way, we broke her from catching the field mice and eating the mice a few years back, thank God! But then she changed to just catching the field mice and then bringing them home, (through a window that she jumps to so to get back in if 'mommy kitty', moi, is not paying attention and checking the door for her majesty, that I usually leave opened, when she is outside in the summer....)

Well, all other mice brought in, the hubby and kitty work together to corner it, catch it, and then hubby releases it in to the wood pile away from the house.... a typical routine....


She brought a mouse in, when I was not looking, the end of summer.... had to be summer, because I clearly had the window opened.... for her to bring it in, maybe I was taking a nap, or in the shower? I don't know?

Anyway, we could not figure out why she kept sitting in front of the pantry closet, for hours at a time, for weeks... the pantry closet with shelves we put in, is in Matt's mancave right off the kitchen, so I wrote it off to her just wanting to be near 'daddy kitty' when he was home from work??? stupid stupid me!

So Matt finally decided, something was wrong, can't remember what triggered him? But decided to take everything out of the pantry, and low and behold, on the ground, under the shelving, a mouse had a nice comfy bed made out of its of torn cardboard. What a CHORE and Nightmare, we had to go through everything, look for holes or openings to anything packaged and threw out half the pantry goods, just to be safe... the mouse likes pasta! and bit in to a beef broth carton for his liquid....

So Matt cleared out completely the nest and disinfected the pantry floor and all the scuzzy things that husbands are good for.... :D

The mouse was never found.

HOWEVER, the bathroom off the mancave is where I have heard him... turns out, he fled to the cement enclosed crawl space below the house... he got in to the wall and flooring and crawl space by going through a tiny hole that the water pipes for our radiant heat, that come up from the crawl space, the heating unit is down there, plus the heating oil tank and water pump.... it's probably 3 and a half feet high down there.... we use it as storage....

I don't know what the mouse is eating now? we put everything in big plastic storage.

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On two occasions I have caught mice with chopsticks. Take that, Miyagi!
You could try these .
Traps baited with peanut butter work really well, but use the old fashioned type with a strong spring.
I have a hard time, with killing the mouse.... a few years back, we were moving a quarter cordof wood stacked on the deck, off the deck.... and in the pile we found 4 baby mice with mama.....

it was freezing outside, near zero, so we stopped.... we went inside and watched out the window, this mama mouse come and carry one of these day or two old mice, down off the deck, then she came back and carried the 2nd one away and down under the deck, then came back for the third one, then fourth one.....

from that point on, I could never kill a mouse again! She was such a good mama, so worried about her litter that we exposed, so careful to come back for each one of them.... it was so beautiful to see how loving and caring she was.... I just could never kill another mouse....

is there any trick to getting the no kill traps to work? so far they are batting zero....?
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Traps baited with peanut butter work really well, but use the old fashioned type with a strong spring.
Get a six pack (or two) and line the baseboards till you hear that loud snap in the night. Got one!
You could try these .
yes, the hubby got frustrated and bought those, but then he said that they were so sticky, mice could pull their feet off, trying to get off of them....

so that NIXED THAT....
They have humane mouse traps on amazon or probably in the stores.

My cat brought in a toad and put it in my closet, I went to put my jeans on and let out a scream. I needed to check her coming in, same as you, as she just played with a mice when in the house.
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Traps baited with peanut butter work really well, but use the old fashioned type with a strong spring.
I have a hard time, with killing the mouse.... a few years back, we were moving a quarter cordof wood stacked on the deck, off the deck.... and in the pile we found 4 baby mice with mama.....

it was freezing outside, near zero, so we stopped.... we went inside and watched out the window, this mama mouse come and carry oneof these day or two old mice, down off the deck, then she came back and carried the 2nd one away and down under the deck, then came back for the third one, then fourth one.....

from that point on, I could never kill a mouse again! She was such a good mama, so worried about her litter that we exposed, so careful to come back for each one of them.... it was so beautiful to see how loving and caring she was.... I just could never kill another mouse....

is there any trick to getting the no kill traps to work? so far they are batting zero....?
Like farmer said. Snap traps.
A sticky trap won't kill him, but the glue is so strong till you'll probably pull his legs off to get him away from the trap. Have you considered one of those ultrasonic pest repellers? It might give headaches to your cat or any young girls that might be around, though. It's a mouse. Just kill him.
A sticky trap won't kill him, but the glue is so strong till you'll probably pull his legs off to get him away from the trap. Have you considered one of those ultrasonic pest repellers? It might give headaches to your cat or any young girls that might be around, though. It's a mouse. Just kill him.
i just can't kill him or her, not after my experience of watching the mama mouse care for her young, a few years back.... can not do it.... :(

IS THERE A WAY or trick, to getting the humane, no kill traps to work?
I use these to keep the mice out of my cordwood and car engine. They work and their harmless.
A sticky trap won't kill him, but the glue is so strong till you'll probably pull his legs off to get him away from the trap. Have you considered one of those ultrasonic pest repellers? It might give headaches to your cat or any young girls that might be around, though. It's a mouse. Just kill him.
i just can't kill him or her, not after my experience of watching the mama mouse care for her young, a few years back.... can not do it.... :(

IS THERE A WAY or trick, to getting the humane, no kill traps to work?

no kill mouse trap - Google Shopping
I used to be all about not hurting the poor little mice in my house. Before long there were mouse turds on the kitchen counter every morning. Mouse traps didn't catch them all so I used poison. That didn't do the trick so I started feeding the feral cats. They hang around and kill the mice outside before they come inside (or come back inside).
Mice are vermin and carry a variety of diseases for you, hubby and your kitty. Kill the mice and stay safe, before 1 mouse turns into 20. This isn't Tom and Jerry.

Just to name a few of the many illnesses they carry:
Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome
Hemorrhagic Fever with Renal Syndrome
Lassa Fever
Lymphocytic Chorio-meningitis (LCM)
Omsk Hemorrhagic Fever
Rat-Bite Fever

Time to think with your head and not your heart....
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Yeah they love peanut butt... I mean who doesn’t!?

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