I knew it, I knew it! ! !

UsaPride said:
Trying to think a 'man bitch' story and my minds gone blank :( Hate when that happens, lol!
SEEEEEEEEEE there aren't any unless it's a queer
dilloduck said:
SEEEEEEEEEE there aren't any unless it's a queer

Not so. Men don't have the energy to be bastards when they're sick..They can only summon the energy to be whiney little bitches. :D
Tho, you should see the energy they can call forth to complain if you ask them to do something while they're sick. :) My goodness.
Shattered said:
Not so. Men don't have the energy to be bastards when they're sick..They can only summon the energy to be whiney little bitches. :D

Minor nuisance compared to a woman in a full blown hissy bitch fit----you better run. They throw shit and everything :death:
dilloduck said:
SEEEEEEEEEE there aren't any unless it's a queer
You know, sitting here racking my brain, I think the reason it's so hard to think of a time that he was a bitch is because 1) I waited on him hand and foot when he was sick, he never had to ask for anything and 2) I can't hold grudges and usually forget what pisses me off, lol!
dilloduck said:
Minor nuisance compared to a woman in a full blown hissy bitch fit----you better run. They throw shit and everything :death:

The ones that throw things...have some serious issues.
Oh, he gets waited on hand & foot when sick...I'll get up at 4am just to go to the store to get juice, medicine, kleenex, soup, and a book *before* I go to work.. And it didn't make me mad - I couldn't do anything but stand there and laugh my ass off.. I just never forgot it, and probably never will..
Hee hee.

I figured this would get some response.

Shattered said:
Oh, he gets waited on hand & foot when sick...I'll get up at 4am just to go to the store to get juice, medicine, kleenex, soup, and a book *before* I go to work.. And it didn't make me mad - I couldn't do anything but stand there and laugh my ass off.. I just never forgot it, and probably never will..
This is exactly why having a husband AND children is redundant.
dilloduck said:
Sorry ladies but BITCH is exclusivley a female thing----us guys do bastard Q

That's not entirely, true I am married to a male bitch! That man will find something to bitch about. I kid you not, even if he has to bring up something from 10 years ago to bitch, he will. This is usually a daily thing with him. However he gets really bad when it's about that time of the month, and yes he has PMS!!!!
khafley said:
That's not entirely, true I am married to a male bitch! That man will find something to bitch about. I kid you not, even if he has to bring up something from 10 years ago to bitch, he will. This is usually a daily thing with him. However he gets really bad when it's about that time of the month, and yes he has PMS!!!!

Painful as it may be, I have to admit that some men are just as bitchy as some women.

But then again the women folk always say we should be exploring our feminine side. :D
Merlin1047 said:
Painful as it may be, I have to admit that some men are just as bitchy as some women.

But then again the women folk alway say we should be exploring our feminine side. :D

if i had a femine side to explore i would never leave the house
Joz said:
This is exactly why having a husband AND children is redundant.

Your comment reminded me of last summer when we had some Ukrainian journalists visiting our city for a couple of weeks. One of the things we learned about the Ukrainian women is that they count their husbands among the number of their children. You ask them how many children they have, and the number they give includes their husbands. So I guess for them, having a husband and children is redundant too.
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