I LOVE it When Certain Fabian Socialists Have Meltdowns Over Trump!

Dale Smith

Platinum Member
Sep 10, 2015
Dallas, Texas
Seems like just a year ago that the leftard clown posse of sniveling fools were gloating over what they were sure would be a Hildebeast win! I think it would be rather entertaining as November 8th approaches to find our favorite leftard post where they proclaim the Hildebeast victory is a done deal........I will start a thread in the next day or so. I have found some beauties to post!
name one first world country that doesn't have a public sector, doesn't pay taxes and doesn't educate their children.

You're the odd ball.

Matthew, citizens pay taxes out the ass to this corporate entity that you worship and believe is a legitimate governmental body to the tune of 4 months out of the year. The income tax is and has always been unconstitutional. I barter MY labor and my skills in one hour increments in exchange for some paper scrip in order to eek out an existence......please, pray tell....do you believe "da gubermint" is entitled to 25 percent of every Federal Reserve note I receive? They weren't working by my side doing 1/4th of the job....now were they? Consumption taxes? Fair........outright theft of my labor? No fucking way which is why people came to this country to avoid paying "Peter's Pence" to begin with....look it up.

As far as education goes? This liberal public school system has been turning out blithering idiots with no ability to think for decades. They are indoctrinated into what to think instead of how to think. You have young people that can't even count out change if someone uses something other than a debit card. I suspect that you are one of those victims because your poorly written fool-fueled rants are those of an idiot that is confused about his gender. I am torn between feeling sorry for you and feelings of hilarity when you swing your cyber-purse in utter frustration. Any questions????

name one first world country that doesn't have a public sector, doesn't pay taxes and doesn't educate their children.

You're the odd ball.

Be sure and check some of Matthew's posts. :banana:

Believe me, when I need a good chuckle? I check out the musings of Matthew, the cross-dressing, gender confused fabian socialist...........never fails to give me some good chucks.....
This guy for one: Statistikhengst. Oh yeah, he had his own site and everything! :badgrin:

The "Rachel Maddow" (faggot) of message boards.
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check my postings, I made bets with people that she was going to win.

and I started taking those bets 3 years ago.

who knew trump was more powerful than the entire leftist media train? :dunno:
check my postings, I made bets with people that she was going to win.

and I started taking those bets 3 years ago.

who knew trump was more powerful than the entire leftist media train? :dunno:
It was not that Trump was more powerful. It was that a majority of the American people KNEW Hillary was a criminal and part of the corrupt establishment.

It was a poor choice, but an easy one. Criminal versus kooky businessman.
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