I Might Have to Go to Jail Soon

You're not the brightest bulb are you, do you still possess a penis, or do you strap one on??? They have arrested folks in Canada for refusing to use pronouns, and only a moron, such as yourself, would claim such isn't just up the road in this nation. Here's a very very close call in that regard, they targeted the little boys for a reason,


And how did that work out in court?

The dead naming that is?

Above has head planted squarely up their rectum.....:banana:
I doubt seriously anyone could ever be thrown into prison for refusing to use another persons own pronouns. It would go against your own freedom of speech.
Have you been paying attention to how quickly this country has gone NUTS? I think the Left is going to keep pushing until it is met with sufficient pain to teach them there are STILL red lines that matter.

Another win for the good guys.
Pay attention cornhole.

It never happened. No one got fined or jailed. Just because some SJW interest groups, or school crusaders want to stop some bullying with some law, doesn't mean it is going to happen.

Folks can sue or twist laws and bring suits for all sorts of nonsense, no one has yet proved that anyone is in jail in the US for this nonsense.
Pay attention cornhole.

It never happened. No one got fined or jailed. Just because some SJW interest groups, or school crusaders want to stop some bullying with some law, doesn't mean it is going to happen.

Folks can sue or twist laws and bring suits for all sorts of nonsense, no one has yet proved that anyone is in jail in the US for this nonsense.
I didn't read the posts...I just saw the title.

Less blob supporters and more of virtually-any-one-else is a good thing.
Bill C-16 in Canada is an attachment to the Human Rights Act that prohibits something called 'hate propaganda' against groups that can be identified based on gender identity or expression. Definitely a slippery slope. Personally, I think a lot of radical transgenderists are spewing their own 'hate propaganda' against heterosexuals.
IDo you personally reach into everyone's pants to make that determination?
Now we know why the orange loser loved to grab pussy. He was just making sure.
You're not the brightest bulb are you, do you still possess a penis, or do you strap one on??? They have arrested folks in Canada for refusing to use pronouns, and only a moron, such as yourself, would claim such isn't just up the road in this nation. Here's a very very close call in that regard, they targeted the little boys for a reason,

LOL That old chestnut, again? Gad, you retards are so gullible.

Some idiot somewhere posts some fake news and all the right-wing retards swallow it hook, line and sinker.

No wonder the orange douchebag loves his uneducated retards. :itsok:
I didn't read the posts...I just saw the title.

Less blob supporters and more of virtually-any-one-else is a good thing.
Well, you sound like a right proper genocidal fascist! :113:

. . . indeed, best way to homogenize society, get rid of those who oppose you, right? wut , wut

Yeah, I call bullshit too.

I challenge the OP to find one example that anyone has been thrown in jail, or fined, in the United States, for failing to use someone's preferred pronouns.

You might be able to find an article of some business that has sanctioned or fired someone, but there is no government authority that has fined or jailed anyone. This is a troll thread.

View attachment 706050
Really? There have been a number of teachers fired for not using a desired pronoun.

One needs only a willingness to look for such instances.


If you have to go to jail, you have to go, OP. :dunno:

You must follow your principles regardless.
Just because it hasn't happened yet doesn't mean it won't.
That’s a broad statement that could be said about almost anything.

I find all the focus on pronouns ridiculous too. But no one has suggested throwing people in jail. Don’t be alarmist.
Well, you sound like a right proper genocidal fascist! :113:

. . . indeed, best way to homogenize society, get rid of those who oppose you, right? wut , wut

I guess you were fine with someone calling an entire industry "the enemy of the people" and "lock her up" right Adolph?
I guess you were fine with someone calling an entire industry "the enemy of the people" and "lock her up" right Adolph?

Interesting deflection.

Your excuse for not having read the corruption in the wikileaks, is to have the desire to lock up or kill everyone that has?

Really? There have been a number of teachers fired for not using a desired pronoun.

One needs only a willingness to look for such instances.


I never said there wasn't. That isn't the topic of the thread. The topic is, "jailed soon."

The first amendment says nothing about employment. If you don't follow the desired standards and procedures of your state and/or local school authorities as defined by the folks that elected them, I guess you need to find a different school authority or private school.
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