I Never Really Understood The Left's Obsession With Saving The Planet

Independent thinker

Diamond Member
Oct 15, 2015
First, we have EV's to help us save the planet. Now, recharging them takes electricity and most all electricity pollutes the planet so just charging them is bad for the planet. Then we the batteries themselves:

Battery life has been one of the most pressing issues facing Tesla and the electric vehicle (EV) market as a whole. Lithium-ion batteries, which power EVs, are notoriously difficult and costly to manufacture due to the fact that they necessitate the mining of materials such as lithium, cobalt, and nickel.

Mining these materials comes with a considerable negative environmental impact, as it requires the use of dirty energy, utilizes massive amounts of water, and contributes heavily to land degradation.

Lithium-ion batteries are also difficult to recycle

Next we have solar panels.

Then we move on to nuclear power

Those, and wind energy are addressed in the following link:

First, we have EV's to help us save the planet. Now, recharging them takes electricity and most all electricity pollutes the planet so just charging them is bad for the planet. Then we the batteries themselves:

Battery life has been one of the most pressing issues facing Tesla and the electric vehicle (EV) market as a whole. Lithium-ion batteries, which power EVs, are notoriously difficult and costly to manufacture due to the fact that they necessitate the mining of materials such as lithium, cobalt, and nickel.

Mining these materials comes with a considerable negative environmental impact, as it requires the use of dirty energy, utilizes massive amounts of water, and contributes heavily to land degradation.

Lithium-ion batteries are also difficult to recycle

Next we have solar panels.

Then we move on to nuclear power

Those, and wind energy are addressed in the following link:

What a fossil fuel little bitch you are?
First, we have EV's to help us save the planet. Now, recharging them takes electricity and most all electricity pollutes the planet so just charging them is bad for the planet. Then we the batteries themselves:

Battery life has been one of the most pressing issues facing Tesla and the electric vehicle (EV) market as a whole. Lithium-ion batteries, which power EVs, are notoriously difficult and costly to manufacture due to the fact that they necessitate the mining of materials such as lithium, cobalt, and nickel.

Mining these materials comes with a considerable negative environmental impact, as it requires the use of dirty energy, utilizes massive amounts of water, and contributes heavily to land degradation.

Lithium-ion batteries are also difficult to recycle

Next we have solar panels.

Then we move on to nuclear power

Those, and wind energy are addressed in the following link:

It stems from the same feelings as not wanting to see harm come to your family or community.
First, we have EV's to help us save the planet. Now, recharging them takes electricity and most all electricity pollutes the planet so just charging them is bad for the planet. Then we the batteries themselves:

Battery life has been one of the most pressing issues facing Tesla and the electric vehicle (EV) market as a whole. Lithium-ion batteries, which power EVs, are notoriously difficult and costly to manufacture due to the fact that they necessitate the mining of materials such as lithium, cobalt, and nickel.

Mining these materials comes with a considerable negative environmental impact, as it requires the use of dirty energy, utilizes massive amounts of water, and contributes heavily to land degradation.

Lithium-ion batteries are also difficult to recycle

Next we have solar panels.

Then we move on to nuclear power

Those, and wind energy are addressed in the following link:

The obsession is not with "saving the planet" but with virtue signaling.

They desperately need others to think that they're really caring people who give a fuck about anything but themselves, when the exact opposite is true....It's all about them.

A good look at preening pissants like Leonardo DiCaprio will show you that.
We are stewards of Mother Earth, so yes, we should all do our part to protect her. Be it air, water or land.

That said, fear sells and it pays well, Canadas Security Industrial Complex know this quite well also.
First, we have EV's to help us save the planet. Now, recharging them takes electricity and most all electricity pollutes the planet so just charging them is bad for the planet. Then we the batteries themselves:

Battery life has been one of the most pressing issues facing Tesla and the electric vehicle (EV) market as a whole. Lithium-ion batteries, which power EVs, are notoriously difficult and costly to manufacture due to the fact that they necessitate the mining of materials such as lithium, cobalt, and nickel.

Mining these materials comes with a considerable negative environmental impact, as it requires the use of dirty energy, utilizes massive amounts of water, and contributes heavily to land degradation.

Lithium-ion batteries are also difficult to recycle

Next we have solar panels.

Then we move on to nuclear power

Those, and wind energy are addressed in the following link:

EV"s were never meant to replace all the cars on the road.

There purpose is twofold

1. Virtue signaling as "saving the planet".

2. Controlling the masses.

The vast majority will not be able to afford EV's, nor is there enough materials to mine to create them. Instead, the public can rely on public transportation to get around. Driving will only be for the rich like Joe Biden., much like owning a home will be only for the rich. Everyone else can have public housing.
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There is nothing humans can do to harm the planet

The Earth is one son of a bitch tough piece of rock. It will exist regardless of what we do.

We may not
The American ecology movement started in 1962 when Rachel Carson wrote a book titled Silent Spring, which was about declining bird populations due to DDT. Even so, no scientific peer reviewed study has ever replicated any case of negative human health impacts from DDT,

The spraying of DDT decreased the cases of malaria from 100 million a year in 1953 to 150,000 by 1966, and is estimated to have saved 500 million lives from malaria by 1970. Deaths due to malaria, which were nearly a million a year in the 1940s, decreased to about 1,500 a year in 1966.

By 1997, UNDP’s Human Development Report 2000 estimated there were about 2.6 million malaria cases throughout the world. Today there's a global malaria burden of 300 to 500 million cases and 1 to 2.5 million deaths annually, mostly among young children. And of course, there are other mosquito-borne diseases such as the Zika virus, West Nile virus, and the St. Louis encephalitis.

Once again, we see the unintended consequences of liberal hoaxes.
There is nothing humans can do to harm the planet

The Earth is one son of a bitch tough piece of rock. It will exist regardless of what we do.

We may not
We won't destroy the planet but we will poison all of its inhabitants and ruin its beauty.
The Left/Democrats are very easy to understand. They capitalize on human emotions of fear and rage to grow their power. It really is that simple.
What does Trump capitalize on, if not fear and rage? You aren’t accusing others of what.., no, you wouldn’t do that, would you? :cool-45:
Gas powered pickup trucks are still the biggest sellers in America.
Looking into used 5.7 Toyota Tundras to replace my aging Hemi Jeep.
I need power for towing long distance and hauling tools for work. An EV doesn't work for my long commutes and visits to sparsly populated areas.
If an EV works for some folks, great.
Just don't live under the delusion you are actually helping the Earth by driving a vehicle that still takes a massive amount of toxic resources to build.

The only way to really reduce your footprint is to go Amish.
Im a fossil fuel bitch. Proud to be one.

Hows that slave labor with kids in Africa getting your Cobalt going? Or the China Siica mines killing the workers by turning their lungs to stone??

There is no such thing as this green pure energy. It is a lie. You are just moving the pollution to Asia and Africa killing the workers
The planet is fine. It's a rock in space. It will always be there. It's the humans we're trying to save.

Conservatives, they seem to hate humanity with a seething white-hot blazing hatred.
Unless they’re unborn.

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