I predict Biden will criticize Israel for bombing the AP building in Gaza.

Obama is silent, but we all know that he's cheering for the Muslims in Iran.

When is the last time anyone heard a democrat cheering for America or one of its allies to win?
When is the last time you heard a Democratic President cozy up with dictators and tyranny like the former president did?
President Obama cozied up to who?

Let's start with the Castros. Then there's Imanutjob and Iran. Putin and Russia. Then there's Jinping and China. How old are you, anyway? You don't remember the Obama administration?
Your just throwing bullshit because your guy sucked up to tyrants and dictators.

An Obama supporter talking about sucking up to tyrants and dictators, I'm just laughing at you. Your self awareness is zero. It's what happens when you're not even smart enough to have a view of your own and you just think what Democrats tell you to think
Sure, please what actions the former president took against the Saudi dictator for murdering a journalist?

Please post what actions the former president took for Putin’s attempted murder of political rivals.

What actions did the former president take against the Turkish dictator for his purge of small d democracy.

None of that contradicts what I said. That doesn't make it that Obama, friend of dictators wasn't a friend of dictators
It makes everything you posted ass.

In your own big words, how did President Obama cozy up to Castro?

That proves what exactly?
If pictures prove something, what does this one prove?


Funny how you're completely silent when Democrat morons keep posting pictures of Nazis, LOL
Stop with distraction BS.

What do those pictures prove?

I'm not the one who posted the photos, jackass. I just mocked you for your hypocrisy
You didn’t mock anything. You jumped in with your typical conservative bullshit and claimed to have done something.

I’m asking what that something was and you got all butthurt.

Um ... yes ... pointing out your silence to Democrats who keep posting pictures as the hypocrisy that it is is mocking you for your hypocrisy. Try to keep up, you're slowing down the discussion. Curtsy while you talk, it saves time, my dear
You posted something about fascist Germany and acted like that meant something.

And now your still padding your own back.

Sure, Champ. You don't worship German Nazis, you worship Democrats. As long as you're fed dinner you'd say or do anything. You're a racist and a fascist
That crap plays better on 8klan knuckle dragger.

I image German fascist posts in that forum are in support.

Jew haters are the enlightened ones. Sure you are, Nazi. Nothing new about your wanting to kill Jews or the swastika you're wearing. You're just an old time racist and fascist
Don’t project your maga carnival barker bullshit on me dude.

That's just stupid. I suppose it sounded good to you.

You're advocating the death of Jews, but somehow what you say isn't your responsibility. Just like all the 10 year old girls you're getting raped on the southern border isn't your responsibility. Just like all the drug cartels you're funding isn't your responsibility.

I'm a Democrat, and I'm not responsible for what I do. If Democrats were honest, that would be your motto. It's what you sell to Democrats
Just those issues? Why not more from the idiotic brain of a child.

Can you even see light under your maga rock?
You're in propaganda mode again
Dude, propaganda mode? Are you trying to be the threads jester?
Try writing adult posts and get out of propaganda mode, brainless Democrat twat
Pot meet kettle...

Otto: No I'm not, YOU are kaz, YOU are. I'm not, YOU are.

Any given playground, Otto may be there. Democrats operate at about an eight year old level. And that's just the right level for playground insults
That’s posting like an adult? Nope, that’s posting like a small minded conservative libertarian with limited space in his head.
Why do you support Hamas ?
Israel could absolutely start a war we will have to fight.
As could china, north korea and iran

Particularly iran since they are supplying the rockets that are falling on Israel

Gaza has no way to import rockets so they are home made.
So where the fuck is Hamas getting the fucking components to make the rockets?
From Amazon?
You're an idiot!

The fuel and explosives are easily available ingredients, like sugar and fertilizer.
The nozzle can easily be cast.
The shell is just pipe.

Haven't you ever made your own rockets?
I thought all kids went through that phase?
You must have grown up in Gaza.
I support fact being posted for all to sgive.
Okay. Who give Hamas their rockets?

Ya know, Putin. The former president’s bromance.
Last edited:
Now that's funny. I pointed out that you don't know shit about what I think after years of discussion, and you called me a Libertarian proving my point. I'm not a Libertarian and I never said I was. You are too stupid to know how to capitalize, which is particularly funny since you called me the child.

Guy, I understand why you are embarrassed by the Clown Show that was Dope Smoking Gary, but the fact is, he was about as credible as your movement ever got.

I'm calling you stupid because after discussing this for years you don't remotely have a clue what a small government libertarian is. You're literally mentally retarded. It's not that hard. I've explained it to you many times. You're just flat out stupid
Wow, this should be good. What does a small libertarian government look like? Where can we find an example of it on the planet today?
Today? Nowhere, just as we can't find woolly mammoths anywhere today.
AP/AJ are huge Hamas/Iran supporters.
A child knows this fact.
These fuckers have been having lunch in the building every fucking day with Hamas leaders.
Israel showed Biden 100% proof that Hamas had been operating out of the building with the full knowledge of AP/AJ.

And why shouldn't the press be supporters of Hamas, the democratically elected representatives of Palestine?
The government of Palestine, operates out of almost all the commercial buildings in Gaza.
They run all the schools, utilities, libraries, etc.
Why did Abbas cancel the 'election' asshole?
B/c he KNEW he wouldn't get reelected.
That's why Iran told him to start firing off thousands of Iran supplied rockets into Israel. To distract from the FACT that the average Palestinian has fucking had it with living in a violent shithole sand dune. The Palestinian youth have the fucking internet and they fucking KNOW they are being controlled by a bunch of toothless stinking psychopaths who would rather buy bullets than buy food for their granddaughters AKA their future sex slaves.

The election was cancelled because Israel would not allow voting stations in any of the contested areas, which is the entire West Bank.
All the problems in Palestine are caused deliberately by Israel.
You mean all the problems of the Palestinians are caused by the Palestinians.
Obama is silent, but we all know that he's cheering for the Muslims in Iran.

When is the last time anyone heard a democrat cheering for America or one of its allies to win?
When is the last time you heard a Democratic President cozy up with dictators and tyranny like the former president did?
President Obama cozied up to who?

Let's start with the Castros. Then there's Imanutjob and Iran. Putin and Russia. Then there's Jinping and China. How old are you, anyway? You don't remember the Obama administration?
Your just throwing bullshit because your guy sucked up to tyrants and dictators.

An Obama supporter talking about sucking up to tyrants and dictators, I'm just laughing at you. Your self awareness is zero. It's what happens when you're not even smart enough to have a view of your own and you just think what Democrats tell you to think
Sure, please what actions the former president took against the Saudi dictator for murdering a journalist?

Please post what actions the former president took for Putin’s attempted murder of political rivals.

What actions did the former president take against the Turkish dictator for his purge of small d democracy.

None of that contradicts what I said. That doesn't make it that Obama, friend of dictators wasn't a friend of dictators
It makes everything you posted ass.

In your own big words, how did President Obama cozy up to Castro?

That proves what exactly?
If pictures prove something, what does this one prove?


Funny how you're completely silent when Democrat morons keep posting pictures of Nazis, LOL
Stop with distraction BS.

What do those pictures prove?

I'm not the one who posted the photos, jackass. I just mocked you for your hypocrisy
You didn’t mock anything. You jumped in with your typical conservative bullshit and claimed to have done something.

I’m asking what that something was and you got all butthurt.

Um ... yes ... pointing out your silence to Democrats who keep posting pictures as the hypocrisy that it is is mocking you for your hypocrisy. Try to keep up, you're slowing down the discussion. Curtsy while you talk, it saves time, my dear
You posted something about fascist Germany and acted like that meant something.

And now your still padding your own back.

Sure, Champ. You don't worship German Nazis, you worship Democrats. As long as you're fed dinner you'd say or do anything. You're a racist and a fascist
That crap plays better on 8klan knuckle dragger.

I image German fascist posts in that forum are in support.

Jew haters are the enlightened ones. Sure you are, Nazi. Nothing new about your wanting to kill Jews or the swastika you're wearing. You're just an old time racist and fascist
Don’t project your maga carnival barker bullshit on me dude.

That's just stupid. I suppose it sounded good to you.

You're advocating the death of Jews, but somehow what you say isn't your responsibility. Just like all the 10 year old girls you're getting raped on the southern border isn't your responsibility. Just like all the drug cartels you're funding isn't your responsibility.

I'm a Democrat, and I'm not responsible for what I do. If Democrats were honest, that would be your motto. It's what you sell to Democrats
Just those issues? Why not more from the idiotic brain of a child.

Can you even see light under your maga rock?
You're in propaganda mode again
Dude, propaganda mode? Are you trying to be the threads jester?
Try writing adult posts and get out of propaganda mode, brainless Democrat twat
Pot meet kettle...

Otto: No I'm not, YOU are kaz, YOU are. I'm not, YOU are.

Any given playground, Otto may be there. Democrats operate at about an eight year old level. And that's just the right level for playground insults
That’s posting like an adult? Nope, that’s posting like a small minded conservative libertarian with limited space in his head.
Why do you support Hamas ?
Israel could absolutely start a war we will have to fight.
As could china, north korea and iran

Particularly iran since they are supplying the rockets that are falling on Israel

Gaza has no way to import rockets so they are home made.
So where the fuck is Hamas getting the fucking components to make the rockets?
From Amazon?
You're an idiot!

The fuel and explosives are easily available ingredients, like sugar and fertilizer.
The nozzle can easily be cast.
The shell is just pipe.

Haven't you ever made your own rockets?
I thought all kids went through that phase?
You must have grown up in Gaza.
I support fact being posted for all to sgive.
Okay. Who give Hamas their rockets?
You're a Fraud. You said that you post facts. Where does Hamas get its its funding from ?
Last edited:
  • Thanks
Reactions: kaz
Obama is silent, but we all know that he's cheering for the Muslims in Iran.

When is the last time anyone heard a democrat cheering for America or one of its allies to win?
When is the last time you heard a Democratic President cozy up with dictators and tyranny like the former president did?
President Obama cozied up to who?

Let's start with the Castros. Then there's Imanutjob and Iran. Putin and Russia. Then there's Jinping and China. How old are you, anyway? You don't remember the Obama administration?
Your just throwing bullshit because your guy sucked up to tyrants and dictators.

An Obama supporter talking about sucking up to tyrants and dictators, I'm just laughing at you. Your self awareness is zero. It's what happens when you're not even smart enough to have a view of your own and you just think what Democrats tell you to think
Sure, please what actions the former president took against the Saudi dictator for murdering a journalist?

Please post what actions the former president took for Putin’s attempted murder of political rivals.

What actions did the former president take against the Turkish dictator for his purge of small d democracy.

None of that contradicts what I said. That doesn't make it that Obama, friend of dictators wasn't a friend of dictators
It makes everything you posted ass.

In your own big words, how did President Obama cozy up to Castro?

That proves what exactly?
If pictures prove something, what does this one prove?


Funny how you're completely silent when Democrat morons keep posting pictures of Nazis, LOL
Stop with distraction BS.

What do those pictures prove?

I'm not the one who posted the photos, jackass. I just mocked you for your hypocrisy
You didn’t mock anything. You jumped in with your typical conservative bullshit and claimed to have done something.

I’m asking what that something was and you got all butthurt.

Um ... yes ... pointing out your silence to Democrats who keep posting pictures as the hypocrisy that it is is mocking you for your hypocrisy. Try to keep up, you're slowing down the discussion. Curtsy while you talk, it saves time, my dear
You posted something about fascist Germany and acted like that meant something.

And now your still padding your own back.

Sure, Champ. You don't worship German Nazis, you worship Democrats. As long as you're fed dinner you'd say or do anything. You're a racist and a fascist
That crap plays better on 8klan knuckle dragger.

I image German fascist posts in that forum are in support.

Jew haters are the enlightened ones. Sure you are, Nazi. Nothing new about your wanting to kill Jews or the swastika you're wearing. You're just an old time racist and fascist
Don’t project your maga carnival barker bullshit on me dude.

That's just stupid. I suppose it sounded good to you.

You're advocating the death of Jews, but somehow what you say isn't your responsibility. Just like all the 10 year old girls you're getting raped on the southern border isn't your responsibility. Just like all the drug cartels you're funding isn't your responsibility.

I'm a Democrat, and I'm not responsible for what I do. If Democrats were honest, that would be your motto. It's what you sell to Democrats
Just those issues? Why not more from the idiotic brain of a child.

Can you even see light under your maga rock?
You're in propaganda mode again
Dude, propaganda mode? Are you trying to be the threads jester?
Try writing adult posts and get out of propaganda mode, brainless Democrat twat
Pot meet kettle...

Otto: No I'm not, YOU are kaz, YOU are. I'm not, YOU are.

Any given playground, Otto may be there. Democrats operate at about an eight year old level. And that's just the right level for playground insults
It doesn't matter what they say so long as they make a lot of noise.
  • Thanks
Reactions: kaz
Obama is silent, but we all know that he's cheering for the Muslims in Iran.

When is the last time anyone heard a democrat cheering for America or one of its allies to win?
When is the last time you heard a Democratic President cozy up with dictators and tyranny like the former president did?
President Obama cozied up to who?

Let's start with the Castros. Then there's Imanutjob and Iran. Putin and Russia. Then there's Jinping and China. How old are you, anyway? You don't remember the Obama administration?
Your just throwing bullshit because your guy sucked up to tyrants and dictators.

An Obama supporter talking about sucking up to tyrants and dictators, I'm just laughing at you. Your self awareness is zero. It's what happens when you're not even smart enough to have a view of your own and you just think what Democrats tell you to think
Sure, please what actions the former president took against the Saudi dictator for murdering a journalist?

Please post what actions the former president took for Putin’s attempted murder of political rivals.

What actions did the former president take against the Turkish dictator for his purge of small d democracy.

None of that contradicts what I said. That doesn't make it that Obama, friend of dictators wasn't a friend of dictators
It makes everything you posted ass.

In your own big words, how did President Obama cozy up to Castro?

That proves what exactly?
If pictures prove something, what does this one prove?


Funny how you're completely silent when Democrat morons keep posting pictures of Nazis, LOL
Stop with distraction BS.

What do those pictures prove?

I'm not the one who posted the photos, jackass. I just mocked you for your hypocrisy
You didn’t mock anything. You jumped in with your typical conservative bullshit and claimed to have done something.

I’m asking what that something was and you got all butthurt.

Um ... yes ... pointing out your silence to Democrats who keep posting pictures as the hypocrisy that it is is mocking you for your hypocrisy. Try to keep up, you're slowing down the discussion. Curtsy while you talk, it saves time, my dear
You posted something about fascist Germany and acted like that meant something.

And now your still padding your own back.

Sure, Champ. You don't worship German Nazis, you worship Democrats. As long as you're fed dinner you'd say or do anything. You're a racist and a fascist
That crap plays better on 8klan knuckle dragger.

I image German fascist posts in that forum are in support.

Jew haters are the enlightened ones. Sure you are, Nazi. Nothing new about your wanting to kill Jews or the swastika you're wearing. You're just an old time racist and fascist
Don’t project your maga carnival barker bullshit on me dude.

That's just stupid. I suppose it sounded good to you.

You're advocating the death of Jews, but somehow what you say isn't your responsibility. Just like all the 10 year old girls you're getting raped on the southern border isn't your responsibility. Just like all the drug cartels you're funding isn't your responsibility.

I'm a Democrat, and I'm not responsible for what I do. If Democrats were honest, that would be your motto. It's what you sell to Democrats
Just those issues? Why not more from the idiotic brain of a child.

Can you even see light under your maga rock?
You're in propaganda mode again
Dude, propaganda mode? Are you trying to be the threads jester?
Try writing adult posts and get out of propaganda mode, brainless Democrat twat
Pot meet kettle...

Otto: No I'm not, YOU are kaz, YOU are. I'm not, YOU are.

Any given playground, Otto may be there. Democrats operate at about an eight year old level. And that's just the right level for playground insults
That’s posting like an adult? Nope, that’s posting like a small minded conservative libertarian with limited space in his head.
Why do you support Hamas ?
Israel could absolutely start a war we will have to fight.
As could china, north korea and iran

Particularly iran since they are supplying the rockets that are falling on Israel

Gaza has no way to import rockets so they are home made.
So where the fuck is Hamas getting the fucking components to make the rockets?
From Amazon?
You're an idiot!

The fuel and explosives are easily available ingredients, like sugar and fertilizer.
The nozzle can easily be cast.
The shell is just pipe.

Haven't you ever made your own rockets?
I thought all kids went through that phase?
You must have grown up in Gaza.
I support fact being posted for all to sgive.
Okay. Who give Hamas their rockets?
AP/AJ are huge Hamas/Iran supporters.
A child knows this fact.
These fuckers have been having lunch in the building every fucking day with Hamas leaders.
Israel showed Biden 100% proof that Hamas had been operating out of the building with the full knowledge of AP/AJ.

And why shouldn't the press be supporters of Hamas, the democratically elected representatives of Palestine?
The government of Palestine, operates out of almost all the commercial buildings in Gaza.
They run all the schools, utilities, libraries, etc.
Why did Abbas cancel the 'election' asshole?
B/c he KNEW he wouldn't get reelected.
That's why Iran told him to start firing off thousands of Iran supplied rockets into Israel. To distract from the FACT that the average Palestinian has fucking had it with living in a violent shithole sand dune. The Palestinian youth have the fucking internet and they fucking KNOW they are being controlled by a bunch of toothless stinking psychopaths who would rather buy bullets than buy food for their granddaughters AKA their future sex slaves.

The election was cancelled because Israel would not allow voting stations in any of the contested areas, which is the entire West Bank.
All the problems in Palestine are caused deliberately by Israel.
Link from a non-Arab site?

Unable to vote, Palestinians shrug off Israel's elections

MAS’HA, West Bank (AP) — Barhoum Saleh’s town is surrounded by Jewish settlements, the sign above his roadside mechanic shop is in Hebrew, most of his customers are Israeli and he needs an Israeli permit to visit the beach a half hour’s drive away.

But unlike his Jewish neighbors, he can’t vote in next week’s elections.

Saleh is among the 2.5 million Palestinians in the West Bank who have no voice in choosing Israel’s next government and no control over whether it decides to annex part or all of the occupied territory, as Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has vowed to do . With the peace process having sputtered to a halt a decade ago, they also have little hope of getting a state of their own anytime soon.
Arabs in gaza would rather make war, which kills arabs, than use their money to help arab people

Libs who claim the rockets are home grown appear to be correct

But they were wrong about the tunnels

The tunnels do exist

Now that's funny. I pointed out that you don't know shit about what I think after years of discussion, and you called me a Libertarian proving my point. I'm not a Libertarian and I never said I was. You are too stupid to know how to capitalize, which is particularly funny since you called me the child.

Guy, I understand why you are embarrassed by the Clown Show that was Dope Smoking Gary, but the fact is, he was about as credible as your movement ever got.

I'm calling you stupid because after discussing this for years you don't remotely have a clue what a small government libertarian is. You're literally mentally retarded. It's not that hard. I've explained it to you many times. You're just flat out stupid
Wow, this should be good. What does a small libertarian government look like? Where can we find an example of it on the planet today?
Today? Nowhere, just as we can't find woolly mammoths anywhere today.
So, you want the turn of an extinct form of government?
AP/AJ are huge Hamas/Iran supporters.
A child knows this fact.
These fuckers have been having lunch in the building every fucking day with Hamas leaders.
Israel showed Biden 100% proof that Hamas had been operating out of the building with the full knowledge of AP/AJ.

And why shouldn't the press be supporters of Hamas, the democratically elected representatives of Palestine?
The government of Palestine, operates out of almost all the commercial buildings in Gaza.
They run all the schools, utilities, libraries, etc.
Why did Abbas cancel the 'election' asshole?
B/c he KNEW he wouldn't get reelected.
That's why Iran told him to start firing off thousands of Iran supplied rockets into Israel. To distract from the FACT that the average Palestinian has fucking had it with living in a violent shithole sand dune. The Palestinian youth have the fucking internet and they fucking KNOW they are being controlled by a bunch of toothless stinking psychopaths who would rather buy bullets than buy food for their granddaughters AKA their future sex slaves.

The election was cancelled because Israel would not allow voting stations in any of the contested areas, which is the entire West Bank.
All the problems in Palestine are caused deliberately by Israel.
Link from a non-Arab site?

Unable to vote, Palestinians shrug off Israel's elections

MAS’HA, West Bank (AP) — Barhoum Saleh’s town is surrounded by Jewish settlements, the sign above his roadside mechanic shop is in Hebrew, most of his customers are Israeli and he needs an Israeli permit to visit the beach a half hour’s drive away.

But unlike his Jewish neighbors, he can’t vote in next week’s elections.

Saleh is among the 2.5 million Palestinians in the West Bank who have no voice in choosing Israel’s next government and no control over whether it decides to annex part or all of the occupied territory, as Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has vowed to do . With the peace process having sputtered to a halt a decade ago, they also have little hope of getting a state of their own anytime soon.
Arabs in gaza would rather make war, which kills arabs, than use their money to help arab people

Libs who claim the rockets are home grown appear to be correct

But they were wrong about the tunnels

The tunnels do exist

Other Arab countries can help the people in the Israeli occupied territories? How?
Obama is silent, but we all know that he's cheering for the Muslims in Iran.

When is the last time anyone heard a democrat cheering for America or one of its allies to win?
When is the last time you heard a Democratic President cozy up with dictators and tyranny like the former president did?
President Obama cozied up to who?

Let's start with the Castros. Then there's Imanutjob and Iran. Putin and Russia. Then there's Jinping and China. How old are you, anyway? You don't remember the Obama administration?
Your just throwing bullshit because your guy sucked up to tyrants and dictators.

An Obama supporter talking about sucking up to tyrants and dictators, I'm just laughing at you. Your self awareness is zero. It's what happens when you're not even smart enough to have a view of your own and you just think what Democrats tell you to think
Sure, please what actions the former president took against the Saudi dictator for murdering a journalist?

Please post what actions the former president took for Putin’s attempted murder of political rivals.

What actions did the former president take against the Turkish dictator for his purge of small d democracy.

None of that contradicts what I said. That doesn't make it that Obama, friend of dictators wasn't a friend of dictators
It makes everything you posted ass.

In your own big words, how did President Obama cozy up to Castro?

That proves what exactly?
If pictures prove something, what does this one prove?


Funny how you're completely silent when Democrat morons keep posting pictures of Nazis, LOL
Stop with distraction BS.

What do those pictures prove?

I'm not the one who posted the photos, jackass. I just mocked you for your hypocrisy
You didn’t mock anything. You jumped in with your typical conservative bullshit and claimed to have done something.

I’m asking what that something was and you got all butthurt.

Um ... yes ... pointing out your silence to Democrats who keep posting pictures as the hypocrisy that it is is mocking you for your hypocrisy. Try to keep up, you're slowing down the discussion. Curtsy while you talk, it saves time, my dear
You posted something about fascist Germany and acted like that meant something.

And now your still padding your own back.

Sure, Champ. You don't worship German Nazis, you worship Democrats. As long as you're fed dinner you'd say or do anything. You're a racist and a fascist
That crap plays better on 8klan knuckle dragger.

I image German fascist posts in that forum are in support.

Jew haters are the enlightened ones. Sure you are, Nazi. Nothing new about your wanting to kill Jews or the swastika you're wearing. You're just an old time racist and fascist
Don’t project your maga carnival barker bullshit on me dude.

That's just stupid. I suppose it sounded good to you.

You're advocating the death of Jews, but somehow what you say isn't your responsibility. Just like all the 10 year old girls you're getting raped on the southern border isn't your responsibility. Just like all the drug cartels you're funding isn't your responsibility.

I'm a Democrat, and I'm not responsible for what I do. If Democrats were honest, that would be your motto. It's what you sell to Democrats
Just those issues? Why not more from the idiotic brain of a child.

Can you even see light under your maga rock?
You're in propaganda mode again
Dude, propaganda mode? Are you trying to be the threads jester?
Try writing adult posts and get out of propaganda mode, brainless Democrat twat
Pot meet kettle...

Otto: No I'm not, YOU are kaz, YOU are. I'm not, YOU are.

Any given playground, Otto may be there. Democrats operate at about an eight year old level. And that's just the right level for playground insults
That’s posting like an adult? Nope, that’s posting like a small minded conservative libertarian with limited space in his head.
Why do you support Hamas ?
Israel could absolutely start a war we will have to fight.
As could china, north korea and iran

Particularly iran since they are supplying the rockets that are falling on Israel

Gaza has no way to import rockets so they are home made.
So where the fuck is Hamas getting the fucking components to make the rockets?
From Amazon?
You're an idiot!

The fuel and explosives are easily available ingredients, like sugar and fertilizer.
The nozzle can easily be cast.
The shell is just pipe.

Haven't you ever made your own rockets?
I thought all kids went through that phase?
You must have grown up in Gaza.
I support fact being posted for all to sgive.
Okay. Who give Hamas their rockets?
You're a Fraud. You said that you post facts. Where does Hamas get its its funding from ?
The selling of drugs to America.
Now that's funny. I pointed out that you don't know shit about what I think after years of discussion, and you called me a Libertarian proving my point. I'm not a Libertarian and I never said I was. You are too stupid to know how to capitalize, which is particularly funny since you called me the child.

Guy, I understand why you are embarrassed by the Clown Show that was Dope Smoking Gary, but the fact is, he was about as credible as your movement ever got.

I'm calling you stupid because after discussing this for years you don't remotely have a clue what a small government libertarian is. You're literally mentally retarded. It's not that hard. I've explained it to you many times. You're just flat out stupid
Wow, this should be good. What does a small libertarian government look like? Where can we find an example of it on the planet today?
Today? Nowhere, just as we can't find woolly mammoths anywhere today.
So, you want the turn of an extinct form of government?
The government we had prior to 1914 was pretty damn close to it, and that's when the USA became the richest country in the world.
  • Thanks
Reactions: kaz
Obama is silent, but we all know that he's cheering for the Muslims in Iran.

When is the last time anyone heard a democrat cheering for America or one of its allies to win?
When is the last time you heard a Democratic President cozy up with dictators and tyranny like the former president did?
President Obama cozied up to who?

Let's start with the Castros. Then there's Imanutjob and Iran. Putin and Russia. Then there's Jinping and China. How old are you, anyway? You don't remember the Obama administration?
Your just throwing bullshit because your guy sucked up to tyrants and dictators.

An Obama supporter talking about sucking up to tyrants and dictators, I'm just laughing at you. Your self awareness is zero. It's what happens when you're not even smart enough to have a view of your own and you just think what Democrats tell you to think
Sure, please what actions the former president took against the Saudi dictator for murdering a journalist?

Please post what actions the former president took for Putin’s attempted murder of political rivals.

What actions did the former president take against the Turkish dictator for his purge of small d democracy.

None of that contradicts what I said. That doesn't make it that Obama, friend of dictators wasn't a friend of dictators
It makes everything you posted ass.

In your own big words, how did President Obama cozy up to Castro?

That proves what exactly?
If pictures prove something, what does this one prove?


Funny how you're completely silent when Democrat morons keep posting pictures of Nazis, LOL
Stop with distraction BS.

What do those pictures prove?

I'm not the one who posted the photos, jackass. I just mocked you for your hypocrisy
You didn’t mock anything. You jumped in with your typical conservative bullshit and claimed to have done something.

I’m asking what that something was and you got all butthurt.

Um ... yes ... pointing out your silence to Democrats who keep posting pictures as the hypocrisy that it is is mocking you for your hypocrisy. Try to keep up, you're slowing down the discussion. Curtsy while you talk, it saves time, my dear
You posted something about fascist Germany and acted like that meant something.

And now your still padding your own back.

Sure, Champ. You don't worship German Nazis, you worship Democrats. As long as you're fed dinner you'd say or do anything. You're a racist and a fascist
That crap plays better on 8klan knuckle dragger.

I image German fascist posts in that forum are in support.

Jew haters are the enlightened ones. Sure you are, Nazi. Nothing new about your wanting to kill Jews or the swastika you're wearing. You're just an old time racist and fascist
Don’t project your maga carnival barker bullshit on me dude.

That's just stupid. I suppose it sounded good to you.

You're advocating the death of Jews, but somehow what you say isn't your responsibility. Just like all the 10 year old girls you're getting raped on the southern border isn't your responsibility. Just like all the drug cartels you're funding isn't your responsibility.

I'm a Democrat, and I'm not responsible for what I do. If Democrats were honest, that would be your motto. It's what you sell to Democrats
Just those issues? Why not more from the idiotic brain of a child.

Can you even see light under your maga rock?
You're in propaganda mode again
Dude, propaganda mode? Are you trying to be the threads jester?
Try writing adult posts and get out of propaganda mode, brainless Democrat twat
Pot meet kettle...

Otto: No I'm not, YOU are kaz, YOU are. I'm not, YOU are.

Any given playground, Otto may be there. Democrats operate at about an eight year old level. And that's just the right level for playground insults
That’s posting like an adult? Nope, that’s posting like a small minded conservative libertarian with limited space in his head.
Why do you support Hamas ?
Israel could absolutely start a war we will have to fight.
As could china, north korea and iran

Particularly iran since they are supplying the rockets that are falling on Israel

Gaza has no way to import rockets so they are home made.
So where the fuck is Hamas getting the fucking components to make the rockets?
From Amazon?
You're an idiot!

The fuel and explosives are easily available ingredients, like sugar and fertilizer.
The nozzle can easily be cast.
The shell is just pipe.

Haven't you ever made your own rockets?
I thought all kids went through that phase?
You must have grown up in Gaza.
I support fact being posted for all to sgive.
Okay. Who give Hamas their rockets?
You're a Fraud. You said that you post facts. Where does Hamas get its its funding from ?
The selling of drugs to America.
Okay. Does Iran have anything to do with Hamas ?
Now that's funny. I pointed out that you don't know shit about what I think after years of discussion, and you called me a Libertarian proving my point. I'm not a Libertarian and I never said I was. You are too stupid to know how to capitalize, which is particularly funny since you called me the child.

Guy, I understand why you are embarrassed by the Clown Show that was Dope Smoking Gary, but the fact is, he was about as credible as your movement ever got.

I'm calling you stupid because after discussing this for years you don't remotely have a clue what a small government libertarian is. You're literally mentally retarded. It's not that hard. I've explained it to you many times. You're just flat out stupid
Wow, this should be good. What does a small libertarian government look like? Where can we find an example of it on the planet today?

A libertarian small government looks like the United States until you parasites took over
Israel could absolutely start a war we will have to fight.
As could china, north korea and iran

Particularly iran since they are supplying the rockets that are falling on Israel
Israel is supposed to be our ally rather than a rogue nation like the others you listed.
Hamas has declared that it's number one goal in life is to fucking kill every fucking JEW on the planet!
Explain what the fuck all the fucking 'tunnels' Hamas has been digging for fucking YEARS are for?
The fucking sub-humans PROMISHED if they were given millions of dollars they would use the money to build schools and hospitals. Instead they used the money to build the tunnels to smuggle military equipment into Gaza and buy fucking unguided rockets.
Talk about a bunch of mentally ill savages!

That is just a lie
Hamas has never threatened Jews, does not want to harm Jews, and there have always been Jews living under Hamas rule in Gaza.

The tunnels Hamas digs, are to Egypt, in order to smuggle in food that Israel does not allow, because they want the Palestinians to starve and leave.
And the $200 million we give Palestine does not even cover the cost of garbage collection.
You don't know anything about running a country or the Mideast.
You know dummies like you don't seem to understand this simple premise: YOU make a questionable comment, people like me look to validate i.e. simple research.
Case in point, your totally guesstimate that
$200 million we give Palestine does not even cover the cost of garbage collection.
Dummy! FACTS show how totally dumb that statement is:
Cost to pick up garbage in USA average $330/household/year.
How many people live in Gaza..734,547... at 3 people per household or 244,000 households.
Gaza Population 2021 (Demographics, Maps, Graphs)
Multiple $330 times 244,000 equals $82 million... and that's USA dollars!
So $200 million covers over 2.5 Times the costs of garbage removal!
But again... FACTS mean nothing to dummies like you! Do your research before you make ANY numerical comments...!

The population of Gaza is well over 2 million.

second source
2.13 million people in 2020

The actual population of Gaza varies depending upon who is doing the calculations.
It is easier when there is an election and more people register.

But there also are other reasons why garbage collection costs more in Gaza:
Solid waste management in Gaza Strip is a matter of grave concern. With population of approximately 1.75 million, waste management is one of the most serious challenges confronting the local authorities because of high volumes of solid waste generation and economic blockade by Israel. The daily solid waste generation across Gaza is more than 1300 tons which is characterized by per capita waste generation of 0.35 to 1.0 kg.

Scarcity of waste disposal sites coupled with huge increase in waste generation is leading to serious environmental and human health impacts on the population. The severity of the crisis is a direct consequence of continuing blockade by Israeli Occupation Forces and lack of financial assistance from international donor.

Israeli Occupation Forces deliberately destroyed most of the sewage infrastructure in the Gaza Strip, during 2008-2009 Gaza War inflicting heavy damage to sewage pipes, water tanks, wastewater treatment plants etc. Infact, Israeli forces, time and again, target Gaza's infrastructure and inflict heavy damage during repeated incursions in the Gaza Strip.

Landfills in Gaza

There are three landfills in Gaza Strip – one each in southern and central part of Gaza and one in Gaza governorate. In addition, there are numerous unregulated dumpsites scattered across rural and urban areas which are not fenced, lined or monitored. Domestic, industrial and medical wastes are often dumped near cities and villages or burned and disposed of in unregulated disposal sites which cause soil, air and water pollution, leading to health hazards and ecological damage. The physical damage caused to Gaza’s infrastructure by repeated Israeli aggression has been a major deterred in putting forward a workable solid waste management strategy in the Strip.

They have no place to just bury garbage like we do.
Well that is a very complete and substantial contribution and I compliment you for your efforts!

But you still haven't proved your statement :
"$200 million we give Palestine does not even cover the cost of garbage collection."

Where is your proof that $200 million does not....?

Use your own figures. {...Cost to pick up garbage in USA average $330/household/year ,..}
I showed there are more than 2 million in Gaza, divide by 3 to get about 700,000 households, and multiply by $330 per household cost, and you get about $200 million.

Then I included proof Gaza garbage can't be buried so costs much more than US garbage.
AP/AJ are huge Hamas/Iran supporters.
A child knows this fact.
These fuckers have been having lunch in the building every fucking day with Hamas leaders.
Israel showed Biden 100% proof that Hamas had been operating out of the building with the full knowledge of AP/AJ.

And why shouldn't the press be supporters of Hamas, the democratically elected representatives of Palestine?
The government of Palestine, operates out of almost all the commercial buildings in Gaza.
They run all the schools, utilities, libraries, etc.
Why did Abbas cancel the 'election' asshole?
B/c he KNEW he wouldn't get reelected.
That's why Iran told him to start firing off thousands of Iran supplied rockets into Israel. To distract from the FACT that the average Palestinian has fucking had it with living in a violent shithole sand dune. The Palestinian youth have the fucking internet and they fucking KNOW they are being controlled by a bunch of toothless stinking psychopaths who would rather buy bullets than buy food for their granddaughters AKA their future sex slaves.

The election was cancelled because Israel would not allow voting stations in any of the contested areas, which is the entire West Bank.
All the problems in Palestine are caused deliberately by Israel.
Link from a non-Arab site?

Unable to vote, Palestinians shrug off Israel's elections

MAS’HA, West Bank (AP) — Barhoum Saleh’s town is surrounded by Jewish settlements, the sign above his roadside mechanic shop is in Hebrew, most of his customers are Israeli and he needs an Israeli permit to visit the beach a half hour’s drive away.

But unlike his Jewish neighbors, he can’t vote in next week’s elections.

Saleh is among the 2.5 million Palestinians in the West Bank who have no voice in choosing Israel’s next government and no control over whether it decides to annex part or all of the occupied territory, as Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has vowed to do . With the peace process having sputtered to a halt a decade ago, they also have little hope of getting a state of their own anytime soon.
Should someone living in France be able to vote in an Israeli or Gazan election?
Are you truly this incredibly hateful?
The Arab leaders are given billions of dollars and the people cannot vote on their own leaders.

Most of the Palestinians live in the West Bank where Israel is not allowing voting stations.

The Arab Palestinians leaders are not given billions of dollars.

And it is Israel that won't let them vote.
They only let 1 million of the Arabs living inside Israel to vote
Obama is silent, but we all know that he's cheering for the Muslims in Iran.

When is the last time anyone heard a democrat cheering for America or one of its allies to win?
When is the last time you heard a Democratic President cozy up with dictators and tyranny like the former president did?
President Obama cozied up to who?

Let's start with the Castros. Then there's Imanutjob and Iran. Putin and Russia. Then there's Jinping and China. How old are you, anyway? You don't remember the Obama administration?
Your just throwing bullshit because your guy sucked up to tyrants and dictators.

An Obama supporter talking about sucking up to tyrants and dictators, I'm just laughing at you. Your self awareness is zero. It's what happens when you're not even smart enough to have a view of your own and you just think what Democrats tell you to think
Sure, please what actions the former president took against the Saudi dictator for murdering a journalist?

Please post what actions the former president took for Putin’s attempted murder of political rivals.

What actions did the former president take against the Turkish dictator for his purge of small d democracy.

None of that contradicts what I said. That doesn't make it that Obama, friend of dictators wasn't a friend of dictators
It makes everything you posted ass.

In your own big words, how did President Obama cozy up to Castro?

That proves what exactly?
If pictures prove something, what does this one prove?


Funny how you're completely silent when Democrat morons keep posting pictures of Nazis, LOL
Stop with distraction BS.

What do those pictures prove?

I'm not the one who posted the photos, jackass. I just mocked you for your hypocrisy
You didn’t mock anything. You jumped in with your typical conservative bullshit and claimed to have done something.

I’m asking what that something was and you got all butthurt.

Um ... yes ... pointing out your silence to Democrats who keep posting pictures as the hypocrisy that it is is mocking you for your hypocrisy. Try to keep up, you're slowing down the discussion. Curtsy while you talk, it saves time, my dear
You posted something about fascist Germany and acted like that meant something.

And now your still padding your own back.

Sure, Champ. You don't worship German Nazis, you worship Democrats. As long as you're fed dinner you'd say or do anything. You're a racist and a fascist
That crap plays better on 8klan knuckle dragger.

I image German fascist posts in that forum are in support.

Jew haters are the enlightened ones. Sure you are, Nazi. Nothing new about your wanting to kill Jews or the swastika you're wearing. You're just an old time racist and fascist
Don’t project your maga carnival barker bullshit on me dude.

That's just stupid. I suppose it sounded good to you.

You're advocating the death of Jews, but somehow what you say isn't your responsibility. Just like all the 10 year old girls you're getting raped on the southern border isn't your responsibility. Just like all the drug cartels you're funding isn't your responsibility.

I'm a Democrat, and I'm not responsible for what I do. If Democrats were honest, that would be your motto. It's what you sell to Democrats
Just those issues? Why not more from the idiotic brain of a child.

Can you even see light under your maga rock?
You're in propaganda mode again
Dude, propaganda mode? Are you trying to be the threads jester?
Try writing adult posts and get out of propaganda mode, brainless Democrat twat
Pot meet kettle...

Otto: No I'm not, YOU are kaz, YOU are. I'm not, YOU are.

Any given playground, Otto may be there. Democrats operate at about an eight year old level. And that's just the right level for playground insults
That’s posting like an adult? Nope, that’s posting like a small minded conservative libertarian with limited space in his head.

Otto: No I'm not, YOU are kaz, YOU are. I'm not, YOU are.

I'm noticing a theme. Do you have anything else, or is that it?
AP/AJ are huge Hamas/Iran supporters.
A child knows this fact.
These fuckers have been having lunch in the building every fucking day with Hamas leaders.
Israel showed Biden 100% proof that Hamas had been operating out of the building with the full knowledge of AP/AJ.

And why shouldn't the press be supporters of Hamas, the democratically elected representatives of Palestine?
The government of Palestine, operates out of almost all the commercial buildings in Gaza.
They run all the schools, utilities, libraries, etc.
Why did Abbas cancel the 'election' asshole?
B/c he KNEW he wouldn't get reelected.
That's why Iran told him to start firing off thousands of Iran supplied rockets into Israel. To distract from the FACT that the average Palestinian has fucking had it with living in a violent shithole sand dune. The Palestinian youth have the fucking internet and they fucking KNOW they are being controlled by a bunch of toothless stinking psychopaths who would rather buy bullets than buy food for their granddaughters AKA their future sex slaves.

The election was cancelled because Israel would not allow voting stations in any of the contested areas, which is the entire West Bank.
All the problems in Palestine are caused deliberately by Israel.
Link from a non-Arab site?

Unable to vote, Palestinians shrug off Israel's elections

MAS’HA, West Bank (AP) — Barhoum Saleh’s town is surrounded by Jewish settlements, the sign above his roadside mechanic shop is in Hebrew, most of his customers are Israeli and he needs an Israeli permit to visit the beach a half hour’s drive away.

But unlike his Jewish neighbors, he can’t vote in next week’s elections.

Saleh is among the 2.5 million Palestinians in the West Bank who have no voice in choosing Israel’s next government and no control over whether it decides to annex part or all of the occupied territory, as Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has vowed to do . With the peace process having sputtered to a halt a decade ago, they also have little hope of getting a state of their own anytime soon.
He's not a citizen of Israel, so why should he be allowed to vote in their elections?

He is on land controlled by the government of Israel.
Israel either has to retreat back to the 1948 partition, or allow all the Arabs in the occupied lands to vote in Israeli elections.
AP/AJ are huge Hamas/Iran supporters.
A child knows this fact.
These fuckers have been having lunch in the building every fucking day with Hamas leaders.
Israel showed Biden 100% proof that Hamas had been operating out of the building with the full knowledge of AP/AJ.

And why shouldn't the press be supporters of Hamas, the democratically elected representatives of Palestine?
The government of Palestine, operates out of almost all the commercial buildings in Gaza.
They run all the schools, utilities, libraries, etc.
Why did Abbas cancel the 'election' asshole?
B/c he KNEW he wouldn't get reelected.
That's why Iran told him to start firing off thousands of Iran supplied rockets into Israel. To distract from the FACT that the average Palestinian has fucking had it with living in a violent shithole sand dune. The Palestinian youth have the fucking internet and they fucking KNOW they are being controlled by a bunch of toothless stinking psychopaths who would rather buy bullets than buy food for their granddaughters AKA their future sex slaves.

The election was cancelled because Israel would not allow voting stations in any of the contested areas, which is the entire West Bank.
All the problems in Palestine are caused deliberately by Israel.
Link from a non-Arab site?

Unable to vote, Palestinians shrug off Israel's elections

MAS’HA, West Bank (AP) — Barhoum Saleh’s town is surrounded by Jewish settlements, the sign above his roadside mechanic shop is in Hebrew, most of his customers are Israeli and he needs an Israeli permit to visit the beach a half hour’s drive away.

But unlike his Jewish neighbors, he can’t vote in next week’s elections.

Saleh is among the 2.5 million Palestinians in the West Bank who have no voice in choosing Israel’s next government and no control over whether it decides to annex part or all of the occupied territory, as Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has vowed to do . With the peace process having sputtered to a halt a decade ago, they also have little hope of getting a state of their own anytime soon.
Interesting... your source is AP news... which HAD a building in Gaza!
I keep telling these numskulls that AP is a Hamas propaganda organ.

That is silly.
AP is world wide and well respected.
Obama is silent, but we all know that he's cheering for the Muslims in Iran.

When is the last time anyone heard a democrat cheering for America or one of its allies to win?
When is the last time you heard a Democratic President cozy up with dictators and tyranny like the former president did?
President Obama cozied up to who?

Let's start with the Castros. Then there's Imanutjob and Iran. Putin and Russia. Then there's Jinping and China. How old are you, anyway? You don't remember the Obama administration?
Your just throwing bullshit because your guy sucked up to tyrants and dictators.

An Obama supporter talking about sucking up to tyrants and dictators, I'm just laughing at you. Your self awareness is zero. It's what happens when you're not even smart enough to have a view of your own and you just think what Democrats tell you to think
Sure, please what actions the former president took against the Saudi dictator for murdering a journalist?

Please post what actions the former president took for Putin’s attempted murder of political rivals.

What actions did the former president take against the Turkish dictator for his purge of small d democracy.

None of that contradicts what I said. That doesn't make it that Obama, friend of dictators wasn't a friend of dictators
It makes everything you posted ass.

In your own big words, how did President Obama cozy up to Castro?

That proves what exactly?
If pictures prove something, what does this one prove?


Funny how you're completely silent when Democrat morons keep posting pictures of Nazis, LOL
Stop with distraction BS.

What do those pictures prove?

I'm not the one who posted the photos, jackass. I just mocked you for your hypocrisy
You didn’t mock anything. You jumped in with your typical conservative bullshit and claimed to have done something.

I’m asking what that something was and you got all butthurt.

Um ... yes ... pointing out your silence to Democrats who keep posting pictures as the hypocrisy that it is is mocking you for your hypocrisy. Try to keep up, you're slowing down the discussion. Curtsy while you talk, it saves time, my dear
You posted something about fascist Germany and acted like that meant something.

And now your still padding your own back.

Sure, Champ. You don't worship German Nazis, you worship Democrats. As long as you're fed dinner you'd say or do anything. You're a racist and a fascist
That crap plays better on 8klan knuckle dragger.

I image German fascist posts in that forum are in support.

Jew haters are the enlightened ones. Sure you are, Nazi. Nothing new about your wanting to kill Jews or the swastika you're wearing. You're just an old time racist and fascist
Don’t project your maga carnival barker bullshit on me dude.

That's just stupid. I suppose it sounded good to you.

You're advocating the death of Jews, but somehow what you say isn't your responsibility. Just like all the 10 year old girls you're getting raped on the southern border isn't your responsibility. Just like all the drug cartels you're funding isn't your responsibility.

I'm a Democrat, and I'm not responsible for what I do. If Democrats were honest, that would be your motto. It's what you sell to Democrats
Just those issues? Why not more from the idiotic brain of a child.

Can you even see light under your maga rock?
You're in propaganda mode again
Dude, propaganda mode? Are you trying to be the threads jester?
Try writing adult posts and get out of propaganda mode, brainless Democrat twat
Pot meet kettle...

Otto: No I'm not, YOU are kaz, YOU are. I'm not, YOU are.

Any given playground, Otto may be there. Democrats operate at about an eight year old level. And that's just the right level for playground insults
That’s posting like an adult? Nope, that’s posting like a small minded conservative libertarian with limited space in his head.
Why do you support Hamas ?
Israel could absolutely start a war we will have to fight.
As could china, north korea and iran

Particularly iran since they are supplying the rockets that are falling on Israel

Gaza has no way to import rockets so they are home made.
So where the fuck is Hamas getting the fucking components to make the rockets?
From Amazon?
You're an idiot!

The fuel and explosives are easily available ingredients, like sugar and fertilizer.
The nozzle can easily be cast.
The shell is just pipe.

Haven't you ever made your own rockets?
I thought all kids went through that phase?
You must have grown up in Gaza.
I support fact being posted for all to see

Facts? There's an interesting new angle for you. I'm interesting in seeing this one. So far all you have is no I'm not, YOU are

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