I predict Biden will criticize Israel for bombing the AP building in Gaza.

Israel obliterates Gaza headquarters of AP and Al Jazeera… Boom and it’s gone…​

Just wait... Biden and his infidel believers will criticize Israel just as

Press advocates condemn Israeli missile strike on media building​

The Associated Press, Al Jazeera and other press advocates condemned the Israeli air strike on Saturday that blew up the building housing them and other media outlets.
Reporters for AP and Al Jazeera were forced to evacuate the 12-story building after the owner was warned that it would be targeted. Israeli forces struck the building an hour later, causing it to completely collapse.

By the way... has Hamas given anyone warnings about these attacks?

Well, the Israelis have done this sort of stuff for 70 years.
Bomb terrorists?
You are correct.

Wrong, the Israelis have always been the terrorist bombers, like the bombing of the British governor in the King David Hotel, the assassination of the UN Moderator, Folke Bernadotte, etc.

Folke Bernadotte, Count of Wisborg (2 January 1895 – 17 September 1948) was a Swedish nobleman and diplomat. In World War II he negotiated the release of about 31,000 prisoners from German concentration camps, including 450 Danish Jews from the Theresienstadt camp. They were released on 14 April 1945.[1][2][3] In 1945 he received a German surrender offer from Heinrich Himmler.

After the war, Bernadotte was unanimously chosen to be the United Nations Security Council mediator in the Arab–Israeli conflict of 1947–1948. He was assassinated in Jerusalem in 1948 by the paramilitary Zionist group Lehi while pursuing his official duties.


Israel obliterates Gaza headquarters of AP and Al Jazeera… Boom and it’s gone…​

Just wait... Biden and his infidel believers will criticize Israel just as

Press advocates condemn Israeli missile strike on media building​

The Associated Press, Al Jazeera and other press advocates condemned the Israeli air strike on Saturday that blew up the building housing them and other media outlets.
Reporters for AP and Al Jazeera were forced to evacuate the 12-story building after the owner was warned that it would be targeted. Israeli forces struck the building an hour later, causing it to completely collapse.

By the way... has Hamas given anyone warnings about these attacks?

Well, the Israelis have done this sort of stuff for 70 years.
Bomb terrorists?
You are correct.

Wrong, the Israelis have always been the terrorist bombers, like the bombing of the British governor in the King David Hotel, the assassination of the UN Moderator, Folke Bernadotte, etc.

Folke Bernadotte, Count of Wisborg (2 January 1895 – 17 September 1948) was a Swedish nobleman and diplomat. In World War II he negotiated the release of about 31,000 prisoners from German concentration camps, including 450 Danish Jews from the Theresienstadt camp. They were released on 14 April 1945.[1][2][3] In 1945 he received a German surrender offer from Heinrich Himmler.

After the war, Bernadotte was unanimously chosen to be the United Nations Security Council mediator in the Arab–Israeli conflict of 1947–1948. He was assassinated in Jerusalem in 1948 by the paramilitary Zionist group Lehi while pursuing his official duties.

You seem to think this was a bad thing.

Israel obliterates Gaza headquarters of AP and Al Jazeera… Boom and it’s gone…​

Just wait... Biden and his infidel believers will criticize Israel just as

Press advocates condemn Israeli missile strike on media building​

The Associated Press, Al Jazeera and other press advocates condemned the Israeli air strike on Saturday that blew up the building housing them and other media outlets.
Reporters for AP and Al Jazeera were forced to evacuate the 12-story building after the owner was warned that it would be targeted. Israeli forces struck the building an hour later, causing it to completely collapse.

By the way... has Hamas given anyone warnings about these attacks?

Well, the Israelis have done this sort of stuff for 70 years.
Bomb terrorists?
You are correct.

Wrong, the Israelis have always been the terrorist bombers, like the bombing of the British governor in the King David Hotel, the assassination of the UN Moderator, Folke Bernadotte, etc.

Folke Bernadotte, Count of Wisborg (2 January 1895 – 17 September 1948) was a Swedish nobleman and diplomat. In World War II he negotiated the release of about 31,000 prisoners from German concentration camps, including 450 Danish Jews from the Theresienstadt camp. They were released on 14 April 1945.[1][2][3] In 1945 he received a German surrender offer from Heinrich Himmler.

After the war, Bernadotte was unanimously chosen to be the United Nations Security Council mediator in the Arab–Israeli conflict of 1947–1948. He was assassinated in Jerusalem in 1948 by the paramilitary Zionist group Lehi while pursuing his official duties.

Too bad you missed the part where the British were warned hours before the bombing to leave the hotel.
Please tell us that Muslims have never committed mass murder in the name of Allah.
America is Israel's bitch so are Americans (billions of tax payers money go to Israel).

Israel obliterates Gaza headquarters of AP and Al Jazeera… Boom and it’s gone…​

Just wait... Biden and his infidel believers will criticize Israel just as

Press advocates condemn Israeli missile strike on media building​

The Associated Press, Al Jazeera and other press advocates condemned the Israeli air strike on Saturday that blew up the building housing them and other media outlets.
Reporters for AP and Al Jazeera were forced to evacuate the 12-story building after the owner was warned that it would be targeted. Israeli forces struck the building an hour later, causing it to completely collapse.

By the way... has Hamas given anyone warnings about these attacks?

Israel obliterates Gaza headquarters of AP and Al Jazeera… Boom and it’s gone…​

Just wait... Biden and his infidel believers will criticize Israel just as

Press advocates condemn Israeli missile strike on media building​

The Associated Press, Al Jazeera and other press advocates condemned the Israeli air strike on Saturday that blew up the building housing them and other media outlets.
Reporters for AP and Al Jazeera were forced to evacuate the 12-story building after the owner was warned that it would be targeted. Israeli forces struck the building an hour later, causing it to completely collapse.

By the way... has Hamas given anyone warnings about these attacks?

If there are terrorists based in the building, its a legitimate military target.

The Jews would be amiss NOT to target it.

BTW, during WW2, Dr. Goebbels' press operation was attacked, so it isn't unprecedented.
The AP is a legitimate military target, regardless of what happened with Goebbels.
??? How is AP a military target.
What arms or attacks have they colluded in to aid or abet any enemy attacks on Israel?
The AP are scumbags who doctored pics to make it look like Israel had killed civlians. They are the propaganda arm of the PLO

Israel obliterates Gaza headquarters of AP and Al Jazeera… Boom and it’s gone…​

Just wait... Biden and his infidel believers will criticize Israel just as

Press advocates condemn Israeli missile strike on media building​

The Associated Press, Al Jazeera and other press advocates condemned the Israeli air strike on Saturday that blew up the building housing them and other media outlets.
Reporters for AP and Al Jazeera were forced to evacuate the 12-story building after the owner was warned that it would be targeted. Israeli forces struck the building an hour later, causing it to completely collapse.

By the way... has Hamas given anyone warnings about these attacks?
Israel knows who the enemy is.
How is the AP building a military/terrorist/wartime enemy target?

Was there something going on at that site besides media?

How can you be sure all people got out in one hour. Surely they lost computer equipment and files.

Did they already have an agreement to vacate on a moment's notice due to potential attacks and risk of war?

Was there some terrorist or enemy presence or use of the building not reported to the public?

Is there more to this story than just bombing a media HQ building. Otherwise if there was no other reason, isn't it a warcrime to target civilians, especially media journalists?
If you believe for one second that there were no members of Hamas in the AP building you're dumber than a sack of shit.
My question is where is this being reported in the media that Hamas was using that building for attacks?

If that isn't clarified as the justification for obliterating that building, then the only statements about why it was targeted are the arguments that "Israel was trying to wipe out media reporting to hide the atrocities they are committing."

You would think Israeli authorities would issue a clear public statement that they were attacking Hamas in that building, not chasing out AP or AJ news entities.

Why is this left to public conjecture, so it enables the narrative that Israel did this to get rid of media coverage?

Israel obliterates Gaza headquarters of AP and Al Jazeera… Boom and it’s gone…​

Just wait... Biden and his infidel believers will criticize Israel just as

Press advocates condemn Israeli missile strike on media building​

The Associated Press, Al Jazeera and other press advocates condemned the Israeli air strike on Saturday that blew up the building housing them and other media outlets.
Reporters for AP and Al Jazeera were forced to evacuate the 12-story building after the owner was warned that it would be targeted. Israeli forces struck the building an hour later, causing it to completely collapse.

By the way... has Hamas given anyone warnings about these attacks?
Israel knows who the enemy is.
How is the AP building a military/terrorist/wartime enemy target?

Was there something going on at that site besides media?

How can you be sure all people got out in one hour. Surely they lost computer equipment and files.

Did they already have an agreement to vacate on a moment's notice due to potential attacks and risk of war?

Was there some terrorist or enemy presence or use of the building not reported to the public?

Is there more to this story than just bombing a media HQ building. Otherwise if there was no other reason, isn't it a warcrime to target civilians, especially media journalists?
If you believe for one second that there were no members of Hamas in the AP building you're dumber than a sack of shit.
My question is where is this being reported in the media that Hamas was using that building for attacks?

If that isn't clarified as the justification for obliterating that building, then the only statements about why it was targeted are the arguments that "Israel was trying to wipe out media reporting to hide the atrocities they are committing."

You would think Israeli authorities would issue a clear public statement that they were attacking Hamas in that building, not chasing out AP or AJ news entities.

Why is this left to public conjecture, so it enables the narrative that Israel did this to get rid of media coverage?
Where do I begin?
Were not the Jews rejected by God?
Were not the Jews getting their just desserts by being annihilated?
Was not the Lord finally eliminating those horrible parasites called "Jews!".

Then...all of a sudden, several hundred thousand staving, underweight Jews, win, by an untold number of miracles, a war beating 5 fully equipped Arab nations.
The Christian news media couldn't handle this and so the Arab Invasion was White Washed into a JOO Invasion.

Even John Paul II, who was intellectually honest, had to come up with the Parallel Theory of both Judaism and Christianity being valid.

If you weren't watching the news from the 60s and on, you won't get this.
Obama is silent, but we all know that he's cheering for the Muslims in Iran.

When is the last time anyone heard a democrat cheering for America or one of its allies to win?

Israel is no ally of the US.
They never once let us use a single air or naval base.
Why do people like you make dumb ass statements without doing a little Internet search?

secret us military bases in israel exposed​

Secret US Military Bases in Israel exposed

January 3, 2013. Tel Aviv. How many secret US military bases are there in Israel that the American people don’t know about? Six…wait, seven…no, eight.
It seems the more research one does, the more secret US bases one finds in the Jewish State. Of the 8 known current and future bases, none is garnering more questions, from Congress as well as the American people, than the mysterious new US facility in Israel named, oddly enough, Base 911.
  • Israel
    • The Dimona Radar Facility is an American-operated radar facility in the Negev. As of 2012, it is staffed by approximately 100 US military personnel.[29]

Again... simple Internet search would prevent you from showing your ignorance!

Israel obliterates Gaza headquarters of AP and Al Jazeera… Boom and it’s gone…​

Just wait... Biden and his infidel believers will criticize Israel just as

Press advocates condemn Israeli missile strike on media building​

The Associated Press, Al Jazeera and other press advocates condemned the Israeli air strike on Saturday that blew up the building housing them and other media outlets.
Reporters for AP and Al Jazeera were forced to evacuate the 12-story building after the owner was warned that it would be targeted. Israeli forces struck the building an hour later, causing it to completely collapse.

By the way... has Hamas given anyone warnings about these attacks?
Israel knows who the enemy is.
How is the AP building a military/terrorist/wartime enemy target?

Was there something going on at that site besides media?

How can you be sure all people got out in one hour. Surely they lost computer equipment and files.

Did they already have an agreement to vacate on a moment's notice due to potential attacks and risk of war?

Was there some terrorist or enemy presence or use of the building not reported to the public?

Is there more to this story than just bombing a media HQ building. Otherwise if there was no other reason, isn't it a warcrime to target civilians, especially media journalists?
If you believe for one second that there were no members of Hamas in the AP building you're dumber than a sack of shit.
My question is where is this being reported in the media that Hamas was using that building for attacks?

If that isn't clarified as the justification for obliterating that building, then the only statements about why it was targeted are the arguments that "Israel was trying to wipe out media reporting to hide the atrocities they are committing."

You would think Israeli authorities would issue a clear public statement that they were attacking Hamas in that building, not chasing out AP or AJ news entities.

Why is this left to public conjecture, so it enables the narrative that Israel did this to get rid of media coverage?
Simple research...no guesses...

But a 2014 piece from the Atlantic written by a reporter in the region detailed a long and questionable history between the AP and the jihadist group, critics observed.

"When Hamas’s leaders surveyed their assets before this summer’s round of fighting, they knew that among those assets was the international press. The AP staff in Gaza City would witness a rocket launch right beside their office, endangering reporters and other civilians nearby—and the AP wouldn’t report it," the article reads.

You people are remarkably forgiving of the only other country in the world that can make the decision that America will go to war.

Israel obliterates Gaza headquarters of AP and Al Jazeera… Boom and it’s gone…​

Just wait... Biden and his infidel believers will criticize Israel just as

Press advocates condemn Israeli missile strike on media building​

The Associated Press, Al Jazeera and other press advocates condemned the Israeli air strike on Saturday that blew up the building housing them and other media outlets.
Reporters for AP and Al Jazeera were forced to evacuate the 12-story building after the owner was warned that it would be targeted. Israeli forces struck the building an hour later, causing it to completely collapse.

By the way... has Hamas given anyone warnings about these attacks?

Well, the Israelis have done this sort of stuff for 70 years.
You mean attack their enemies? That's why we admire them.

Israelis attacked the worshippers at AlAqsa.. They engineered this fight so they could kill more Palestinians.
Don't you EVER get tired of lying?
You people are remarkably forgiving of the only other country in the world that can make the decision that America will go to war.

Israel obliterates Gaza headquarters of AP and Al Jazeera… Boom and it’s gone…​

Just wait... Biden and his infidel believers will criticize Israel just as

Press advocates condemn Israeli missile strike on media building​

The Associated Press, Al Jazeera and other press advocates condemned the Israeli air strike on Saturday that blew up the building housing them and other media outlets.
Reporters for AP and Al Jazeera were forced to evacuate the 12-story building after the owner was warned that it would be targeted. Israeli forces struck the building an hour later, causing it to completely collapse.

By the way... has Hamas given anyone warnings about these attacks?

Well, the Israelis have done this sort of stuff for 70 years.
You mean attack their enemies? That's why we admire them.

Israelis attacked the worshippers at AlAqsa.. They engineered this fight so they could kill more Palestinians.
Don't you EVER get tired of lying?
surada is the downside of unlimited data plans.

Israel obliterates Gaza headquarters of AP and Al Jazeera… Boom and it’s gone…​

Just wait... Biden and his infidel believers will criticize Israel just as

Press advocates condemn Israeli missile strike on media building​

The Associated Press, Al Jazeera and other press advocates condemned the Israeli air strike on Saturday that blew up the building housing them and other media outlets.
Reporters for AP and Al Jazeera were forced to evacuate the 12-story building after the owner was warned that it would be targeted. Israeli forces struck the building an hour later, causing it to completely collapse.

By the way... has Hamas given anyone warnings about these attacks?

Well, the Israelis have done this sort of stuff for 70 years.
They obviously havent done enough. Its time to stop playing nice.

Israel obliterates Gaza headquarters of AP and Al Jazeera… Boom and it’s gone…​

Just wait... Biden and his infidel believers will criticize Israel just as

Press advocates condemn Israeli missile strike on media building​

The Associated Press, Al Jazeera and other press advocates condemned the Israeli air strike on Saturday that blew up the building housing them and other media outlets.
Reporters for AP and Al Jazeera were forced to evacuate the 12-story building after the owner was warned that it would be targeted. Israeli forces struck the building an hour later, causing it to completely collapse.

By the way... has Hamas given anyone warnings about these attacks?

Well, the Israelis have done this sort of stuff for 70 years.
Yup... and always because the vile, inhuman filth around them attacked their homes and children FIRST. Don't want your buildings eradicated and your children endangered? Simple... don't fecking launch rockets randomly at Jewish neighborhoods. This shouldn't be a difficult concept but apparently, Arab Muslims aren't able to grasp it, ever.

Israel obliterates Gaza headquarters of AP and Al Jazeera… Boom and it’s gone…​

Just wait... Biden and his infidel believers will criticize Israel just as

Press advocates condemn Israeli missile strike on media building​

The Associated Press, Al Jazeera and other press advocates condemned the Israeli air strike on Saturday that blew up the building housing them and other media outlets.
Reporters for AP and Al Jazeera were forced to evacuate the 12-story building after the owner was warned that it would be targeted. Israeli forces struck the building an hour later, causing it to completely collapse.

By the way... has Hamas given anyone warnings about these attacks?
Wait. You CONDONE Israel blowing up a news building because you don't like what they say?
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