I really don't care who controls the senate on Nov 4th


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
Gridlock will only continue.

Hell, even if republicans had full control over both the White House and congress, they still wouldn't do shit to help the country as a whole. Serously, all this party tries to do is cut taxes for the wealthy and deregulate the market. Guess what? The investment class is already doing better than ever.

Gridlock will only continue.

Hell, even if republicans had full control over both the White House and congress, they still wouldn't do shit to help the country as a whole. Serously, all this party tries to do is cut taxes for the wealthy and deregulate the market. Guess what? The investment class is already doing better than ever.

Wait. So if the investment classes (whoever they are) have been doing better than ever under Democrat control of the Congress and WHite House, why wouldn't you want the GOP to take control of the Senate? Dem policies have obviously failed.
Gridlock will only continue.

Hell, even if republicans had full control over both the White House and congress, they still wouldn't do shit to help the country as a whole. Serously, all this party tries to do is cut taxes for the wealthy and deregulate the market. Guess what? The investment class is already doing better than ever.


You can thank your liberal race and gender warriors for that. Democrats used to be class warriors but the rich guys bought out the class warriors and diverted the liberals to fighting on the issue of sex and race.

Debauch society with total sexual freedom while blasting apart the sense of community (we're all in this together) by imposing multiculturalism and the rich have it made - the divide and conquer policy insures plenty of skirmishes in the battlefields of sex and race and that means no rich people will have their heads under a guillotine.
Gridlock will only continue.

Hell, even if republicans had full control over both the White House and congress, they still wouldn't do shit to help the country as a whole. Serously, all this party tries to do is cut taxes for the wealthy and deregulate the market. Guess what? The investment class is already doing better than ever.


Thought the point of so many senators was so no one ever could control the Senate? Thought they were supposed to be doing things that benefit their constiuents and nation, not their political party.
Hope an incoming asteroid lands right on the capitol. Start over. Do it better.
There was a time when people didn't feel the need to have the "government" help them and the country. Governments sole purpose was to PROTECT it's citizens from Foreign and Domestic enemies. Now you see from the citizens is they need to be there: to HELP THEM

That's why we as a free country is history, our freedoms are being squashed by them everyday and we now have a Fascist Government thanks to people wailing how they won't be there to HELP the country
hyperpartisan posts hyperpartisan thread disparaging other party...while at the same time claiming he doesn't care..LMAO..they're running in circles like their hair is on fire now...

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