I Saw Something, So I'm Saying Something


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2004
lots of links in article at site

By Stella Paul

Are you fed up with the antiseptic slogan, "If you see something, say something?"

The authorities expect us to report suspicious backpacks, but stay silent as the tomb about the nature of the men who put them there.

We're instructed to speak up about a bloodied man's movement under a boat tarp, but to shut up about the ideological movement that drove him to commit his carnage.

Well, as it happens, I've seen quite a lot of things over the last few years that I'd like to say something about -- enough things to break a heart and to kill a country.

And after the Boston Massacre committed by two immigrant jihadis, I'm going to say them.

I've seen the president of the United States bow down before the Saudi king, whose country sent fifteen hijackers to topple our towers. The reason French President Sarkozy is laughing in the photo is because he's reading the "Kick Me" sign on Obama's rump.

I've seen Obama stand before the United Nations after the jihad-crazed slaughter of four Americans in Benghazi, including our ambassador, and proclaim "The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam."

So much for America's right of free speech! And freedom of religion! Can you find anything in that bizarre sentence with which the Boston bombers would disagree? No wonder Dzhokhar Tsarnaev was an Obama supporter.

I've seen Obama's minions arrest and jail an obscure California film-maker for creating a YouTube video that criticizes Mohammed. Incredibly, I then witnessed Secretary of State Hillary Clinton attempt to blame the hapless guy for inciting the Benghazi slaughter. How about arresting Obama's pal George Clooney for bad acting? That would make more sense.

I've seen Obama's UN ambassador hustle to pass UN Resolution 16/18, an "anti-blasphemy law" pushed by the Organization of Islamic Cooperation to make criticizing Islam an international crime. So if you harsh the mellow of Shariah fanatics by critiquing their child marriages, honor killings, homosexual hangings, and genocidal plots to wipe out Israel, you're the one who's going to jail.

Oh, here's another thing I saw: Page 261 of Obama's The Audacity of Hope, in which he writes, "I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction."
Are the winds ugly yet?

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I've seen a few things too.

I've seen the "Rev" Fred Phelps and his band of Christian radicals wave signs in the faces of grieving parents which say, "Your son deserved to die," and "God hates fags."

Then, I've seen the President publicly proclaim his faith in Jesus Christ!

I've seen Christian activist's screaming, "You're going to hell!" into the faces of teenaged girls trying to get into an abortion clinic.

Then, I've watched as the President of the United States participated in Christian ceremonies!

I've seen abortion doctors murdered by Christian's in the name of God, then sat dumbfounded as the Justice Department filed lawsuits to protect the rights of non-fundamentalist Mormons and took the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority to court because they refused to hire a Pentacostal!

Can you imagine?

Why don't we call it what it is? This President is an out of control Christian activist and we ought to declare war on Christianity!
I saw right on this site yesterday Katz declare that she would do anything she could to see this country torn asunder.

Ill go get her post
lone laughter asks her "What are YOU doing to heal the fracture? You fucking quitter."

Katz and dogs answers

"Why would you think I have any interest in healing the fracture? I want to piss on the liberal pieces. I recognize the nation is breaking apart. That isn't the same thing as wanting to stop it. And I won't quit either.

Whatever small bit I can do to hammer a chisel in the fissures I will do."
Cheering death

expressing a desire to drown the government of the people

and doing what they can to see our country torn appart.

the new civil war.

guess who the confederates are?

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