I served in Afghanistan as a US Marine, twice. Here’s the truth in two sentences


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016
I served in Afghanistan as a US Marine, twice. Here’s the truth in two sentences

The author’s firsthand experience gives him the right to tell the truth about the two useless wars in the Middle East.

What he says is no surprise to those of us who understand just how truly corrupted our corporate controlled politicians have become. But, their lies are spun in such ways that conservatives and centrists cannot resist reelecting them... term after term.

Most who read the facts offered in the article written by the U.S. Marine captain will want to deny the reality of what he reveals, which will prove how easily the vast majority of voters are fooled by the candidates (and incumbents) they eagerly elect.

So, for progressives, you will find nothing surprising contained in the Captain’s account, but, centrists and conservatives, especially those on the extreme right, will dispute the Captain’s words, despite never having served in a military position of responsibility themselves.

Oh look, the new generation of democrats coming on the scene.

And no mention of the Obama Libya war?

Well I guess being a democrat that is a no, no.

Only wars "W" started can be critiqued.

Then again, "W" voted for Biden.

Oh well, we will leave the democrats like Biden who went to war clean them all up, or as we see today, let the fire burn out and see if anything moves from the ashes.

Thank God Trump did not start any wars, the first President in a very long time not to do so.
Oh look, the new generation of democrats coming on the scene.

And no mention of the Obama Libya war?

Well I guess being a democrat that is a no, no.

Only wars "W" started can be critiqued.

Then again, "W" voted for Biden.

Oh well, we will leave the democrats like Biden who went to war clean them all up, or as we see today, let the fire burn out and see if anything moves from the ashes.

Thank God Trump did not start any wars, the first President in a very long time not to do so.

The US had NOTHING to do with the Libyan Civil war... but the morons who know nothing about Libya and Gaddafi have concocted their own lies.

There's nothing in his article that points at centrists and conservatives only.

It points at all politicians.


A jobs program training “fighters” who did not want to fight because they Knew Taliban would eventually reassert and it would go real bad for those who opposed them.
"Corporate controlled politicians"? Is it alleged by a grunt Marine that American corporations are the cause of military adventures like Afghanistan? Sounds like a socialistic point of view.
I served in Afghanistan as a US Marine, twice. Here’s the truth in two sentences

The author’s firsthand experience gives him the right to tell the truth about the two useless wars in the Middle East.

What he says is no surprise to those of us who understand just how truly corrupted our corporate controlled politicians have become. But, their lies are spun in such ways that conservatives and centrists cannot resist reelecting them... term after term.

Most who read the facts offered in the article written by the U.S. Marine captain will want to deny the reality of what he reveals, which will prove how easily the vast majority of voters are fooled by the candidates (and incumbents) they eagerly elect.

So, for progressives, you will find nothing surprising contained in the Captain’s account, but, centrists and conservatives, especially those on the extreme right, will dispute the Captain’s words, despite never having served in a military position of responsibility themselves.

  • If our government habitually lies to us about everything it does overseas, in the Middle East, in wars and nation building, it becomes a rather simple matter to believe that everything they say about a national election in which THEY WERE HIGHLY VESTED IN THE OUTCOME being that Trump must lose, is all nothing but lies as well.
The 2020 election was rigged to put Joe Bidden in office to save the Deep State from suffering further ravages from a For-The-People President like Trump.

Thanks for pointing that out.
Oh look, the new generation of democrats coming on the scene.

And no mention of the Obama Libya war?

Well I guess being a democrat that is a no, no.

Only wars "W" started can be critiqued.

Then again, "W" voted for Biden.

Oh well, we will leave the democrats like Biden who went to war clean them all up, or as we see today, let the fire burn out and see if anything moves from the ashes.

Thank God Trump did not start any wars, the first President in a very long time not to do so.
its bertram...what would you expect?....
I served in Afghanistan as a US Marine, twice. Here’s the truth in two sentences

The author’s firsthand experience gives him the right to tell the truth about the two useless wars in the Middle East.

What he says is no surprise to those of us who understand just how truly corrupted our corporate controlled politicians have become. But, their lies are spun in such ways that conservatives and centrists cannot resist reelecting them... term after term.

Most who read the facts offered in the article written by the U.S. Marine captain will want to deny the reality of what he reveals, which will prove how easily the vast majority of voters are fooled by the candidates (and incumbents) they eagerly elect.

So, for progressives, you will find nothing surprising contained in the Captain’s account, but, centrists and conservatives, especially those on the extreme right, will dispute the Captain’s words, despite never having served in a military position of responsibility themselves.


Not disputing what he said, it was all going to fall apart. The question is why didn’t Biden get Americans out first? Because he is incompetent, not because the Afghan forces were incompetent.

I’ve been telling you all for years the Washington Establishment is owned by the defense industry to push forever wars. President Trump was the first to tell them to fuck off and refused to start a new regime change war with Syria.

But now Democrats have a new money making opportunity, Big Pharma. So now they are finally ditching the military industrial complex in favor of the new Pharmaceutical Industrial Complex. It will make them the same money and it has the added benefit of taking away our own citizen’s rights. This is why the left is pushing for mandatory vaccinations, booster shots will be the future cash cow because they know the virus shit isn’t going away. It’s the ultimate boogeyman they can use to breed fear into the population and they can make money off it, and punish anyone that opposes them.
View attachment 529861

There's nothing in his article that points at centrists and conservatives only.

It points at all politicians.



You didn't expect honesty from Bert, did you?
Both parties are responsible leading up to this debacle.
Bert is just trying to get people to take their eye off of the most recent events.
If I was a democrat, would be too.
Apart from supplying/enabling a tactical air force in contravention of a UNSC resolution.

All the embassies had evacuated and all 6 oil companies had evacuated. Libyan refugees were pouring into Italy.

NATO and the Arabs were begging us to help.

I used to live in Tripoli.. Gaddafi was a monster.. I am surprised they didn't rebel against him in the 1970s.
I served in Afghanistan as a US Marine, twice. Here’s the truth in two sentences

The author’s firsthand experience gives him the right to tell the truth about the two useless wars in the Middle East.

What he says is no surprise to those of us who understand just how truly corrupted our corporate controlled politicians have become. But, their lies are spun in such ways that conservatives and centrists cannot resist reelecting them... term after term.

Most who read the facts offered in the article written by the U.S. Marine captain will want to deny the reality of what he reveals, which will prove how easily the vast majority of voters are fooled by the candidates (and incumbents) they eagerly elect.

So, for progressives, you will find nothing surprising contained in the Captain’s account, but, centrists and conservatives, especially those on the extreme right, will dispute the Captain’s words, despite never having served in a military position of responsibility themselves.

Progs had total control with massive advantages for 2 years (2009-2010). Ample opportunity.
Marines don't get to make judgments about corporate controlled politicians. Corporations ain't your enemy, but politicians might be especially democrats. The democrat party never did have a good relationship with the military but they always had support from the media. Timid Harry Truman lost control of his own general in Korea and turned a victory in a year into a 3 year quagmire with the loss of anywhere from 35,000 to 50,000 Troops. The media gave him a tickertape parade. JFK used the CIA to create an illegal invasion army that they abandoned at the Bay of Pigs. Only praise for Camelot in the media. LBJ set the rules in Vietnam so we could win every battle and still lose the war. The media blamed Nixon. Bill Clinton bombed a defenseless country in Europe without consulting congress when he was caught with his pants down. The media loved it. George Bush had a successful campaign in Iraq and the CIA stabbed him in the back. Democrats signed on to the conflict and then unsigned and did everything the could to undermine it. The media went along with them.
Oh look, the new generation of democrats coming on the scene.

And no mention of the Obama Libya war?

Well I guess being a democrat that is a no, no.

Only wars "W" started can be critiqued.

Then again, "W" voted for Biden.

Oh well, we will leave the democrats like Biden who went to war clean them all up, or as we see today, let the fire burn out and see if anything moves from the ashes.

Thank God Trump did not start any wars, the first President in a very long time not to do so.
While you are talking about wars, let's not forget the disasters in Kosovo and Somalia.
BertramN I served in the USMC....the Iraq and Afghan wars were necessary/legal/etc ..they were not useless...we've been over this many times
1. more Americans were murdered on 9-11, [ masterminded by people based in Afghanistan ] than were killed at Pearl harbor--I guess WW2 was useless?
2. saddam gassed his own people-like hitler
3. saddam violated the cease fire -like hitler
4. saddam started TWO wars, hilter 1
I served in Afghanistan as a US Marine, twice. Here’s the truth in two sentences

The author’s firsthand experience gives him the right to tell the truth about the two useless wars in the Middle East.

What he says is no surprise to those of us who understand just how truly corrupted our corporate controlled politicians have become. But, their lies are spun in such ways that conservatives and centrists cannot resist reelecting them... term after term.

Most who read the facts offered in the article written by the U.S. Marine captain will want to deny the reality of what he reveals, which will prove how easily the vast majority of voters are fooled by the candidates (and incumbents) they eagerly elect.

So, for progressives, you will find nothing surprising contained in the Captain’s account, but, centrists and conservatives, especially those on the extreme right, will dispute the Captain’s words, despite never having served in a military position of responsibility themselves.


The cultists don't care about any of that.

They only care about their never ending race war.

There's some minorities somewhere that got something for free.

Don't you know what your priorities are?
I served in Afghanistan as a US Marine, twice. Here’s the truth in two sentences

The author’s firsthand experience gives him the right to tell the truth about the two useless wars in the Middle East.

What he says is no surprise to those of us who understand just how truly corrupted our corporate controlled politicians have become. But, their lies are spun in such ways that conservatives and centrists cannot resist reelecting them... term after term.

Most who read the facts offered in the article written by the U.S. Marine captain will want to deny the reality of what he reveals, which will prove how easily the vast majority of voters are fooled by the candidates (and incumbents) they eagerly elect.

So, for progressives, you will find nothing surprising contained in the Captain’s account, but, centrists and conservatives, especially those on the extreme right, will dispute the Captain’s words, despite never having served in a military position of responsibility themselves.

This part from the article rings true: “We (US) deserve better. Instead of politicians spending $6.4 trillion to “nation build” in the Middle East, we should start nation building right here at home.” Particularly now.

Biden and his handlers, particularly his handlers since Biden’s mental deterioration is a factor, could not have handled the exit strategy any worse than what we are witnessing. The US should’ve pulled out when Intel came back that bin Laden was in Pakistan not Afghanistan. The claim was also at that time to eliminate the training grounds that ISIS had set up in Afghanistan and allowed by the Taliban. No doubt a major money tradeoff sealed the deal. The release of ISIS militants won’t help anything.

But reverting back to the OP’s quote… The US is in dire need of cleaning up its own backyard, no surprise to any reader, and there are so many elements to the domestic mess that need to be improved and eliminated. This cleanup doesn’t involve large piles of money being thrown this way or that, but specific targeting and efficient leaders and manpower.

Many individuals and small groups have led community efforts at their local level. Small groups have taken desired projects (like reducing stormwater runoff) to their city councilman, and projects get approved when the tax paying residents continue to go to the council meetings to support it. I know what I’ve seen in my community is going on elsewhere in the states. One city significantly (not cheap) improved draining conditions prone to flooding in various areas, and 1 nearby city and two adjacent towns took note and are following suit. Competition is a good motivator for us humanoids:)

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