I think I'ts Time


Diamond Member
Sep 15, 2008
My 15 year old Tuxedo kitty has diabetes. He weighed 17 1/2 pounds at one time. He's been on insulin injections twice a day for six months. He has peeing mishaps. I bathed him today and noticed he has big ulcers on the back of each of his legs, he cries constantly for food. He is a lot of work to care for and I don't know how to deal with big open sores and cat littler. I think he's reached his age limit. It's just going to get worse. What do you think? Poor old Bandit.
If he's not enjoying his food, then he'd not enjoying life - and it's time to let him go with love.
My 15 year old Tuxedo kitty has diabetes. He weighed 17 1/2 pounds at one time. He's been on insulin injections twice a day for six months. He has peeing mishaps. I bathed him today and noticed he has big ulcers on the back of each of his legs, he cries constantly for food. He is a lot of work to care for and I don't know how to deal with big open sores and cat littler. I think he's reached his age limit. It's just going to get worse. What do you think? Poor old Bandit.

If he's constantly in pain and there's nothing you can do then it is probably time. 15 years with a cat is a long time and usually the sign of a good owner who treated that cat right. You've done your part, now time for him to be relieved of his pain once and for all.
Is he in pain? Are the sores from the diabetes? What does the vet say about his condition?

I don't know if he's in pain. And yes, I think the sores are from diabetes. The last time we saw the vet was a month ago. At that time it wasn't as bad as now. I was coping then.
If he was in pain I believe he'd let you know. If he were my cat I'd take him back to the vet to see exactly what the sores are from and if there is anything that can be done about them, and to get his opinion. He should be able to tell you what the prognosis is and from that, you may have a hard decision to make.

Is it possible to keep the cat confined to one floor of the house, so his accidents are at least semi-confined? Is his mobility limited at all?
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Save money on vet fees...use a pillow.


I'm sorry for your lots.
Well, he's gone. It was the right thing to do. Gentle and easy. We humans should have it so good.

Willow, you have done a very loving thing, and my heart goes out to you as you recover from this decision for that special friend of yours. We love our cats and their purr is sweet music to our ears. We will miss that nectar, and feel the pain, which does lessen, with time. {{{W}}}

"The smallest feline is a masterpiece." ~ Leonardo da Vinci
I believe that those who have never loved a pet, have a piece of themselves left unopened...
'Tis better to have been loved and lost than never to have been loved at all.
(With apologies to Alfred Lord Tennyson for changing his quote)

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