I think Tom Nichols has nailed it


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2010
Madam President 2024
The Cult of Inferiority. This makes so much sense. We see it from the Rightwing here on this forum every single day. They know Trump’s a liar, is incompetent, can’t be trusted, is a Russian asset. But they don’t care. Trump over country. A failed businessman and second-rate reality TV host who has 5 children by 3 wives, all of them he’s cheated on. A narcissist who spray-paints himself orange and won’t go out in the rain because of his hair. A deeply unmanly phony.

The Cult of Inferiority. This makes so much sense. We see it from the Rightwing here on this forum every single day. They know Trump’s a liar, is incompetent, can’t be trusted, is a Russian asset. But they don’t care. Trump over country. A failed businessman and second-rate reality TV host who has 5 children by 3 wives, all of them he’s cheated on. A narcissist who spray-paints himself orange and won’t go out in the rain because of his hair. A deeply unmanly phony.

View attachment 367325
Orange man bad lol get some help
The Cult of Inferiority. This makes so much sense. We see it from the Rightwing here on this forum every single day. They know Trump’s a liar, is incompetent, can’t be trusted, is a Russian asset. But they don’t care. Trump over country. A failed businessman and second-rate reality TV host who has 5 children by 3 wives, all of them he’s cheated on. A narcissist who spray-paints himself orange and won’t go out in the rain because of his hair. A deeply unmanly phony.

View attachment 367325
Maybe if the left would adopt pro American policies instead of doing all they can to bring America down you might give trump a run for his money

but I dont see that happening
The Cult of Inferiority. This makes so much sense. We see it from the Rightwing here on this forum every single day. They know Trump’s a liar, is incompetent, can’t be trusted, is a Russian asset. But they don’t care. Trump over country. A failed businessman and second-rate reality TV host who has 5 children by 3 wives, all of them he’s cheated on. A narcissist who spray-paints himself orange and won’t go out in the rain because of his hair. A deeply unmanly phony.

View attachment 367325
So if orange is the new black then that makes you a racist.
The Cult of Inferiority. This makes so much sense. We see it from the Rightwing here on this forum every single day. They know Trump’s a liar, is incompetent, can’t be trusted, is a Russian asset. But they don’t care. Trump over country. A failed businessman and second-rate reality TV host who has 5 children by 3 wives, all of them he’s cheated on. A narcissist who spray-paints himself orange and won’t go out in the rain because of his hair. A deeply unmanly phony.

View attachment 367325

You have absolutely ZERO reason to hate Trump.....except that you are told to do so.

This is not an indicator of higher intellect.
Read the O.P. for a case study in Trump Derangement Syndrome. This one's strain comes with a delusion of humor, but fails.

Trump is a flawed man, has some personality disorders (as do most of us)---we Deplorables get that---but you Bolshevik Dumb-Asses need to remember that our other choices were/are Depravity (Clinton) and Dementia (Biden).

Have any of you assholes considered that, or can you just not get past "Orange Man Bad"?

The Cult of Inferiority. This makes so much sense. We see it from the Rightwing here on this forum every single day. They know Trump’s a liar, is incompetent, can’t be trusted, is a Russian asset. But they don’t care. Trump over country. A failed businessman and second-rate reality TV host who has 5 children by 3 wives, all of them he’s cheated on. A narcissist who spray-paints himself orange and won’t go out in the rain because of his hair. A deeply unmanly phony.

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You have no fucking idea about what we know or don't know.

As you can now clearly focus on the economy since the COVID response by the left has totally fucked it up....and blame it on trump is laughable.

Trump is quite competent and does a reasonably good job.

What you don't like is that he basically tells your side to go fuck itself and it drives you crazy.

Tom Nichols is full of shit.
Don't make excuses. We have realized that the Democratic party has been killed. The corpse has been eaten out and filled by communists. Exactly as they said they would do. Now they are surprised at being outed.

The Cult of Inferiority. This makes so much sense. We see it from the Rightwing here on this forum every single day. They know Trump’s a liar, is incompetent, can’t be trusted, is a Russian asset. But they don’t care. Trump over country. A failed businessman and second-rate reality TV host who has 5 children by 3 wives, all of them he’s cheated on. A narcissist who spray-paints himself orange and won’t go out in the rain because of his hair. A deeply unmanly phony.

View attachment 367325
I presume you are a LibBot unless you can define where you veer from the Democrat Platform.
The Cult of Inferiority. This makes so much sense. We see it from the Rightwing here on this forum every single day. They know Trump’s a liar, is incompetent, can’t be trusted, is a Russian asset. But they don’t care. Trump over country. A failed businessman and second-rate reality TV host who has 5 children by 3 wives, all of them he’s cheated on. A narcissist who spray-paints himself orange and won’t go out in the rain because of his hair. A deeply unmanly phony.

View attachment 367325
And it's a SWING AND A MISS.......I don't know who this guy is, but he has a fundamental misunderstanding of what success and failure is.
You have absolutely ZERO reason to hate Trump.....except that you are told to do so.

This is not an indicator of higher intellect.

But the dupes are too duped to figure it out. 4 years ago, millions of these idiots voted for a thief, a liar, and a serial killer, and they would be voting for her again, if she had been nominated.

Never before have so many displayed so much stupidity and ignorance.
You have absolutely ZERO reason to hate Trump.....except that you are told to do so.

This is not an indicator of higher intellect.
View attachment 367341

But the dupes are too duped to figure it out. 4 years ago, millions of these idiots voted for a thief, a liar, and a serial killer, and they would be voting for her again, if she had been nominated.

Never before have so many displayed so much stupidity and ignorance.

If you REALLY want to set these morons into orbit.......

Ask them for even a smidgen of evidence for their hatred claims. They get furious because there is nothing there.
They're just indoctrinated imbeciles of the 1st degree.
The Cult of Inferiority. This makes so much sense. We see it from the Rightwing here on this forum every single day. They know Trump’s a liar, is incompetent, can’t be trusted, is a Russian asset. But they don’t care. Trump over country. A failed businessman and second-rate reality TV host who has 5 children by 3 wives, all of them he’s cheated on. A narcissist who spray-paints himself orange and won’t go out in the rain because of his hair. A deeply unmanly phony.

View attachment 367325
Maybe if the left would adopt pro American policies instead of doing all they can to bring America down you might give trump a run for his money

but I dont see that happening

No one has brought the USA lower than Donald Trump. The economy is cratered, worst unemployment since the Great Depression, illegal border crossings had doubled from the Obama era. Massive deficits. The USA is no longer the most powerful country in the world, or the greatest economy. Trump has no international standing or power at all.

American policies? What would those be? Kidnapping refugee children and then deporting their parents? Locking up Michael Cohen for writing a book. Giving pardons and clemency to his criminal associates? Shovelling money to his billionaire buddies while working Americans are in food lines?

Trump's vision of a dystopian America from his Inauguation speech has been made real.
No one has brought the USA lower than Donald Trump. The economy is cratered, worst unemployment since the Great Depression, illegal border crossings had doubled from the Obama era. Massive deficits. The USA is no longer the most powerful country in the world, or the greatest economy. Trump has no international standing or power at all.

American policies? What would those be? Kidnapping refugee children and then deporting their parents? Locking up Michael Cohen for writing a book. Giving pardons and clemency to his criminal associates? Shovelling money to his billionaire buddies while working Americans are in food lines?

Trump's vision of a dystopian America from his Inauguation speech has been made real.
No one has brought the USA HIGHER than Donald Trump.

RECORD numbers on the economy, stopped the absurd practice of giving China unrestricted access to our valuable market, holding China accountable for cyber theft, taking Mexico and Central American countries to task for illegal immigration, created 4 million jobs, created over 400,000 manufacturing jobs, unemployment claims hit 50 year low, highest median wage in US history, lowest unemployment for blacks, Hispanics, Asians, and disabled in US history, lowest unemployment for women in over 70 years, lowest unemployment rate in US history for Americans without a high school diploma, 4 million Americans off food stamps, vocational training topped 4 million - highest in US history, opened ANWR and approved Keystone XL and Dakota Access Pipelines thereby making America # 1 energy producer in the world (no other president ever did that)-best in US history, Obamacare individual mandate penalty GONE, FDA approved more affordable generic drugs than ever before in US history. > drug companies are freezing or reversing planned price increases, reformed the Medicare program to stop hospitals from overcharging low-income seniors on their drugs—saving seniors hundreds of millions of dollars, Signed Right-To-Try legislation, $6 billion in NEW funding to fight the opioid epidemic (the most in US history), Signed VA Choice Act and VA Accountability Act-first ones in US history, expanded VA telehealth services, walk-in-clinics, and same-day urgent primary and mental health care (I got surgeries and benefits from this myself), United States is a net natural gas exporter for the first time since 1957, withdrew the United States from the job-killing Paris Climate Accord, pressured NATO allies, and they're spending $69 billion more on defense since 2016, made the Space Force the 6th branch of the Armed Forces-firt ever in US history, withdrew from the horrible, one-sided Iran Deal, moved U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem, protecting Americans from terrorists with the Travel Ban, upheld by Supreme Court, issued Executive Order to keep open Guantanamo Bay, MCA deal, reached a breakthrough agreement with the E.U. to increase U.S. exports, net exports increased by $59 billion in 2018, improved vetting and screening for refugees, and switched focus to overseas resettlement, we have begun BUILDING THE WALL.
The Cult of Inferiority. This makes so much sense. We see it from the Leftwing here on this forum every single day. They know YOU are a liar, is incompetent, can’t be trusted, is a Russian asset. But they don’t care. AOC over country. A failure. A narcissist and racist A deeply manly phony.
The Cult of Inferiority. This makes so much sense. We see it from the Rightwing here on this forum every single day. They know Trump’s a liar, is incompetent, can’t be trusted, is a Russian asset. But they don’t care. Trump over country. A failed businessman and second-rate reality TV host who has 5 children by 3 wives, all of them he’s cheated on. A narcissist who spray-paints himself orange and won’t go out in the rain because of his hair. A deeply unmanly phony.

View attachment 367325
Maybe if the left would adopt pro American policies instead of doing all they can to bring America down you might give trump a run for his money

but I dont see that happening

No one has brought the USA lower than Donald Trump. The economy is cratered, worst unemployment since the Great Depression, illegal border crossings had doubled from the Obama era. Massive deficits. The USA is no longer the most powerful country in the world, or the greatest economy. Trump has no international standing or power at all.

American policies? What would those be? Kidnapping refugee children and then deporting their parents? Locking up Michael Cohen for writing a book. Giving pardons and clemency to his criminal associates? Shovelling money to his billionaire buddies while working Americans are in food lines?

Trump's vision of a dystopian America from his Inauguation speech has been made real.

Nobody cares what you or your insignificant country think.

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