I think Trump is going to lose

I am a big supporter of T
When you have the entire Goebbels media against you., tens of millions of peasants from chain migration voting and illegal scum along with mail in vote that will be very fraudulent.
I think T has no chance

October 1917..here we come
It’s check mate
The Dems are far smarter than the RNC dummies
Agreed, T should have no chance of winning but not for any of those reasons you listed. The responsibility for his up coming loss is on his shoulders. But we all know he never owns up to anything so he will point blame at everything he can and a handful of idiots with back up the nonesense he spews, but at least his reign will be over and we can get back to some normalcy
I am a big supporter of T
When you have the entire Goebbels media against you., tens of millions of peasants from chain migration voting and illegal scum along with mail in vote that will be very fraudulent.
I think T has no chance

October 1917..here we come
It’s check mate
The Dems are far smarter than the RNC dummies
Agreed, T should have no chance of winning but not for any of those reasons you listed. The responsibility for his up coming loss is on his shoulders. But we all know he never owns up to anything so he will point blame at everything he can and a handful of idiots with back up the nonesense he spews, but at least his reign will be over and we can get back to some normalcy
With the new team : the entire nation will be the NY/California cartel
You as a white guy will be discriminated and made extinct
I am a big supporter of T
When you have the entire Goebbels media against you., tens of millions of peasants from chain migration voting and illegal scum along with mail in vote that will be very fraudulent.
I think T has no chance

October 1917..here we come
It’s check mate
The Dems are far smarter than the RNC dummies
Agreed, T should have no chance of winning but not for any of those reasons you listed. The responsibility for his up coming loss is on his shoulders. But we all know he never owns up to anything so he will point blame at everything he can and a handful of idiots with back up the nonesense he spews, but at least his reign will be over and we can get back to some normalcy
I disagree, there isn't anything that Trump has done that hasn't been in the best interest of Americans and no one is more jaded than I am about this banana republic.
White history will be erased along with whites when the DNC has full power
White history will be erased along with whites when the DNC has full power
You need some reiki. Or a soothing song to listen to. A nice glass of wine. Maybe a xanax.
What will be, will be. I worry too, but I ain't gonna make myself sick over it.
White history will be erased along with whites when the DNC has full power
You need some reiki. Or a soothing song to listen to. A nice glass of wine. Maybe a xanax.
What will be, will be. I worry too, but I ain't gonna make myself sick over it.
I am on a cocktail of drugs from a low life doctor
It does work
Vegas is a “Sewer system “ and work is very unpleasant
I am a big supporter of T
When you have the entire Goebbels media against you., tens of millions of peasants from chain migration voting and illegal scum along with mail in vote that will be very fraudulent.
I think T has no chance

October 1917..here we come
It’s check mate
The Dems are far smarter than the RNC dummies
Agreed, T should have no chance of winning but not for any of those reasons you listed. The responsibility for his up coming loss is on his shoulders. But we all know he never owns up to anything so he will point blame at everything he can and a handful of idiots with back up the nonesense he spews, but at least his reign will be over and we can get back to some normalcy
With the new team : the entire nation will be the NY/California cartel
You as a white guy will be discriminated and made extinct
I disagree and think that is an absolute silly statement... I wouldn’t go around telling people that in the real world... people Will think you’re a loony
I am a big supporter of T
When you have the entire Goebbels media against you., tens of millions of peasants from chain migration voting and illegal scum along with mail in vote that will be very fraudulent.
I think T has no chance

October 1917..here we come
It’s check mate
The Dems are far smarter than the RNC dummies
Agreed, T should have no chance of winning but not for any of those reasons you listed. The responsibility for his up coming loss is on his shoulders. But we all know he never owns up to anything so he will point blame at everything he can and a handful of idiots with back up the nonesense he spews, but at least his reign will be over and we can get back to some normalcy
I disagree, there isn't anything that Trump has done that hasn't been in the best interest of Americans and no one is more jaded than I am about this banana republic.
I truely don’t think he even thinks about the best interest of Americans. I think he only considers himself and what keeps him appearing as a winner. Granted for his supporters I’m sure they love how he champions things they agree with and don’t mind the dirty tactics. I get it. But I’m big on a persons character, that always comes first in my book. I do care about how a person wins, not just in winning. And Trump stands for all I try not to be as a human. Sad to say but for me in this case personality trumps policy
I think Trump is going to lose

No shit
It looks that way. . . . but. . .

Just recently he reversed himself, which he rarely does.

Remember, he is on record against mass mail in ballots, and, we have seen the chaos they can cause, but now, recently, he switched positions?

Usually when he takes a position, that's it. So this is odd.

I predict we won't know immediately. I sense a possibility for real chaos after election day. . . .

Nothing intentional by either side, just. . . a disaster in the making.
I am a big supporter of T
When you have the entire Goebbels media against you., tens of millions of peasants from chain migration voting and illegal scum along with mail in vote that will be very fraudulent.
I think T has no chance

October 1917..here we come
It’s check mate
The Dems are far smarter than the RNC dummies
Agreed, T should have no chance of winning but not for any of those reasons you listed. The responsibility for his up coming loss is on his shoulders. But we all know he never owns up to anything so he will point blame at everything he can and a handful of idiots with back up the nonesense he spews, but at least his reign will be over and we can get back to some normalcy
I disagree, there isn't anything that Trump has done that hasn't been in the best interest of Americans and no one is more jaded than I am about this banana republic.
I truely don’t think he even thinks about the best interest of Americans. I think he only considers himself and what keeps him appearing as a winner. Granted for his supporters I’m sure they love how he champions things they agree with and don’t mind the dirty tactics. I get it. But I’m big on a persons character, that always comes first in my book. I do care about how a person wins, not just in winning. And Trump stands for all I try not to be as a human. Sad to say but for me in this case personality trumps policy

It depends on what one believes is in the best of the country and thus far Trump has delivered by far over my expectations. I still don't trust any of them until they come out and admit that what we believe is a legitimate governmental body is actually a "for profit corporate entity looking to profit by providing the 19 enumerated services per their corporate charter via the Act of 1871. I am still waiting for Trump to audit and dissolve the central bank that is foreign owned. I notice that Jesuit Joe the perv hasn't spoken a peep about this parasitic entity.
I am a big supporter of T
When you have the entire Goebbels media against you., tens of millions of peasants from chain migration voting and illegal scum along with mail in vote that will be very fraudulent.
I think T has no chance

October 1917..here we come
It’s check mate
The Dems are far smarter than the RNC dummies
Agreed, T should have no chance of winning but not for any of those reasons you listed. The responsibility for his up coming loss is on his shoulders. But we all know he never owns up to anything so he will point blame at everything he can and a handful of idiots with back up the nonesense he spews, but at least his reign will be over and we can get back to some normalcy
I disagree, there isn't anything that Trump has done that hasn't been in the best interest of Americans and no one is more jaded than I am about this banana republic.
I truely don’t think he even thinks about the best interest of Americans. I think he only considers himself and what keeps him appearing as a winner. Granted for his supporters I’m sure they love how he champions things they agree with and don’t mind the dirty tactics. I get it. But I’m big on a persons character, that always comes first in my book. I do care about how a person wins, not just in winning. And Trump stands for all I try not to be as a human. Sad to say but for me in this case personality trumps policy

It depends on what one believes is in the best of the country and thus far Trump has delivered by far over my expectations. I still don't trust any of them until they come out and admit that what we believe is a legitimate governmental body is actually a "for profit corporate entity looking to profit by providing the 19 enumerated services per their corporate charter via the Act of 1871. I am still waiting for Trump to audit and dissolve the central bank that is foreign owned. I notice that Jesuit Joe the perv hasn't spoken a peep about this parasitic entity.
Agreed, America is very similar to a corporate entity... difference being that the government is the game master in a sense. They make the laws that dictate the rules, they create and control the currency, and they use a system of elected representatives to lead. Just like corporations the government is riddled in corruption so it important to hold them accountable as much as possible and work to elect better leaders and improve the system as we move forward.
Gop has obliterated the entire American wildlife
You can kill bears and cubs as they hibernate.
Trump has zero love for any wildlife

Bears smell really bad and they kill people over baloney sandwiches. Kill them all; the world is better off without them.
Gop has obliterated the entire American wildlife
You can kill bears and cubs as they hibernate.
Trump has zero love for any wildlife

Bears smell really bad and they kill people over baloney sandwiches. Kill them all; the world is better off without them.
You’re the problem and why T will lose
Gop has obliterated the entire American wildlife
You can kill bears and cubs as they hibernate.
Trump has zero love for any wildlife

Bears smell really bad and they kill people over baloney sandwiches. Kill them all; the world is better off without them.
I know many people who smell bad and have killed millions over imaginary friends. Should we kill all of them as well? I swear you people don’t have a lick of sense

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