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If you think government spending is going to save our economy or get our jobs back, you are smoking crack. This is a lot more complex economy than the 1930s. The only breathing room we have as a nation is for government to take a back seat and shut up, and get out of the way for a little bit. The time for bright ideas and increased spending is over. Government broke our nation. It's going to take years to get out of this mess, and then maybe we can listen to bright ideas again. That's where we are.
It is complex. But government does need to spend. And banks need to lend money instead of high fiving themselves for almost exploding the world's economic system with obscene bonuses.
And because the repubs broke everything doesn't mean that Dems shouldn't get to fix it... same as they always do.
The problem is the rant and rave from the rightwingnuts started the day he was elected.
Where were Chris Dodd and Barney Frank and even Barack Obama as a sitting U.S. Senator when this bubble was ballooning up?
To claim that "repubs" and "rightwingnuts" caused the problem is completely partisan and myopic. G.W. tried to reel in Fannie and Freddie four times, if memory serves. And no one listened. They were ALL too busy pandering for votes by loosening lending standards.
You know, Republicanism DOES recognize the need for some government regulation. We just ask that it not be a Sherman Tank when a flyswatter will do. Greed is as natural to human beings as compassion. Both most be regulated by logic. That's why we bother "regulating" at all... to curb our natural excesses. We can't be Constitutional Republicans without recognizing the validity of the enumerated power to regulate placed with Congress.
But at the bottom line, these people left the cookie jar out... all of them, Democrats and Republicans alike. And now they want to point the finger of blame.. like it wasn't their JOB to mind the cookie jar.
Your anger is misplaced if you only blame half of them. That means the other half go about their merry way, spreading more misery as they go, because the problem won't get solved until they recognize what they did wrong and then do what's necessary to correct it.
<You must spread some reputation around before giving it to Murf76 again>