I Warned You All That This Was Going to Happen

I'm going to get caught up with all of the threads about what happened last night, but the reason I didn't make a comment about it last night is because one, I had company and two, I was getting caught up on all the news.

How many times have I said on here that the democrats (the shooter might have been registered as a Republican but he was no Republican.) were going to try to assassinate Trump if they knew that they couldn't win any other way? Definitely more than once.

To be quite honest with you guys though I didn't see it happening until after he won the election and I don't know what in the world was going on with secret service last night but the bullet was a fraction of an inch from being lodged in his brain so he was literally an inch away from death last night.

I don't care what your politics are on here, if you support this and wish that the bullet would have killed him then you need to be investigated by the police. Same exact thing with wishing Biden or Kamala Harris to be murdered. (If Biden was in his right mind I would probably call for legal euthanization after all of his crimes though.)

Anyways, thank God that Trump is okay and I pray to keep this man protected at all costs. The state of our country will be determined by whether or not we can get him back in the white house. We must continue to fight! Fight! Fight!
Epic Fail of an OP. The shooter turned out to be a white conservative 2A gun loving family who tried out for his High School Rifle shooting team and was a registered republican. You need to clean up your own house of school shooters and Trump assassins before you try to sully the good name of the democrats.

Epic Fail of an OP. The shooter turned out to be a white conservative 2A gun loving family who tried out for his High School Rifle shooting team and was a registered republican. You need to clean up your own house of school shooters and Trump assassins before you try to sully the good name of the democrats.

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Registered Republicans were voting for Niki Haley. So what's your point?
This is why I can't take Republicans like the OP seriously.

They only SEEMINGLY get sensible when their guy/gal get a dose of what THEY'VE been perpetrating on everyone else all along.

I'm patiently waiting to see the tone of the RNC this week.

Something tells me it's not going to be "unity."

Let's see if the Republicans actually have it in them to LEAD all Americans, or are they simply wanting what they've always wanted, one party RULE, POWER and DOMINATION.

The ball's in their court.

One party rule? domination? You talking filthy, commie dems, bub. No unity bub, never unity with the filthy, racist, traitorous commies. C'mon bub, get real.

Look at these examples to show how a dem or rep win may go...

Ban abortion or no restriction abortion.

Ban guns or don't ban guns.

Open borders or closed borders.

Socialism or capitalism.

Transqueer your kindergarteners or don't transqueer your kindergarteners.

Kid friendly drag shows or no drag shows for kids.

Defund the police and decrease law and order or increase the police and law and order.

Promote homosexuality or don't promote homosexuality.

Legalize all drugs or don't legalize drugs.

Legalize prostitution or don't legalize prostitution. ...and on and on.

In the old days, both parties were not that far apart, bub. Both parties had the same foundational beliefs, but not anymore. That was the era of Tip O'Neill dems, bub. We are in the era of commie dems now. Losing an election was not life or death back then. Nowadays, the 2 parties are polar opposites and losing an election can mean life or death. There can never be a 'coming together' or 'meeting of the minds' in this day and age.

obama sunlight.jpg
I'm going to get caught up with all of the threads about what happened last night, but the reason I didn't make a comment about it last night is because one, I had company and two, I was getting caught up on all the news.

How many times have I said on here that the democrats (the shooter might have been registered as a Republican but he was no Republican.) were going to try to assassinate Trump if they knew that they couldn't win any other way? Definitely more than once.

To be quite honest with you guys though I didn't see it happening until after he won the election and I don't know what in the world was going on with secret service last night but the bullet was a fraction of an inch from being lodged in his brain so he was literally an inch away from death last night.

I don't care what your politics are on here, if you support this and wish that the bullet would have killed him then you need to be investigated by the police. Same exact thing with wishing Biden or Kamala Harris to be murdered. (If Biden was in his right mind I would probably call for legal euthanization after all of his crimes though.)

Anyways, thank God that Trump is okay and I pray to keep this man protected at all costs. The state of our country will be determined by whether or not we can get him back in the white house. We must continue to fight! Fight! Fight!

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Yeah, anyone with a brain knew this was coming.
Yeah, anyone with a brain knew this was coming.

Well obviously you're correct as probably even Trump himself did, but was he trying to blow everything else up too in the process? This I didn't see coming. 😳

How about the image of Joe Biden hog tied in the back of a pickup?
LMAO, nice try. Do you want me to list the violent acts including shooting, decapitation, calls to punch him in the face, attack, doxxing etc. that you democrats and your elected leaders have posted in the last eight years. Take it down the road moron. Unify this!

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