"I will destroy you", Biden aide threatens Politico reporter for pursuing story about his relationship...Jen Psaki announces he's suspended for 1 week

Doesn't sound bright for a deputy press secretary. What got the Nashville boy's blood up? Who cares who he dates. McCammond seems bright, decently educated, and cute. Why would it matter if he was dating her?
The guy is obviously an idiot who has no business holding the position he does as an Assistant Press Secretary. A one week suspension without pay? If that had been a Trump Assistant Press Secretary doing the exact same thing the Main Stream Media would be calling for his head.
Doesn't sound bright for a deputy press secretary. What got the Nashville boy's blood up? Who cares who he dates. McCammond seems bright, decently educated, and cute. Why would it matter if he was dating her?
Media literally in bed with BIDENS people---gee, I wonder why the media covers up JOES crimes.

And Oh btw, did you not notice the treats to destroy anyone who dare talks about what is going on. Can you say FASCIST?
Doesn't sound bright for a deputy press secretary. What got the Nashville boy's blood up? Who cares who he dates. McCammond seems bright, decently educated, and cute. Why would it matter if he was dating her?
Media literally in bed with BIDENS people---gee, I wonder why the media covers up JOES crimes.

And Oh btw, did you not notice the treats to destroy anyone who dare talks about what is going on. Can you say FASCIST?
No crimes of Biden administration have come out yet. I'll wait. As for trying to destroy people, got used to that on half the people trump fired because they did not want to do something illegal. Are you referring to the dumbass assistant press secretary not wanting a story about who he is dating? I do not get that at all. Who cares who he dates? Is one of them married?

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