“i will repeal obamacare on day one”

And leave 45 million people without healthcare and 26,000 will die prematurely.

The then clueless that no one will be left without healthcare, because “if someone has a heart attack, paramedics will pick them up, take them to the hospital and treat them.” Period. But what he so conveniently omitted was that; Paramedics will send you a bill. Hospital will release you with follow with you cardiologist which you do not have and would not see you because you do not have healthcare insurance. The hospital will send you a $30,000 bill that you cannot pay, they will be turned over to collection agency and you still cannot pay and then you will have to file bankrupt leaving the hospital in the red for $30,000 that will be passed on to Americans who do have healthcare with higher hospital bills and higher premiums, etc. And there are still Village Idiots that agree with him in repealing ObamaCare. They are people who hate Obama so much that they are willing to die to get him out of office.

This is another example on how out of touch Romney is with unemployed and uninsured Americans. Of course Romney don’t understand. He buys his wife horses to treat her MS. Would RomneyCare pay for me to have a horse to treat my MS?

People will auto insurance pay for uninsured motorists insurance.

Wow, Romney is going to busy on day one. Go back and look at all the things he says he is going to do "day one". He might have to wait until "Day two". And on the seventh day Romney rested and thought that his creation was good.
Unless obamacare is ended, we will have little to no medical care in this country. We might have the right to medical care, but no way to exercise that right.
Unless obamacare is ended, we will have little to no medical care in this country. We might have the right to medical care, but no way to exercise that right.

The ammount of money being made far exceeds the principles. A doctor or hospital may feel like it is being treated unfair. It may feel under attack, and unappreciated. They may feel like chucking it all and letting everyone fend for themselves. Then the reality sets in, and they use their head for something other than a blow horn. Financially speaking it would be stupid to take that much of a pay cut, by electing to do anything other than practicing medicine. Regardless of what anyone thinks a top ten earner in the nation will not go backwards out of principle.
With a democratic senate, ACA is a done deal. Romney can't do anything of significance about it.

That is not necessarily true.

I took a shitload of legal bribery to The ONE to get it crammed through in the first place.

I'm sure we can find a couple of feckless Democratics to roll over and vote for the repeal of ObamaCare. You know. IF the price is right.
Now the "Chicken Little" approach.


Unless obamacare is ended, we will have little to no medical care in this country. We might have the right to medical care, but no way to exercise that right.
And leave 45 million people without healthcare and 26,000 will die prematurely.

The then clueless that no one will be left without healthcare, because “if someone has a heart attack, paramedics will pick them up, take them to the hospital and treat them.” Period. But what he so conveniently omitted was that; Paramedics will send you a bill. Hospital will release you with follow with you cardiologist which you do not have and would not see you because you do not have healthcare insurance. The hospital will send you a $30,000 bill that you cannot pay, they will be turned over to collection agency and you still cannot pay and then you will have to file bankrupt leaving the hospital in the red for $30,000 that will be passed on to Americans who do have healthcare with higher hospital bills and higher premiums, etc. And there are still Village Idiots that agree with him in repealing ObamaCare. They are people who hate Obama so much that they are willing to die to get him out of office.

This is another example on how out of touch Romney is with unemployed and uninsured Americans. Of course Romney don’t understand. He buys his wife horses to treat her MS. Would RomneyCare pay for me to have a horse to treat my MS?

People will auto insurance pay for uninsured motorists insurance.

Obamacare has not provided health care for a single American.

Obamacare is simply a mandate forcing us to buy insurance. Obamacare hasn't treated one single patient. It is simply a mandate forcing us to buy insurance. It is also a mandate forcing insurance companies to cover people that don't need insurance......thus raising their premiums.

One of our members lied to me and said her 20 something year old son got coverage because of it under her policy.

She neglected to mention he was a police officer with his own insurance.
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Unless obamacare is ended, we will have little to no medical care in this country. We might have the right to medical care, but no way to exercise that right.

Wait, so in Romney's state there is no healthcare?

I do not get the basis of this irrational fear or why it is being spread. If you support 50 state run health systems for whatever reason that is a theory. If you like paying for the uninsured out of the kindness of your heart Jesus approves. If you like ppl scamming the credit rating system for free medical care over the old semi socialist system just say so. Heck, I could even live with the unable to pay former middle class lying in the strets waiting to be healed by their savior like 2,000 years ago. If that is what you want please explain.

Otherwise please explain.
and health insurance is available to everyone here too..... so whats the point OR?

Its not affordable.

Neither is a BMW for most people.

Syrenn, I like looking at your avitar so I will ask you a question.

Do you prefer Romney's state run compelled health insurance program to the Federal one? The old "I have to pay for the uninsured" system really bothered me. Especially with my distaste for my fellow man.

Ideally ppl would all buy insurance on their own but obviously that day is not coming. Too many Americans suck.
Tough here. In any other industrial nation, all citizens have health insurance.

But then, 'Conservatives' have allways prefered people they deem as 'weak' die.

and health insurance is available to everyone here too..... so whats the point OR?

You missed the point of Obama care. It is here to FORCE freeloaders into carrying insurance. This is so poor folks can not flood the emergency room for routine stuff totally on my (and your) tab when they do not have insurance.

Forcing this will fix the math on health insurance costs for a couple decades keeping it affordable as teens and healthy young folks get insurance. It also keeps them from looking into my wallet when they get shot or have a gall bladder go bad from too much fast food and saves me more money.

Romney agrees with me btw. He just wants a strange patchwork system of 50 Obama Romny systems.


No i did not miss the point..... of if you cant afford what obamacare is charging .. you will still GET it.

For free

as always

So what is the change.... its just another ponzi scheme where some will pay and most wont.

The only way to fix the math....is if you pay for the services you are requesting. No free rides.

I don't agree with romney on this either.... if you think i am objecting to this becasue its ..... *gasp* obama.
In fact, there is about 2578 pages of it. Have you read it, all of it?

And I am waiting for the full story, mud. Half truths are whole lies.

'mud above is not telling the whole story: let's wait for it.

I don't have time to tell the whole story.

BTW, have you read the entire bill?

All 2700 plus pages of it?:eusa_eh:

So you have read it??,can you disseminate it down to a two or three paragraph explanation ,so the vast majority of the people that will be affected by it can understand it??
Its not affordable.

Neither is a BMW for most people.

Syrenn, I like looking at your avitar so I will ask you a question.

Do you prefer Romney's state run compelled health insurance program to the Federal one? The old "I have to pay for the uninsured" system really bothered me. Especially with my distaste for my fellow man.

Ideally ppl would all buy insurance on their own but obviously that day is not coming. Too many Americans suck.

I dont like either of their plans. I object to both. They both have the same ponzi scheme flaw.

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