I wonder what its like to be black?


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
To be born to a 15 year old drop-out single mother on drugs
To have a father I don't know
To have five siblings all with different fathers
To not learn to speak english clearly
To drop out of school before 9th grade
To be taught I'm destined to fail because the white man won't allow me to succeed
To rely on taxpayer money to survive
To lie, cheat and steal and justify my criminal activity because I'm black and owed by society
To be incarcerated several times before age 30
To demand that society treat me better than I act...because I'm black
To have resource after resource thrown at me to help me yet never help myself
To get hired for a job not because I'm qualified but because I'm black
To keep a job because I'll scream racism if I'm fired
To always believe I have the right to beg for more because I'm black
To spend my whole life angry and bitter about things that happened more than a half century ago

I wonder what it's like?
Hillary and the Democrats have teamed up with Planned Paenthood to finally solve the Black problem. The Democratic Party included into their 2016 Platform to repeal the Hyde Amendment and Hillary has embraced it. Repealing the Hyde Act will secure taxpayer funding of abortion in America. Hillary is on record as being for late term abortion. Planned Parenthood, seeing the opportunity to greatly increase their bottom line, has endorsed Hillary for President.

Hillay has admitted that one of her idols is Margaret Sanger who founded Planned Parenthood and supported the genocide of the Black race. Once Hillary is elected and the Hyde Amendment is repealed, Planned Parenthood will construct new abortion clinics within the inner cities in order to reach as many young pregnant Black women as possible and offer their abortions at taxpayer expense. What the Democrats failed to ddo with the KKK they will accomplish with the services provided by Planned Parenthood. Over a decade or two, the genocide of the Black race in America will be accomplished and as Bill Clinton remarked about Detriot, we can move the Syrians into the inner cities.
LOL I thought for a moment there he was talking about the poor whites? The Thread OP could have described the whites in the book below. Too funny how some think the other different from themselves.

From 'Hillbilly Elegy' page 191 Read Vance's life before throwing stones that may hit you.

"Many of my new friends blame racism for this perception of the president. But the president feels like an alien to many Middletonians for reasons that have nothing to do with skin color. Recall that not a single one of my high school classmates attended an Ivy League school. Barack Obama attended two of them and excelled at both. He is brilliant, wealthy, and speaks like a constitutional law professor-which, of course, he is. Nothing about him bears any resemblance to the people I admired growing up:

His accent-clean, perfect, neutral-is foreign; his credentials are so impressive that they're frightening; he made his life in Chicago, a dense metropolis; and he conducts himself with a confidence that comes from knowing that the modern American meritocracy was built for him. Of course, Obama overcame adversity in his own right-adversity familiar to many of us-but that was long before any of us knew him.

"President Obama came on the scene right as so many people in my community began to believe that the modern American meritocracy was not built for them. We know we're not doing well. We see it every day: in the obituaries for teenage kids that conspicuously omit the cause of death (reading between the lines: overdose), in the deadbeats we watch our daughters waste their time with. Barack Obama strikes at the heart of our deepest insecurities. He is a good father while many of us aren't. He wears' suits to his job while we wear overalls, if we're lucky enough to have a job at all. His wife tells us that we shouldn't be feeding our children certain foods, and we hate her for it-not because we think she's wrong but because we know she's right. "
Its really amazing to be a Black person. Especially a Black guy.

1. Inherent worth. Simply by virtue of being Black your body is automatically worth more than anyone else due to the price of melanin. I believe its somewhere around $384 a gram making it more valuable than gold.

2. You get to laugh at white males that have done everything in their power to convince the rest of the world they are superior for absolutely no reason at all other than that they have a very large inferiority complex.

3. You get to laugh at white males that are shocked, resentful, and angry when you out perform them at a task they believed they were better at. For example. Take basketball. Whites once believed they were dominant at the sport but now since Blacks are way better you hear a lot of sour grapes. Same with non physical tasks. I loved it when a complex networking issue was escalated to me and I resolved it in about an hour after days of various white boys completely missing the cause.

4. You get to watch their heads explode when you educate them on the fact that they were taught to be civilized not once but twice by the Black race.

5. Women. No matter the race women all love Black guys. Whats amazing about that is the previously mentioned efforts of white boys with inferiority complexes doing their best to make the rest of the world believe we are nothing. However, women know. Women always know. To expand on that what is really ironic is that their own white women seek us out starting from the age of 14 or 15. Now I dont mean just seek us out. I mean they hunt us down to the point that its almost impossible to get rid of them if you are a young Black guy with raging hormones.

6. Men. Most men automatically either fear or respect you. White guys typically fear you. At least the racist ones. They turn bright pink and will not meet your eyes. Other races have a automatic respect for your strength and ability to survive even after all the things whites have done to destroy us.

7. You have this all encompassing confidence as a Black person that you are "the man/the woman". I actually should have capitalized that but I dont want to appear too cocky. No matter what whites say their actions show that they want to desperately be like you. Other races note this too and it is frequently a topic among Blacks and other races as to why whites try to copy everything Blacks do.
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Its really amazing to be a Black person. Especially a Black guy.

1. Inherent worth. Simply by virtue of being Black your body is automatically worth more than anyone else due to the price of melanin. I believe its somewhere around $384 a gram making it more valuable than gold.

2. You get to laugh at white males that have done everything in their power to convince the rest of the world they are superior for absolutely no reason at all other than that they have a very large inferiority complex.

3. You get to laugh at white males that are shocked, resentful, and angry when you out perform them at a task they believed they were better at. For example. Take basketball. Whites once believed they were dominant at the sport but now since Blacks are way better you hear a lot of sorry grapes. Same with non physical tasks. I loved it when a complex networking issue was escalated to me and I resolved it in about an hour after days of various white boys completely missing the cause.

4. You get to watch their heads explode when you educate them on the fact that they were taught to be civilized not once but twice by the Black race.

5. Women. No matter the race women all love Black guys. Whats amazing about that is the previously mentioned efforts of white boys with inferiority complexes doing their best to make the rest of the world believe we are nothing. However, women know. Women always know. To expand on that what is really ironic is that their own white women seek us out starting from the age of 14 or 15. Now I dont mean just seek us out. I mean they hunt us down to the point that its almost impossible to get rid of them if you are a young Black guy with raging hormones.

6. Men. Most men automatically either fear or respect you. White guys typically fear you. At least the racist ones. They turn bright pink and will not meet your eyes. Other races have a automatic respect for your strength and ability to survive even after all the things whites have done to destroy us.

7. You have this all encompassing confidence as a Black person that you are "the man/the woman". I actually should have capitalized that but I dont want to appear too cocky. No matter what whites say their actions show that they want to desperately be like you. Other races note this too and it is frequently a topic among Blacks and other races as to why whites try to copy everything Blacks do.

How many Black presidents have there been? How many Blacks are running for President in the General Election?
After reading some of Guno and Asclepias's posts on USMB, I have been forced to rethink my position on abortion. I now fully support tax payer funding of abortions for Black women. I also support Black abortions right up to and including the fetus's 70th birthday.
Its really amazing to be a Black person. Especially a Black guy.

1. Inherent worth. Simply by virtue of being Black your body is automatically worth more than anyone else due to the price of melanin. I believe its somewhere around $384 a gram making it more valuable than gold.

2. You get to laugh at white males that have done everything in their power to convince the rest of the world they are superior for absolutely no reason at all other than that they have a very large inferiority complex.

3. You get to laugh at white males that are shocked, resentful, and angry when you out perform them at a task they believed they were better at. For example. Take basketball. Whites once believed they were dominant at the sport but now since Blacks are way better you hear a lot of sorry grapes. Same with non physical tasks. I loved it when a complex networking issue was escalated to me and I resolved it in about an hour after days of various white boys completely missing the cause.

4. You get to watch their heads explode when you educate them on the fact that they were taught to be civilized not once but twice by the Black race.

5. Women. No matter the race women all love Black guys. Whats amazing about that is the previously mentioned efforts of white boys with inferiority complexes doing their best to make the rest of the world believe we are nothing. However, women know. Women always know. To expand on that what is really ironic is that their own white women seek us out starting from the age of 14 or 15. Now I dont mean just seek us out. I mean they hunt us down to the point that its almost impossible to get rid of them if you are a young Black guy with raging hormones.

6. Men. Most men automatically either fear or respect you. White guys typically fear you. At least the racist ones. They turn bright pink and will not meet your eyes. Other races have a automatic respect for your strength and ability to survive even after all the things whites have done to destroy us.

7. You have this all encompassing confidence as a Black person that you are "the man/the woman". I actually should have capitalized that but I dont want to appear too cocky. No matter what whites say their actions show that they want to desperately be like you. Other races note this too and it is frequently a topic among Blacks and other races as to why whites try to copy everything Blacks do.

How many Black presidents have there been? How many Blacks are running for President in the General Election?
What does your question have to do with my post? I will answer your question after you explain it to me.
Its really amazing to be a Black person. Especially a Black guy.

1. Inherent worth. Simply by virtue of being Black your body is automatically worth more than anyone else due to the price of melanin. I believe its somewhere around $384 a gram making it more valuable than gold.

2. You get to laugh at white males that have done everything in their power to convince the rest of the world they are superior for absolutely no reason at all other than that they have a very large inferiority complex.

3. You get to laugh at white males that are shocked, resentful, and angry when you out perform them at a task they believed they were better at. For example. Take basketball. Whites once believed they were dominant at the sport but now since Blacks are way better you hear a lot of sorry grapes. Same with non physical tasks. I loved it when a complex networking issue was escalated to me and I resolved it in about an hour after days of various white boys completely missing the cause.

4. You get to watch their heads explode when you educate them on the fact that they were taught to be civilized not once but twice by the Black race.

5. Women. No matter the race women all love Black guys. Whats amazing about that is the previously mentioned efforts of white boys with inferiority complexes doing their best to make the rest of the world believe we are nothing. However, women know. Women always know. To expand on that what is really ironic is that their own white women seek us out starting from the age of 14 or 15. Now I dont mean just seek us out. I mean they hunt us down to the point that its almost impossible to get rid of them if you are a young Black guy with raging hormones.

6. Men. Most men automatically either fear or respect you. White guys typically fear you. At least the racist ones. They turn bright pink and will not meet your eyes. Other races have a automatic respect for your strength and ability to survive even after all the things whites have done to destroy us.

7. You have this all encompassing confidence as a Black person that you are "the man/the woman". I actually should have capitalized that but I dont want to appear too cocky. No matter what whites say their actions show that they want to desperately be like you. Other races note this too and it is frequently a topic among Blacks and other races as to why whites try to copy everything Blacks do.

How many Black presidents have there been? How many Blacks are running for President in the General Election?
What does your question have to do with my post? I will answer your question after you explain it to me.

I forgot that Blacks have little command of the English language. It's OK. I know it is way over your head.
Its really amazing to be a Black person. Especially a Black guy.

1. Inherent worth. Simply by virtue of being Black your body is automatically worth more than anyone else due to the price of melanin. I believe its somewhere around $384 a gram making it more valuable than gold.

2. You get to laugh at white males that have done everything in their power to convince the rest of the world they are superior for absolutely no reason at all other than that they have a very large inferiority complex.

3. You get to laugh at white males that are shocked, resentful, and angry when you out perform them at a task they believed they were better at. For example. Take basketball. Whites once believed they were dominant at the sport but now since Blacks are way better you hear a lot of sorry grapes. Same with non physical tasks. I loved it when a complex networking issue was escalated to me and I resolved it in about an hour after days of various white boys completely missing the cause.

4. You get to watch their heads explode when you educate them on the fact that they were taught to be civilized not once but twice by the Black race.

5. Women. No matter the race women all love Black guys. Whats amazing about that is the previously mentioned efforts of white boys with inferiority complexes doing their best to make the rest of the world believe we are nothing. However, women know. Women always know. To expand on that what is really ironic is that their own white women seek us out starting from the age of 14 or 15. Now I dont mean just seek us out. I mean they hunt us down to the point that its almost impossible to get rid of them if you are a young Black guy with raging hormones.

6. Men. Most men automatically either fear or respect you. White guys typically fear you. At least the racist ones. They turn bright pink and will not meet your eyes. Other races have a automatic respect for your strength and ability to survive even after all the things whites have done to destroy us.

7. You have this all encompassing confidence as a Black person that you are "the man/the woman". I actually should have capitalized that but I dont want to appear too cocky. No matter what whites say their actions show that they want to desperately be like you. Other races note this too and it is frequently a topic among Blacks and other races as to why whites try to copy everything Blacks do.

How many Black presidents have there been? How many Blacks are running for President in the General Election?
What does your question have to do with my post? I will answer your question after you explain it to me.

I forgot that Blacks have little command of the English language. It's OK. I know it is way over your head.
Says the clown that cant explain what his post has to do with my post. Its ok. I knew you were doing your best to deflect.
Hillary and the Democrats have teamed up with Planned Paenthood to finally solve the Black problem. The Democratic Party included into their 2016 Platform to repeal the Hyde Amendment and Hillary has embraced it. Repealing the Hyde Act will secure taxpayer funding of abortion in America. Hillary is on record as being for late term abortion. Planned Parenthood, seeing the opportunity to greatly increase their bottom line, has endorsed Hillary for President.

Hillay has admitted that one of her idols is Margaret Sanger who founded Planned Parenthood and supported the genocide of the Black race. Once Hillary is elected and the Hyde Amendment is repealed, Planned Parenthood will construct new abortion clinics within the inner cities in order to reach as many young pregnant Black women as possible and offer their abortions at taxpayer expense. What the Democrats failed to ddo with the KKK they will accomplish with the services provided by Planned Parenthood. Over a decade or two, the genocide of the Black race in America will be accomplished and as Bill Clinton remarked about Detriot, we can move the Syrians into the inner cities.

If they do that they'll lose their voter base.
5. Women. No matter the race women all love Black guys. .

Wrong, nappy
Dont be upset because you were dumped by a Black guy. You know whats up because you are a woman. Please prove to me there is a race or ethnicity with women that dont love Black men. I bet you cant find one.

Just stop you ignorant jackass, no self respecting woman wants some black panhandler
I would hope no self respecting woman wants a white panhandler either. Matter of fact we know they dont. However, that wasnt my point. My point was that without exception women of all races love Black men. There is a reason you women love chocolate for Valentines.

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