I Write My (DEM) Senator and Ask - What Are You Doing to Protect Vets Benefits -


Gold Member
May 22, 2011
and here's the response I get.

What do you guys think?


Thank you for contacting me regarding cuts to military pay and benefits. I understand the importance of this issue to the men and women of our armed forces and their families and I believe it warrants a very serious discussion.

I believe the greatest challenge we now face as a nation is the need to balance our spending priorities with principles of fiscal discipline. The ability of our country to field well trained, fully resourced and combat capable military forces is dependent on a healthy, functioning economy. I recognize that addressing our debt and deficit will not be easy; however, I believe it is imperative that we engage in a civil and open debate as to what we need and what we can afford. This will require tough choices, but I believe that addressing our debt and deficit is too important for Congress put off any longer.

Our service members and their families continue to make great sacrifices for all of us and I fully realize the strain that ten years of war has placed on the small percentage of Americans who serve in our military. These troops have performed admirably, and we owe all returning veterans world-class health care and educational benefits. Their views and concerns must be taken into consideration during this difficult, but necessary discussion about our nation's fiscal security. Our fiscal situation is going to require shared sacrifice, and everything must be on the table, but I don't believe that our military and military retirees should bear more than their share of the cuts that may be necessary.

However, President Obama and Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta have called for cutting defense spending by $400 billion over ten years as part of a plan to reduce the federal deficit and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Admiral Mullen has repeatedly stated "The most significant threat to our national security is our debt," and that the cost of military health care is "not sustainable" as nearly 10 percent of the Department of Defense budget is currently spent on health benefits for active and retired service members. Additionally, the 10th Quadrennial Review of Military Compensation (QRMC) judged that "retirement reform, leading to a more flexible, cost-effective, and equitable system, would benefit the uniformed services."

These proposals and any others should all be part of the broader discussion as we seek to put our fiscal house in order.

Again, thank you for contacting me. For further information or to sign up for my newsletter please visit my website
I just got the same response from my senator. Oh yeah, we have the same dem don't we. The response from Representative Wittman was just the opposite. I will look into different Virginia veteran's networks to use this to get rid of this fool. Hopefully George Allen can take back his seat by defeating that slug Tim Kaine.
"Our fiscal situation is going to require shared sacrifice, and everything must be on the table,...." blah blah blah blah...

What are our legs and all of their staff 'putting' on the table?

It has an ominus tone. Congress never fails to vote in a pay raise for themselves. Fixing the financial crisis with cuts to the people who have sacrificed the most is BS. We have a fee increase for Tricare starting today. It is a small increase that I don't mind, but they will use it as a foot in the door for bigger cuts.
YOUR Republican buddies are quite prepared to throw VETERANS under the bus, ya know.

It is their idea to cut back on military retiree benefits.

Welcome to the wonderful world of reneged contracts.

You're about to become one of those government workers (who you think are parasites) who is going to get screwed in the name of fiscal conservatism.

YOU are part of, and a benefactor of, that SOCIALIST NANNY STATE that you claim to hate.
YOUR Republican buddies are quite prepared to throw VETERANS under the bus, ya know.

It is their idea to cut back on military retiree benefits.

Welcome to the wonderful world of reneged contracts.

You're about to become one of those government workers (who you think are parasites) who is going to get screwed in the name of fiscal conservatism.

YOU are part of, and a benefactor of, that SOCIALIST NANNY STATE that you claim to hate.



The US military is the biggest socialist part of the government, bar none.
and here's the response I get.

What do you guys think?


Thank you for contacting me regarding cuts to military pay and benefits. I understand the importance of this issue to the men and women of our armed forces and their families and I believe it warrants a very serious discussion.

I believe the greatest challenge we now face as a nation is the need to balance our spending priorities with principles of fiscal discipline. The ability of our country to field well trained, fully resourced and combat capable military forces is dependent on a healthy, functioning economy. I recognize that addressing our debt and deficit will not be easy; however, I believe it is imperative that we engage in a civil and open debate as to what we need and what we can afford. This will require tough choices, but I believe that addressing our debt and deficit is too important for Congress put off any longer.

Our service members and their families continue to make great sacrifices for all of us and I fully realize the strain that ten years of war has placed on the small percentage of Americans who serve in our military. These troops have performed admirably, and we owe all returning veterans world-class health care and educational benefits. Their views and concerns must be taken into consideration during this difficult, but necessary discussion about our nation's fiscal security. Our fiscal situation is going to require shared sacrifice, and everything must be on the table, but I don't believe that our military and military retirees should bear more than their share of the cuts that may be necessary.

However, President Obama and Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta have called for cutting defense spending by $400 billion over ten years as part of a plan to reduce the federal deficit and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Admiral Mullen has repeatedly stated "The most significant threat to our national security is our debt," and that the cost of military health care is "not sustainable" as nearly 10 percent of the Department of Defense budget is currently spent on health benefits for active and retired service members. Additionally, the 10th Quadrennial Review of Military Compensation (QRMC) judged that "retirement reform, leading to a more flexible, cost-effective, and equitable system, would benefit the uniformed services."

These proposals and any others should all be part of the broader discussion as we seek to put our fiscal house in order.

Again, thank you for contacting me. For further information or to sign up for my newsletter please visit my website

In other words.....'we've spent so much money on our Union buddies that you vets can now go fuck yourselves.'
I find it amusing to see the same military folks who hate all other government workers and who had absolutely no problem with the government renegging on THEIR contracts, now getting hoisted on their own petards.

Suddenly their going to realize that they were and always have been part of that SOCIALIST NANNY STATE they hate so much.

Its sad (because they are getting screwed:() and funny (because they were SO HAPPY :lol: when other government workers got screwed).
I find it amusing to see the same military folks who hate all other government workers and who had absolutely no problem with the government renegging on THEIR contracts, now getting hoisted on their own petards.

Suddenly their going to realize that they were and always have been part of that SOCIALIST NANNY STATE they hate so much.

Its sad (because they are getting screwed:() and funny (because they were SO HAPPY :lol: when other government workers got screwed).

Epic Fail

Some of us are what are called "Public Servants" and have served in the military.

We don't have the same rights that Unions in Wisconsin gave their public-sector members.

We don't have the right to negotiate our terms through collective-bargaining.

That's the difference.
I find it amusing to see the same military folks who hate all other government workers and who had absolutely no problem with the government renegging on THEIR contracts, now getting hoisted on their own petards.

Suddenly their going to realize that they were and always have been part of that SOCIALIST NANNY STATE they hate so much.

Its sad (because they are getting screwed:() and funny (because they were SO HAPPY :lol: when other government workers got screwed).

Epic Fail

I always find such pronoucements rather silly.

Some of us are what are called "Public Servants" and have served in the military.

Yeah? What does that have to do with it? I was one of those for 4 years, too, Kid.

We don't have the same rights that Unions in Wisconsin gave their public-sector members.

Yeah I know, so what?

We don't have the right to negotiate our terms through collective-bargaining.


That's the difference.

Oh there's a lot of difference, kiddo.

STill...you GOVERNEMNT WORKERS who have been living in a socialist nanny state (your POV's words, not mine) are about to get screwed by the very people that many of you have supported.

I just got the same response from my senator. Oh yeah, we have the same dem don't we. The response from Representative Wittman was just the opposite. I will look into different Virginia veteran's networks to use this to get rid of this fool. Hopefully George Allen can take back his seat by defeating that slug Tim Kaine.

I haven't heard from Robb yet.

I was expecting a different answer from him. Thanks for confirming this will be the case.

And Tim Kaine. My God. He's dumber than Joe Biden.
I find it amusing to see the same military folks who hate all other government workers and who had absolutely no problem with the government renegging on THEIR contracts, now getting hoisted on their own petards.

Suddenly their going to realize that they were and always have been part of that SOCIALIST NANNY STATE they hate so much.

Its sad (because they are getting screwed:() and funny (because they were SO HAPPY :lol: when other government workers got screwed).

We don't consider ourselves government workers.

We are soldiers, sailors, airmen and marines.
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For editec and sallow:

Comparing military members and our benefits to government workers shows ignorance.

Instead of an example of socialism that we hate, the military is a constitutional requirement. Most of the social programs that keeps the dem's base happy are not. I would have made a great socialist, but the problem with socialism is that you soon run out of other people's money.

Neither one of you did 20 plus years in the military so this does not concern you. So get the fuck out.
For editec and sallow:

Comparing military members and our benefits to government workers shows ignorance.

Instead of an example of socialism that we hate, the military is a constitutional requirement. Most of the social programs that keeps the dem's base happy are not. I would have made a great socialist, but the problem with socialism is that you soon run out of other people's money.

Neither one of you did 20 plus years in the military so this does not concern you. So get the fuck out.

I don't think either of them has been in a recruiting office.

I hope the draft is reinstated and ignorant pricks like this get an opportunity to do something meaningful for their country, for once.

Cowering behind a keyboard 24/7 isn't very productive/useful. We have what, 10 wars going on now? Surely there's an opportunity for them somewhere. The military does need ditch diggers/cannon fodder.
For editec and sallow:

Comparing military members and our benefits to government workers shows ignorance.

Instead of an example of socialism that we hate, the military is a constitutional requirement. Most of the social programs that keeps the dem's base happy are not. I would have made a great socialist, but the problem with socialism is that you soon run out of other people's money.

Neither one of you did 20 plus years in the military so this does not concern you. So get the fuck out.

I don't think either of them has been in a recruiting office.

I hope the draft is reinstated and ignorant pricks like this get an opportunity to do something meaningful for their country, for once.

Cowering behind a keyboard 24/7 isn't very productive/useful. We have what, 10 wars going on now? Surely there's an opportunity for them somewhere. The military does need ditch diggers/cannon fodder.

If I remember correctly, and I think I do, editec was a Navy Corpsman. That embarrasses the hell out me as we Corpsman are the ultimate example of honor, courage, and commitment. As the largest rating in the Navy though, we have a bunch of shitbirds mixed in with the best the country offers. sallow on the other hand is just an angry democrat that hates himself.
For editec and sallow:

Comparing military members and our benefits to government workers shows ignorance.

Instead of an example of socialism that we hate, the military is a constitutional requirement. Most of the social programs that keeps the dem's base happy are not. I would have made a great socialist, but the problem with socialism is that you soon run out of other people's money.

Neither one of you did 20 plus years in the military so this does not concern you. So get the fuck out.

I don't think either of them has been in a recruiting office.

I hope the draft is reinstated and ignorant pricks like this get an opportunity to do something meaningful for their country, for once.

Cowering behind a keyboard 24/7 isn't very productive/useful. We have what, 10 wars going on now? Surely there's an opportunity for them somewhere. The military does need ditch diggers/cannon fodder.

If I remember correctly, and I think I do, editec was a Navy Corpsman. That embarrasses the hell out me as we Corpsman are the ultimate example of honor, courage, and commitment. As the largest rating in the Navy though, we have a bunch of shitbirds mixed in with the best the country offers. sallow on the other hand is just an angry democrat that hates himself.

Most Corpsmen I knew were outstanding people. Always liked the Docs. There were, yes, shitbirds here and there - but overall - great people. You're an old fart like me - do you know HMCM (Ret) John Bayerline?
Yep, I knew him. He was old school IDC like me on the Norfolk waterfront. Last I knew he was the Sewell's Point Clinic Master Chief. I left there in 1992 for Jacksonville, FL.
John and I served together on LKA-117.
He was a good man.

How about Janice Hughes?

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