ICE To GOP: No, We’re Not Releasing Dangerous Criminals Into The Streets


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011

Republicans from Speaker Boehner (R-OH) on down are accusing the White House of threatening the public’s safety by freeing hundreds of dangerous criminals detained by immigration authorities. But according to Immigration and Customs Enforcement, the claim is untrue.

“The detainees who’ve been released can be characterized as non-criminals and other low risk offenders who do not have serious criminal histories that would subject them to mandatory detention,” spokeswoman Barbara Gonzalez told TPM on Wednesday. “Detainees with serious criminal histories are a detention priority and have not been released.”

More: ICE To GOP: No, We’re Not Releasing Dangerous Criminals Into The Streets | TPMDC
If we emptied the prisons today, no one would notice but the press and some grateful felons.
Obama should be impeached and Democrats should be leading the charge

Obama is a national embarrassment
The GOP should LOVE this move!!! GOP reps at the city, county, state levels have been slashing police and jail funds for 3 years now. Prisoners at the local, county, state level have been getting PR bonds (that means they dont pay bond, just get released), lowered bonds, or just good behavior release all over the country thanks to budget cuts in law enforcement.

And NOW all of a sudden the right wing is worried about criminals being set free?
The GOP should LOVE this move!!! GOP reps at the city, county, state levels have been slashing police and jail funds for 3 years now. Prisoners at the local, county, state level have been getting PR bonds (that means they dont pay bond, just get released), lowered bonds, or just good behavior release all over the country thanks to budget cuts in law enforcement.

And NOW all of a sudden the right wing is worried about criminals being set free?

Funny.. I support INCREASED police and prison funds by re channeling funds after eliminating entitlements and other wasteful government spending.. and I have not seen a candidate around my area campaigning or calling for or supporting the reduction of funds to law enforcement... the ONLY time you hear such rubbish is when some leftist loony tries to complain about a REP voting against a funding bill, without bothering to look at the pork and add-ons that were the reason the bill was voted against (the infamous DEM poison pill)
thanks to Jroc posting about this report in another thread - Aliens Report.pdf
The key findings of the report include:

•Of those released, CRS found that about 17% of illegal and criminal immigrants, or 26,412, were rearrested on criminal charges. These 26,412 recidivists accounted for a total of 42,827 arrests and 57,763 alleged violations.
•The categories of crimes charged include nearly 8,500 DUI (14.6%), over 6,000 Drug Violations (10.9%), more than 4,000 Major Criminal Offenses (7.1%), which includes murder, assault, battery, rape, and kidnapping, nearly 3,000 Theft (4.9%), and over 1,000 Other Violent Crimes (2.1%), which includes carjacking, child cruelty, child molestation, domestic abuse, lynching, stalking, and torture.
•These crimes committed by both illegal and legal immigrants include 59 murders, 21 attempted murders, and 542 sex crimes.
•Of those rearrested, nearly 30%, or 7,283, were illegal immigrants. Since 46,734 illegal immigrants were released, this means they have a recidivism rate of 16%. These illegal immigrants should have been deported but the Obama administration’s lax immigration policies released them back into our communities.
•The crimes charged against these illegal immigrants include nearly 2,000 DUI (11.9%), over 1,400 drug violations (8.8%), and more than 1,000 major criminal offenses and violent crimes (6.9%), including murder, assault, battery, rape, kidnapping, child molestation, domestic abuse, lynching, stalking, and torture.
•These crimes committed by illegal immigrants include 19 murders, 3 attempted murders, and 142 sex crimes.

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