Idaho"s sole democratic controlled county ranks 9th in worst income inequality

Flip it red. Who cares what happens in Idaho? It has little to do with the mechanisms that power this country.
Who cares what happens in Idaho?
i am going out on a limb here....but maybe the people in Idaho?....
We care..but not about Hailey so much. They are a Sun Valley resort town..with most of the 'residents' part-timers at best. For sure there is great income inequality all you have are the ultra rich..and those who cater to them..landscapers, tradespeople and servants. There are a few locals who have been there long-time..and they ignore the show, for the most part. Hailey pays huge taxes..and except locally..has no say at all in how the money is spent.

Idaho is Red..but not East Coast Conservative Red...and not really Orange County Conservative red either. More of a Libertarian/Republican blend. Preppers to the North and pragmatic farmers to the south.

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