IE virus wtfvs


Apr 23, 2008
Hey guys I had an old laptop running XP Pro. A couple of weeks ago, every time I would connect to the internet via DSL or wireless, the hard drive light would come on - as if it were writing something to the hard drive. It would cause IE to run slower than dial-up. I looked in task manager and although the CPU usage was high, there didn't seem to be a process listed that was using it. I used LavaSoft Adaware to scan on a regular basis as well as Norton 2005. I eventually gave up and bought a new laptop (Vista Home), which now has the same problem. It is obviously related to something that I copied over to the new computer from the old computer. But the things is, Norton Internet security isn't picking up a virus. I used it to scan everything before copying it on to the new computer. Has anyone heard of such a thing or had the same problem? I'd much rather be able to find and remove the problem rather than restore.

Try going to Windows and making sure your security patches are up to date.

What are you getting at? That this is bogus?

Maybe the user just wants opinions from multiple sources. Obviously THIS board hasn't offered much to him, perhaps if he posts on a collective amount of boards, someone somewhere eventually might give a fuck and help him.
What are you getting at? That this is bogus?

Maybe the user just wants opinions from multiple sources. Obviously THIS board hasn't offered much to him, perhaps if he posts on a collective amount of boards, someone somewhere eventually might give a fuck and help him.

What am I getting at? That this poster is a fucking nuisance. But go ahead and make nice,
Windows XP SP3 + all updates + Firefox + AVG AntiVirus Free + CCleaner + clean your registry + defrag.

then you'll be good to go. ;)

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