If All Lives Matter?


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 11, 2015
This is the number of whites who killed themselves in 2020. While the members here who preach all the time about the 8,600 black murders in the same year and declared that All Lives Matter, more than 4 times the number of whites were murdering themselves. This is another example of the racism among the members here.

We have a thread that has been allowed to stand titled black deaths matter where a member claims to be advocating by using the death of a 6-year-old black girl so he and others can rant about the problems of the black community according to whites who cause the problems we face. We get preached to about every black death with the claims of how we don't care when the crime is black on black because they as white people aren't in those communities to see what is done.

And in all this projection nearly 110 whites murder themselves daily and not one white member here says anything. We get told about black interracial murders against whites which have been less than 500 in most years while whites are murdering each other and themselves by the thousands and nothing is said. We don't see All Lives Matter, and talking about Africa or per capita doesn't mean anything. The usual suspect are going to come in with the same silly dodges and personal attacks, but the number was 40,155 whites who murdered themselves. 3,541 blacks did. 11 times more whites murdered themselves than blacks and the excuse of it's OK because they killed each other that I was told by a member here long ago is not a good defense.

We have a thread that has been allowed to stand titled black deaths matter where a member claims to be advocating by using the death of a 6-year-old black girl so he and others can rant about the problems of the black community according to whites who cause the problems we face.
Hi IM2! Happy Memorial Day. Thanks for the plug my man. I know you've been trying to censor me for 2 years but I don't hold it against you. And BTW there is no IF in front of the statement All Lives Matter. They just do in the real world. But that's not where you live.
Hi IM2! Happy Memorial Day. Thanks for the plug my man. I know you've been trying to censor me for 2 years but I don't hold it against you. And BTW there is no IF in front of the statement All Lives Matter. They just do in the real world. But that's not where you live.
If all lives mattered you'd be talking about the high numbers of whites who are murdering themselves. Don't need your advice on the real world, I live in it and that's not the thread topic.
This is the number of whites who killed themselves in 2020. While the members here who preach all the time about the 8,600 black murders in the same year and declared that All Lives Matter, more than 4 times the number of whites were murdering themselves. This is another example of the racism among the members here.

We have a thread that has been allowed to stand titled black deaths matter where a member claims to be advocating by using the death of a 6-year-old black girl so he and others can rant about the problems of the black community according to whites who cause the problems we face. We get preached to about every black death with the claims of how we don't care when the crime is black on black because they as white people aren't in those communities to see what is done.

And in all this projection nearly 110 whites murder themselves daily and not one white member here says anything. We get told about black interracial murders against whites which have been less than 500 in most years while whites are murdering each other and themselves by the thousands and nothing is said. We don't see All Lives Matter, and talking about Africa or per capita doesn't mean anything. The usual suspect are going to come in with the same silly dodges and personal attacks, but the number was 40,155 whites who murdered themselves. 3,541 blacks did. 11 times more whites murdered themselves than blacks and the excuse of it's OK because they killed each other that I was told by a member here long ago is not a good defense.


You got a point. But on the other hand, "Black Lives Maters" isn't concerned with black on black homicides, abortions, drug overdoses or suicides, for that matter. SO? And the 80+ million $ they (BLM) made profiting off of this seems more like a conniving cynical manipulative ploy than a legitimate social movement. Which is off topic, yes. But more to the point.
If all lives mattered you'd be talking about the high numbers of whites who are murdering themselves. Don't need your advice on the real world, I live in it and that's not the thread topic.
I do more than talk about it....I'm involved with a veterans group that is actually doing things to stop it....Veterans of all ethnicities, BTW.

So stuff that in your race baiting pipe and smoke it.
You got a point. But on the other hand, "Black Lives Maters" isn't concerned with black on black homicides, abortions, drug overdoses or suicides, for that matter. SO? And the 80+ million $ they (BLM) made profiting off of this seems more like a conniving cynical manipulative ploy than a legitimate social movement. Which is off topic, yes. But more to the point.
You are wrong about thread is not about Black Lives Matter. It has nothing to do with any point.
This is the number of whites who killed themselves in 2020. While the members here who preach all the time about the 8,600 black murders in the same year and declared that All Lives Matter, more than 4 times the number of whites were murdering themselves. This is another example of the racism among the members here.

We have a thread that has been allowed to stand titled black deaths matter where a member claims to be advocating by using the death of a 6-year-old black girl so he and others can rant about the problems of the black community according to whites who cause the problems we face. We get preached to about every black death with the claims of how we don't care when the crime is black on black because they as white people aren't in those communities to see what is done.

And in all this projection nearly 110 whites murder themselves daily and not one white member here says anything. We get told about black interracial murders against whites which have been less than 500 in most years while whites are murdering each other and themselves by the thousands and nothing is said. We don't see All Lives Matter, and talking about Africa or per capita doesn't mean anything. The usual suspect are going to come in with the same silly dodges and personal attacks, but the number was 40,155 whites who murdered themselves. 3,541 blacks did. 11 times more whites murdered themselves than blacks and the excuse of it's OK because they killed each other that I was told by a member here long ago is not a good defense.

How is it racism for someone to kill themselves?
If all lives mattered you'd be talking about the high numbers of whites who are murdering themselves. Don't need your advice on the real world, I live in it and that's not the thread topic.
Please tell everyone how those suicides were performed.
I would think you would revel WHITES are committing suicide in huge numbers. I won't bother to confirm or deny it. Suicide is a personal issue (age & health issues), MURDER which blacks seem really good at, THAT is impersonal, THAT is the over reaching issue and people being murdered don't choose that. Suicide Vs. Murder? Apples and Oranges. And I don't think you care one way or the other.
There isn't an organization called White Lives Matter that focuses on white people killed by cops while ignoring problems that cause much much more problems including death for white people (and all people). There isn't an organization called WLM whose members get very upset when someone says "All Lives Matter."

That being said, there are many organizations that thy to make lives better for all regardless of race or color.

All Lives Matter.
Numbers. Ratios. White suicides Vs say blacks abortion rates, overdosing on drugs and shooting, murderizing the holy shit out of each other, it's just suicide by other means.
This is the number of whites who killed themselves in 2020. While the members here who preach all the time about the 8,600 black murders in the same year and declared that All Lives Matter, more than 4 times the number of whites were murdering themselves. This is another example of the racism among the members here.

We have a thread that has been allowed to stand titled black deaths matter where a member claims to be advocating by using the death of a 6-year-old black girl so he and others can rant about the problems of the black community according to whites who cause the problems we face. We get preached to about every black death with the claims of how we don't care when the crime is black on black because they as white people aren't in those communities to see what is done.

And in all this projection nearly 110 whites murder themselves daily and not one white member here says anything. We get told about black interracial murders against whites which have been less than 500 in most years while whites are murdering each other and themselves by the thousands and nothing is said. We don't see All Lives Matter, and talking about Africa or per capita doesn't mean anything. The usual suspect are going to come in with the same silly dodges and personal attacks, but the number was 40,155 whites who murdered themselves. 3,541 blacks did. 11 times more whites murdered themselves than blacks and the excuse of it's OK because they killed each other that I was told by a member here long ago is not a good defense.

LAST TIME I CHECKED there wasnt a white lives matter pop up a few years ago, burning stuff and stealing millions.
"can rant about the problems of the black community according to whites who cause the problems we face"

So do tell me the "problems" whites cause our Blak brothers and sisters??

Stop making excuses. Whites have murdered more people than every other race combined sine America has been a country.

"There are 4 times the number of whites than blacks in America. That 40,000 becomes 10,000. STILL high, but WHAT YEAR was that? Because suicide and mental issues went up considerably during covid. And whites were losing more businesses in the 2020 rioting than blacks. Something that can REALLY depress you."

No, 40,000 does not become 10,000. These excuses must stop. 11 times more whites killed themselves in 2020 than blacks. Blacks faced the same COVID, the same businesses closing, jobs lost and the trauma of watching blacks getting murdered by police and private citizens, plus the daily racism. Whites lost businesses when whites rioted in counterprotests and due to white accelerationists trying to get a race war started. There are just no excuses to be made.
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Stop making excuses. Whites have murdered more people than every other race combined sine America has been a country.

"There are 4 times the number of whites than blacks in America. That 40,000 becomes 10,000. STILL high, but WHAT YEAR was that? Because suicide and mental issues went up considerably during covid. And whites were losing more businesses in the 2020 rioting than blacks. Something that can REALLY depress you."

No, 40,000 does not become 10,000. These excuses must stop. 11 times more whites killed themselves in 2020 than blacks. Blacks faced the same COVID, the same businesses closing, jobs lost and the trauma of watching blacks getting murdered by police and private citizens, plus the daily racism. Whites lost businesses when whites rioted in counterprotests and due to white accelerationists trying to get a race war started. There are just no excuses to be made.
If you're comparing apples to oranges, I suppose you could be right. But, not when you compare apples to apples. :eusa_whistle:
There are more whites, so it only follows that more of them, in raw numbers, would commit suicide.

Aside from that beyond-obvious point, there's absolutely no connection between despondent people killing themselves and feral animals shooting up their own neighborhoods and murdering their neighbors.

It's always funny to see how bad leftists are at math.


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