If Anti-Zionism is NOT Anti-Semitism, then why….


Diamond Member
Oct 12, 2021
… did a New York high school team taunt their opposing team from a Jewish High School with “I support HAMAS, you fucking Jews?”

… have antisemitic attacks skyrocket by 400% since October 7th, and synogogies have beefed up their security systems and hired ex-military guards?

… have Jews been warned to remove their kippahs and Jewish jewelry?

… are Ivy League leftists marching with calls of “Death to Jews” and harassing Jewish students walking across the quad to class?

… are Jews taunted looking at Chanukah decorations and have to walk by Arabs screaming for their genocide?

NOBODY but the radical left is buying the lie that hating Israel has nothing to do with hating Jews, and that anti-Zionism is driven by antisemitism.

… did a New York high school team taunt their opposing team from a Jewish High School with “I support HAMAS, you fucking Jews?”

… have antisemitic attacks skyrocket by 400% since October 7th, and synogogies have beefed up their security systems and hired ex-military guards?

… have Jews been warned to remove their kippahs and Jewish jewelry?

… are Ivy League leftists marching with calls of “Death to Jews” and harassing Jewish students walking across the quad to class?

… are Jews taunted looking at Chanukah decorations and have to walk by Arabs screaming for their genocide?

NOBODY but the radical left is buying the lie that hating Israel has nothing to do with hating Jews, and that anti-Zionism is driven by antisemitism.

i don't think one is required to hate jews to tell them "enough is enough" and to ask them to please treat their neighbors humanely.

anticipating your first objection, the "they do it 1st/most/worse

meanwhile the usa, negotiating as adults with iran or who ever to similasrly influence the palastinians.
… did a New York high school team taunt their opposing team from a Jewish High School with “I support HAMAS, you fucking Jews?”

… have antisemitic attacks skyrocket by 400% since October 7th, and synogogies have beefed up their security systems and hired ex-military guards?

… have Jews been warned to remove their kippahs and Jewish jewelry?

… are Ivy League leftists marching with calls of “Death to Jews” and harassing Jewish students walking across the quad to class?

… are Jews taunted looking at Chanukah decorations and have to walk by Arabs screaming for their genocide?

NOBODY but the radical left is buying the lie that hating Israel has nothing to do with hating Jews, and that anti-Zionism is driven by antisemitism.

All that you have listed here is straight up antisemitism. Not anti-Zionism.
If the teenagers were shouting,"Israel has no right to exist and should be destroyed!"...That's anti-Zionism..and it wouldn't make a very good taunt for any stupid f'ing teenager...and I'm not sure why you neglect to call their parents out for something learned like this..but whatever.

Also, if you held all Jews everywhere accountable for the actions of the Israeli government, that would be anti-Zionism as well.
However, that isn't happening. Again, legitimate criticism of the Israel government for their actions regarding the Palestinians..is NOT antisemitism or anti-Zionism.

… did a New York high school team taunt their opposing team from a Jewish High School with “I support HAMAS, you fucking Jews?”

… have antisemitic attacks skyrocket by 400% since October 7th, and synogogies have beefed up their security systems and hired ex-military guards?

… have Jews been warned to remove their kippahs and Jewish jewelry?

… are Ivy League leftists marching with calls of “Death to Jews” and harassing Jewish students walking across the quad to class?

… are Jews taunted looking at Chanukah decorations and have to walk by Arabs screaming for their genocide?

NOBODY but the radical left is buying the lie that hating Israel has nothing to do with hating Jews, and that anti-Zionism is driven by antisemitism.

No question about it. You're the number one victims in the world.
All that you have listed here is straight up antisemitism. Not anti-Zionism.
If the teenagers were shouting,"Israel has no right to exist and should be destroyed!"...That's anti-Zionism..and it wouldn't make a very good taunt for any stupid f'ing teenager...and I'm not sure why you neglect to call their parents out for something learned like this..but whatever.

Also, if you held all Jews everywhere accountable for the actions of the Israeli government, that would be anti-Zionism as well.
However, that isn't happening. Again, legitimate criticism of the Israel government for their actions regarding the Palestinians..is NOT antisemitism or anti-Zionism.

Actually This is Antisemitism, because the only way to do that is kill or remove all the jews from the area.
"Israel has no right to exist and should be destroyed!"
i don't think one is required to hate jews to tell them "enough is enough" and to ask them to please treat their neighbors humanely.

anticipating your first objection, the "they do it 1st/most/worse

meanwhile the usa, negotiating as adults with iran or who ever to similasrly influence the palastinians.
And this too continues your line of fallacies.
Is firing missiles into civilian areas by Hamas 'treating your neighbors humanely.
Biden is right (and he rarely is) Hamas must be eliminated or this problem will come back until they are.

Iran was infuriated by Biden's gay and abortion and anti-family rhetoric for a long time.
This is the President that allowed gay is okay flags on the Afghan embassy.

A pride flag in a Muslim country is a finger in the eye.
i don't think one is required to hate jews to tell them "enough is enough" and to ask them to please treat their neighbors humanely.

anticipating your first objection, the "they do it 1st/most/worse

meanwhile the usa, negotiating as adults with iran or who ever to similasrly influence the palastinians.
Thanks for proving my point. Any response to the examples to the horrific antisemitism being spewed against American Jews?

And your ”enough is enough” comment is telling as well. Where is your criticism for the Muslim savages who kicked off the war with their barbaric torture - beheading babies, setting children on fire, slicing off woman’s breasts and then tossing the bloody tissue around like a game?

Your siding against the Jewish country is BECAUSE it is a Jewish country.
And this too continues your line of fallacies.
Is firing missiles into civilian areas by Hamas 'treating your neighbors humanely.
Biden is right (and he rarely is) Hamas must be eliminated or this problem will come back until they are.

Iran was infuriated by Biden's gay and abortion and anti-family rhetoric for a long time.
This is the President that allowed gay is okay flags on the Afghan embassy.

A pride flag in a Muslim country is a finger in the eye.
its got to stop somewhere. most of us do not want armageddon, and don't care if the rapture takes 2 million years. to arrive.
i don't think one is required to hate jews to tell them "enough is enough" and to ask them to please treat their neighbors humanely.

anticipating your first objection, the "they do it 1st/most/worse

meanwhile the usa, negotiating as adults with iran or who ever to similasrly influence the palastinians.
And P.S. Is screaming “your fucking Jews!” at high schoolers and harasssing Jews walking to class asking them “please treat your neighbors humanely”?

And P.P.S. Was the Muslims beheading Jewish babies and burning Jewish toddlers alive inhumane? Was raping the girls at the Music Festival, and then killing them humane? Was sticking a baby in the oven and baking it to an agonizing death humane?

Your double standards are the classic sign of antisemitism, you bigot.
Thanks for proving my point. Any response to the examples to the horrific antisemitism being spewed against American Jews?

And your ”enough is enough” comment is telling as well. Where is your criticism for the Muslim savages who kicked off the war with their barbaric torture - beheading babies, setting children on fire, slicing off woman’s breasts and then tossing the bloody tissue around like a game?

Your siding against the Jewish country is BECAUSE it is a Jewish country.
i'm not siding "against the jewish country" or any other. this conflict ends only 2 ways. cease fire and negotiate or total annihilation.

this student stuff represents the same demographic that don't know what a woman is. why get worked up about this. they are not taught "hate" at school. even harvard.
i'm not siding "against the jewish country" or any other. this conflict ends only 2 ways. cease fire and negotiate or total annihilation.

this student stuff represents the same demographic that don't know what a woman is. why get worked up about this. they are not taught "hate" at school. even harvard.
Your antisemitism is showing….look at how you downplay and deny it.
… did a New York high school team taunt their opposing team from a Jewish High School with “I support HAMAS, you fucking Jews?”

… have antisemitic attacks skyrocket by 400% since October 7th, and synogogies have beefed up their security systems and hired ex-military guards?

… have Jews been warned to remove their kippahs and Jewish jewelry?

… are Ivy League leftists marching with calls of “Death to Jews” and harassing Jewish students walking across the quad to class?

… are Jews taunted looking at Chanukah decorations and have to walk by Arabs screaming for their genocide?

NOBODY but the radical left is buying the lie that hating Israel has nothing to do with hating Jews, and that anti-Zionism is driven by antisemitism.

Most anti Zionists are in fact bigots anti-Jewish.

MLK was right about that.

When approached by a student who attacked Zionism, Dr. King responded: “When people criticize Zionists, they mean Jews. You're talking anti-Semitism.”
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i'm not siding "against the jewish country" or any other. this conflict ends only 2 ways. cease fire and negotiate or total annihilation.

this student stuff represents the same demographic that don't know what a woman is. why get worked up about this. they are not taught "hate" at school. even harvard.
And why is “cease fire” the way it ends? Up to Da Jooos to stop?

How about the inhumane Muslims release the hostages - those they haven’t abused to death - and surrender?
And P.S. Is screaming “your fucking Jews!” at high schoolers and harasssing Jews walking to class asking them “please treat your neighbors humanely”?

And P.P.S. Was the Muslims beheading Jewish babies and burning Jewish toddlers alive inhumane? Was raping the girls at the Music Festival, and then killing them humane? Was sticking a baby in the oven and baking it to an agonizing death humane?

Your double standards are the classic sign of antisemitism, you bigot.
no. none of that was decent or necessary, or humane, but it is not right to continue creating terrorists and antisemites by bombing the rubble of a city big enough for an nfl franchise.

i've got no peace plan. but the first step to signing a treaty is sitting at a table. so how do we help both sides to slow down?
no. none of that was decent or necessary, or humane, but it is not right to continue creating terrorists and antisemites by bombing the rubble of a city big enough for an nfl franchise.

i've got no peace plan. but the first step to signing a treaty is sitting at a table. so how do we help both sides to slow down?
You’re ignoring that Israel offered peace deals to the Palestinians more than once, and each time they turned it down because it required them to recognize Israel’s right to exist. Are you ignoring that, or just ignorant of it?

1) How can there be peace when one side, the Palestinians, has as its goal to eliminate Israel?

2) Why should Israel “slow down” when that gives the Muslim monsters time to regroup, and await Iran’s additional help so they can conduct another Oct 7th massacre? They already told the world that they will keep having Oct 7th massacres until all the Jews are dead.
i'm not siding "against the jewish country" or any other. this conflict ends only 2 ways. cease fire and negotiate or total annihilation.

this student stuff represents the same demographic that don't know what a woman is. why get worked up about this. they are not taught "hate" at school. even harvard.

You forget the third way, Hamas Surrenders.
And P.S. Is screaming “your fucking Jews!” at high schoolers and harasssing Jews walking to class asking them “please treat your neighbors humanely”?

And P.P.S. Was the Muslims beheading Jewish babies and burning Jewish toddlers alive inhumane? Was raping the girls at the Music Festival, and then killing them humane? Was sticking a baby in the oven and baking it to an agonizing death humane?

Your double standards are the classic sign of antisemitism, you bigot.

Were the Israelis concerned about morality or antisemitism 80 years ago?

When did you start to care?

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