If Any of You Doubted Which Way YouTube Leans

Carl in Michigan

Diamond Member
Aug 15, 2016
This had been YouTube the last couple days. Good Allah I HATE "SOCIAL JUSTICE", which is not "justice" at all. How many of you leftist morons will donate to this antipolice cause?

This had been YouTube the last couple days. Good Allah I HATE "SOCIAL JUSTICE", which is not "justice" at all. How many of you leftist morons will donate to this antipolice cause?


No question regarding that. They are neck deep in cancer.

Thank God for Trump's EO finally addressing these manipulators of public opinion.
I have noticed how these companies that the Republican president wants to regulate, while deregulation is his campaign message, are not jumping when Trump farts an EO.
So, now the Repubs have a problem with what a corporation does when it involves fact checking a president that lies with every breathe he takes. Talk about snowflakes.
This had been YouTube the last couple days. Good Allah I HATE "SOCIAL JUSTICE", which is not "justice" at all. How many of you leftist morons will donate to this antipolice cause?


No question regarding that. They are neck deep in cancer.

Thank God for Trump's EO finally addressing these manipulators of public opinion.
I have noticed how these companies that the Republican president wants to regulate, while deregulation is his campaign message, are not jumping when Trump farts an EO.

It's up to them whether to abandon social justice and start acting like a platform, or go bankrupt sacrificing themselves to the corporate cancer. I certainly won't blink my eye whichever way they choose.
This had been YouTube the last couple days. Good Allah I HATE "SOCIAL JUSTICE", which is not "justice" at all. How many of you leftist morons will donate to this antipolice cause?

Sure, that's why they still.let Alex Jones, that prager "university" guy, yiannopolis, and all those other alt right nut-bars post videos.
Why do you lie? Jones is banned. Prager is "shadow banned." So is Glenn Becks BlazeTV
This had been YouTube the last couple days. Good Allah I HATE "SOCIAL JUSTICE", which is not "justice" at all. How many of you leftist morons will donate to this antipolice cause?


No question regarding that. They are neck deep in cancer.

Thank God for Trump's EO finally addressing these manipulators of public opinion.
I have noticed how these companies that the Republican president wants to regulate, while deregulation is his campaign message, are not jumping when Trump farts an EO.

It's up to them whether to abandon social justice and start acting like a platform, or go bankrupt sacrificing themselves to the corporate cancer. I certainly won't blink my eye whichever way they choose.
I HOPE we can do this, but it requires a second term
This had been YouTube the last couple days. Good Allah I HATE "SOCIAL JUSTICE", which is not "justice" at all. How many of you leftist morons will donate to this antipolice cause?

Sure, that's why they still.let Alex Jones, that prager "university" guy, yiannopolis, and all those other alt right nut-bars post videos.
Why do you lie? Jones is banned. Prager is "shadow banned." So is Glenn Becks BlazeTV
Alex Jones on YouTube about 10 days ago.

Banned? Not.
This had been YouTube the last couple days. Good Allah I HATE "SOCIAL JUSTICE", which is not "justice" at all. How many of you leftist morons will donate to this antipolice cause?


No question regarding that. They are neck deep in cancer.

Thank God for Trump's EO finally addressing these manipulators of public opinion.
I have noticed how these companies that the Republican president wants to regulate, while deregulation is his campaign message, are not jumping when Trump farts an EO.

It's up to them whether to abandon social justice and start acting like a platform, or go bankrupt sacrificing themselves to the corporate cancer. I certainly won't blink my eye whichever way they choose.
Ah, so now corporatism is bad where as before the Trumpets heralding the era of big business in govt. because of tax cuts and deregulation. Now the king is mad with corporatism and seeks to punish those that correct his lies.
This had been YouTube the last couple days. Good Allah I HATE "SOCIAL JUSTICE", which is not "justice" at all. How many of you leftist morons will donate to this antipolice cause?


No question regarding that. They are neck deep in cancer.

Thank God for Trump's EO finally addressing these manipulators of public opinion.
I have noticed how these companies that the Republican president wants to regulate, while deregulation is his campaign message, are not jumping when Trump farts an EO.

It's up to them whether to abandon social justice and start acting like a platform, or go bankrupt sacrificing themselves to the corporate cancer. I certainly won't blink my eye whichever way they choose.
Ah, so now corporatism is bad where as before the Trumpets heralding the era of big business in govt. because of tax cuts and deregulation. Now the king is mad with corporatism and seeks to punish those that correct his lies.

Social justice is a cancer and always has been.
I just clicked on the link hoping to leave a comment. They don't allow comments.

I did leave a "dislike."

Likes = 9k
Dislikes = 4.7 k

And that's on a lib skewed platform! I'm good with that
I do not expect freedom of expression from YouTube, so I am not upset by its censorship. In fact, I do not expect any objective news from any American media.

I go to YouTube mostly for non-controversial videos.

For example, I am now going to visit YouTube because I need to know how to put on compression stockings. Their how-to-do-something videos are great. I also need help in preventing fogging up of my glasses when I wear a mask.
This had been YouTube the last couple days. Good Allah I HATE "SOCIAL JUSTICE", which is not "justice" at all. How many of you leftist morons will donate to this antipolice cause?


No question regarding that. They are neck deep in cancer.

Thank God for Trump's EO finally addressing these manipulators of public opinion.
I have noticed how these companies that the Republican president wants to regulate, while deregulation is his campaign message, are not jumping when Trump farts an EO.
I don't see "regulation" He wants to deregulate social media so they can't apply 2 different standards based on politics and religion
I do not expect freedom of expression from YouTube, so I am not upset by its censorship. In fact, I do not expect any objective news from any American media.

I go to YouTube mostly for non-controversial videos.

For example, I am now going to visit YouTube because I need to know how to put on compression stockings. Their how-to-do-something videos are great. I also need help in preventing fogging up of my glasses when I wear a mask.
So you're ok with rigged elections. Glad you're not upset
This had been YouTube the last couple days. Good Allah I HATE "SOCIAL JUSTICE", which is not "justice" at all. How many of you leftist morons will donate to this antipolice cause?

Sure, that's why they still.let Alex Jones, that prager "university" guy, yiannopolis, and all those other alt right nut-bars post videos.

Milo is flippin AWESOME.
I do not expect freedom of expression from YouTube, so I am not upset by its censorship. In fact, I do not expect any objective news from any American media.

I go to YouTube mostly for non-controversial videos.

For example, I am now going to visit YouTube because I need to know how to put on compression stockings. Their how-to-do-something videos are great. I also need help in preventing fogging up of my glasses when I wear a mask.
So you're ok with rigged elections. Glad you're not upset

Rigged elections are as American as apple pie.

Americans do not want squeaky-clean elections, as shown by the states that think it is insulting to ask voters for a photo ID and proof of citizenship.

I guess that the Democrats felt that it was NOT necessary to put too much effort into rigging the elections in 2016 because everyone knew that Ms. Hillary was going to win. In November of this year, they are not going to make the same mistake.
This had been YouTube the last couple days. Good Allah I HATE "SOCIAL JUSTICE", which is not "justice" at all. How many of you leftist morons will donate to this antipolice cause?

Sure, that's why they still.let Alex Jones, that prager "university" guy, yiannopolis, and all those other alt right nut-bars post videos.

Milo is flippin AWESOME.
Huh? He's just a other RWNJ of which the world has far too many.
This had been YouTube the last couple days. Good Allah I HATE "SOCIAL JUSTICE", which is not "justice" at all. How many of you leftist morons will donate to this antipolice cause?

Sure, that's why they still.let Alex Jones, that prager "university" guy, yiannopolis, and all those other alt right nut-bars post videos.

Milo is flippin AWESOME.
Huh? He's just a other RWNJ of which the world has far too many.

Milo is an amazing individual. Is it your homophobia that causes you to screech?

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