If Barrett was a Dem nominee, left would lose their minds if Pubs treated her the way Dems did during the hearing

But McConnell saw demographics not favoring the conservative brand, and he bet the House, the Senate and the Presidency on "winning" the Court for a generation

McConnell realizes that the WH may be gone forever if Republicans lose Texas, Georgia, Arizona

Thé Senate may go Republican once every three cycles and the House may be Gerrymandered the next ten years.

That leaves the courts as the last vestige to get Democratic legislation overturned over trivial issues
let me fix the list

1. Unconstitutional gun bans
2. DMV health care
3. Destruction of the Economy
4. Amnesty.

Fixed it for you.

Once McConnells filibuster privileges are taken away, it will not matter what you or Republican Senators think

Kiss your AR15 goodby and get ready for a path to citizenship

And tear down the God Damned Wall......Mexico will pay for it

Do you want a civil war? It's almost like you are getting a chubby over it.
let me fix the list

1. Unconstitutional gun bans
2. DMV health care
3. Destruction of the Economy
4. Amnesty.

Fixed it for you.

Once McConnells filibuster privileges are taken away, it will not matter what you or Republican Senators think

Kiss your AR15 goodby and get ready for a path to citizenship

And tear down the God Damned Wall......Mexico will pay for it

Do you want a civil war? It's almost like you are getting a chubby over it.
Because people who can no longer use their AR15 to hunt squirrels are not going to start a revolution.

NRA propaganda
let me fix the list

1. Unconstitutional gun bans
2. DMV health care
3. Destruction of the Economy
4. Amnesty.

Fixed it for you.

Once McConnells filibuster privileges are taken away, it will not matter what you or Republican Senators think

Kiss your AR15 goodby and get ready for a path to citizenship

And tear down the God Damned Wall......Mexico will pay for it

Do you want a civil war? It's almost like you are getting a chubby over it.
Because people who can no longer use their AR15 to hunt squirrels are not going to start a revolution.

NRA propaganda

It doesn't stop at AR15's, most of the laws that progs try to pass ban any semi-automatic weapon.
Twice. and we got Kennedy instead of Bork.

I thought progressives were big fans of "first time evers"

Actually, we are fans of fair play... and ramming through Serena Joy before an election is just wrong.
The Democrats were absolutely vicious and disgusting and rude and mansplaining and accusatory and just awful to Barrett.

If the parties were flipped, the M5M would have lost their Goddamn minds and would have called the Republicans every name in the book.

But she is conservative, and she is Catholic....so ots ok to treat her like shit.
If Amy Covid Barrett was put forth by the Democrats, the repugs would not have given her a hearing or vote. Spare us the sanctimony.
Dems treated Barrett better than Republicans treated Garland
Nobody gives a flying fuck about Garland. His nomination went as far as it could. A nice cordial no thanks.

Can you imagine the left today if Sotomayor was asked if she ever sexually assaulted someone? Holy shit you’d lose your fucking minds. And you’re the party of rape.

The ghost of Merrick Garland hangs over Republicans. republicans know what they did and now just want it to go away.

Let’s just make up and pretend it didnt happen.

But that act and the hypocrisy of rushing through the Barrett nomination has permanently burned all bridges between the parties.

Dems will not forget.
The Ghost of Reid hangs over your tribe................How do you like your Karma......fried or baked...........
But like you said, McConnell poisoned the well of good will.

If anyone wanted a reason why to vote for Biden …. he was a decent guy to Thomas, Reagen'sGinsburg and Kennedy.
The DNC idiots called Thomas a Uncle Tom and drug his ass through a fire pit...............Bork....ever heard of it.

Please stop with the EHTICAL comparisons............your side has NONE.
The Democrats were absolutely vicious and disgusting and rude and mansplaining and accusatory and just awful to Barrett.

If the parties were flipped, the M5M would have lost their Goddamn minds and would have called the Republicans every name in the book.

But she is conservative, and she is Catholic....so ots ok to treat her like shit.

No, they weren't.
But if the bitch can't take the heat, she should go back to her Indiana cult and put her HandMaid cap back on.
Dems treated Barrett better than Republicans treated Garland
How about Kagan and Soteymeyer? How did Repubs treat them? And how did Progs treat Bork? And Thomas? And the rest on the court? Those Progs will end up threating their own as they treated them. History is full of this. Its just that you do not believe it can happen here. It can and in ways that will surprise you.

Scalia died with ten months left in Obama’s term. Obama was not allowed to fill because it was an election year.

How did that work out for Trump?

Obama filled two seats in eight years
Trump filled three seats in four years

It's called "winning"

Dems would have done the same thing if the situation were reversed, don't deny it.
Democrats won before and never pulled this shit with the courts

If they win next month, you will see what winning means as they pack the court and end filibuster.

Winning means
Gun control
Single payer
Strict environmental laws
Immigration reform
You will lose for your own good......even though you are too stupid to know it.
The Democrats were absolutely vicious and disgusting and rude and mansplaining and accusatory and just awful to Barrett.

If the parties were flipped, the M5M would have lost their Goddamn minds and would have called the Republicans every name in the book.

But she is conservative, and she is Catholic....so ots ok to treat her like shit.

No, they weren't.
But if the bitch can't take the heat, she should go back to her Indiana cult and put her HandMaid cap back on.
Now a dose of I HATE CATHOLICS BS.............right on cue........

The DNC is full of pathetic individuals..........too stupid to know if they are a man or a woman too.

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