If Congress Doesn’t Impeach and Remove Trump, It Could Still Censure Him


Nuthin' but the truth
Oct 8, 2013
South Carolina
Now that an impeachment inquiry is underway, the shoe is on the other foot, and among those Republicans who aren’t just angrily defending everything Trump has ever done, we are beginning to hear mutterings about censure as a way for the GOP to express disapproval of the president’s conduct without removing him from office. Here’s Washington Post conservative columnist Henry Olsen following Gordon Sondland’s testimony establishing Trump’s efforts to pressure Ukraine to mess with the Bidens:

Republican members of Congress should seek to do justice in all of its elements here. That could easily involve acquittal in the Senate, because all this does is put the final decision to the American people. But they should also act to both condemn what Trump has done and try to ensure that no other president is ever tempted to do something similar.

The condemnation can take the form of a resolution to censure Trump over this matter.


If Trump is impeached by the House with acquittal by the Senate being a virtual certainty, more Republicans may jump on the censure bandwagon, and Senate Democrats will have to decide whether to support it as a sort of withered booby prize since taking Trump down was beyond their powers.

If Congress Doesn’t Impeach and Remove Trump, It Could Still Censure Him

There are cracks in the Democrat party concerning Schiff's clown show we were subject to for the past two weeks...And polls after this two week circus show that a majority of Americans are against impeaching Donald Trump....

Do Americans Support Impeaching Trump?

Face it Democrats, you didn't come close on this one....Time to regroup....
Now that an impeachment inquiry is underway, the shoe is on the other foot, and among those Republicans who aren’t just angrily defending everything Trump has ever done, we are beginning to hear mutterings about censure as a way for the GOP to express disapproval of the president’s conduct without removing him from office. Here’s Washington Post conservative columnist Henry Olsen following Gordon Sondland’s testimony establishing Trump’s efforts to pressure Ukraine to mess with the Bidens:

Republican members of Congress should seek to do justice in all of its elements here. That could easily involve acquittal in the Senate, because all this does is put the final decision to the American people. But they should also act to both condemn what Trump has done and try to ensure that no other president is ever tempted to do something similar.

The condemnation can take the form of a resolution to censure Trump over this matter.


If Trump is impeached by the House with acquittal by the Senate being a virtual certainty, more Republicans may jump on the censure bandwagon, and Senate Democrats will have to decide whether to support it as a sort of withered booby prize since taking Trump down was beyond their powers.

If Congress Doesn’t Impeach and Remove Trump, It Could Still Censure Him

There are cracks in the Democrat party concerning Schiff's clown show we were subject to for the past two weeks...And polls after this two week circus show that a majority of Americans are against impeaching Donald Trump....

Do Americans Support Impeaching Trump?

Face it Democrats, you didn't come close on this one....Time to regroup....

Yep, it sure is possible.

The Dems have to do somethin' to save face, right now they look like fools. Knowing there's no way they get the Senate to remove Trump, the only thing left is a Censure vote. And even that could be problematical for the Dems in red or purple districts. What are they gonna tell the voters, the people they promised to get things done? If all they got is a Censure, I don't think that's going to cut it. Right now it looks to me like the House will flip back to the GOP, the Senate probably stays close to what it is now, and Trump gets re-elected.
So they could censure him....Big deal....There's no real sanction for that.

There's going to be no sanction anyway...You don't have a chance in the Senate, and as the Schiff show concluded, there was a cadre of Democrats that approached Pelosi with this very suggestion, so you may not even get the votes in the Democrat controled house....At least with a censure you could capture Republican socialists like Romney on your side....

Face it, once again you Demo's overplayed your hand too early, instead of working for the American people you showed that you were/are hellbent on overturning the vote of the people from 2016....

Hell, Democrats don't deserve power...
The House can impeach and Congress later censure given the fact Senate Republicans lack the courage and integrity to convict.

Indeed, Senate Republicans could very well agree to censure in a failed and pathetic effort to save face and conceal their cowardice and lack of integrity.
The House can impeach and Congress later censure given the fact Senate Republicans lack the courage and integrity to convict.

Indeed, Senate Republicans could very well agree to censure in a failed and pathetic effort to save face and conceal their cowardice and lack of integrity.

The problem is that you may not even win an impeachment vote on the floor of the house...

Hell, Democrats didn't make a case for anything other than people heard a lot of gossip..And that the people working in the State Dept. as well as the Diplomatic corps are committed lefties that dispise this President...
There's going to be no sanction anyway...You don't have a chance in the Senate, and as the Schiff show concluded, there was a cadre of Democrats that approached Pelosi with this very suggestion, so you may not even get the votes in the Democrat controled house....At least with a censure you could capture Republican socialists like Romney on your side....

Face it, once again you Demo's overplayed your hand too early, instead of working for the American people you showed that you were/are hellbent on overturning the vote of the people from 2016....

Hell, Democrats don't deserve power...
They don't deserve sunlight.

The House can impeach and Congress later censure given the fact Senate Republicans lack the courage and integrity to convict.

Indeed, Senate Republicans could very well agree to censure in a failed and pathetic effort to save face and conceal their cowardice and lack of integrity.

So they could censure him....Big deal....There's no real sanction for that.

There's going to be no sanction anyway...You don't have a chance in the Senate, and as the Schiff show concluded, there was a cadre of Democrats that approached Pelosi with this very suggestion, so you may not even get the votes in the Democrat controled house....At least with a censure you could capture Republican socialists like Romney on your side....

Face it, once again you Demo's overplayed your hand too early, instead of working for the American people you showed that you were/are hellbent on overturning the vote of the people from 2016....

Hell, Democrats don't deserve power...
I think you may have misunderstood me slightly.

That there's no sanction would mean that it would be a huge masturbatory effort by any and all who perused that course of action.....A big waste of time that would bring no satisfaction anyone who wants the evil Orange Jesus strung up....As it were that anything could satisfy them.
Or Nancy can throw Schiff under the bus and shut down the impeachment circus. She has an out, she said it "had to be bipartisan". She could make a statement saying something like:
"I said from the beginning an impeachment needs to be bipartisan. It has not been bipartisan, therefore I've decided to not proceed with the impeachment effort and instead let the American people decide whether or not to remove the President from office at the ballot box next November".
She could commit to working with Republicans to get some meaningful legislation passed that will have a positive effect on the country. That would be her best move and would be seen as a unifying effort, possibly saving them from losing the House. But I don't expect her to do it because her party has been taken over by extremists and she'll probably stick with the scorched earth policy she's been bullied into adopting.
Or Nancy can throw Schiff under the bus and shut down the impeachment circus. She has an out, she said it "had to be bipartisan". She could make a statement saying something like:
"I said from the beginning an impeachment needs to be bipartisan. It has not been bipartisan, therefore I've decided to not proceed with the impeachment effort and instead let the American people decide whether or not to remove the President from office at the ballot box next November".
She could commit to working with Republicans to get some meaningful legislation passed that will have a positive effect on the country. That would be her best move and would be seen as a unifying effort, possibly saving them from losing the House. But I don't expect her to do it because her party has been taken over by extremists and she'll probably stick with the scorched earth policy she's been bullied into adopting.
Didn't she recently say something very much like that?
Or Nancy can throw Schiff under the bus and shut down the impeachment circus. She has an out, she said it "had to be bipartisan". She could make a statement saying something like:
"I said from the beginning an impeachment needs to be bipartisan. It has not been bipartisan, therefore I've decided to not proceed with the impeachment effort and instead let the American people decide whether or not to remove the President from office at the ballot box next November".
She could commit to working with Republicans to get some meaningful legislation passed that will have a positive effect on the country. That would be her best move and would be seen as a unifying effort, possibly saving them from losing the House. But I don't expect her to do it because her party has been taken over by extremists and she'll probably stick with the scorched earth policy she's been bullied into adopting.
Didn't she recently say something very much like that?
The last thing I remember her saying was that Trump was guilty of the impeachable offense of bribery. Didn't sound like she was backing off but that was several days ago.
Or Nancy can throw Schiff under the bus and shut down the impeachment circus. She has an out, she said it "had to be bipartisan". She could make a statement saying something like:
"I said from the beginning an impeachment needs to be bipartisan. It has not been bipartisan, therefore I've decided to not proceed with the impeachment effort and instead let the American people decide whether or not to remove the President from office at the ballot box next November".
She could commit to working with Republicans to get some meaningful legislation passed that will have a positive effect on the country. That would be her best move and would be seen as a unifying effort, possibly saving them from losing the House. But I don't expect her to do it because her party has been taken over by extremists and she'll probably stick with the scorched earth policy she's been bullied into adopting.
Didn't she recently say something very much like that?
The last thing I remember her saying was that Trump was guilty of the impeachable offense of bribery. Didn't sound like she was backing off but that was several days ago.
Here it is....She has totally backpedaled.

Pelosi insists impeachment not partisan, because GOP is in ‘denial’ and not honoring their oaths
They couldn’t censure
Schiff Or Omar, so if they did this it would be used against them in 2020.

Now that an impeachment inquiry is underway, the shoe is on the other foot, and among those Republicans who aren’t just angrily defending everything Trump has ever done, we are beginning to hear mutterings about censure as a way for the GOP to express disapproval of the president’s conduct without removing him from office. Here’s Washington Post conservative columnist Henry Olsen following Gordon Sondland’s testimony establishing Trump’s efforts to pressure Ukraine to mess with the Bidens:

Republican members of Congress should seek to do justice in all of its elements here. That could easily involve acquittal in the Senate, because all this does is put the final decision to the American people. But they should also act to both condemn what Trump has done and try to ensure that no other president is ever tempted to do something similar.

The condemnation can take the form of a resolution to censure Trump over this matter.


If Trump is impeached by the House with acquittal by the Senate being a virtual certainty, more Republicans may jump on the censure bandwagon, and Senate Democrats will have to decide whether to support it as a sort of withered booby prize since taking Trump down was beyond their powers.

There are cracks in the Democrat party concerning Schiff's clown show we were subject to for the past two weeks...And polls after this two week circus show that a majority of Americans are against impeaching Donald Trump....

Do Americans Support Impeaching Trump?

Face it Democrats, you didn't come close on this one....Time to regroup....
Or Nancy can throw Schiff under the bus and shut down the impeachment circus. She has an out, she said it "had to be bipartisan". She could make a statement saying something like:
"I said from the beginning an impeachment needs to be bipartisan. It has not been bipartisan, therefore I've decided to not proceed with the impeachment effort and instead let the American people decide whether or not to remove the President from office at the ballot box next November".
She could commit to working with Republicans to get some meaningful legislation passed that will have a positive effect on the country. That would be her best move and would be seen as a unifying effort, possibly saving them from losing the House. But I don't expect her to do it because her party has been taken over by extremists and she'll probably stick with the scorched earth policy she's been bullied into adopting.
Didn't she recently say something very much like that?
The last thing I remember her saying was that Trump was guilty of the impeachable offense of bribery. Didn't sound like she was backing off but that was several days ago.
Here it is....She has totally backpedaled.

Pelosi insists impeachment not partisan, because GOP is in ‘denial’ and not honoring their oaths
Oh yeah, I remember that now. Sounds more like she's struggling to keep it alive but she could also be setting the stage for saving face when it all falls apart and she's forced to throw in the towel. She should just take responsibility and admit they don't have enough to impeach and move on but she can't bring herself to do that.

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