If He is a Dictator, then . . .


Platinum Member
Jan 13, 2020
Willy_Wonka - dictator.png

You need to stop your dumb shit and wake the fuck up.

We will never be able to get things right when the dictator's argument is not recognized as for what it really means.

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View attachment 869428

You need to stop your dumb shit and wake the fuck up.

We will never be able to get things right when the dictator's argument is not recognized as for what it really means.

Here is a simple reading comprehension exercise.

When you are reading something and it begin with, "Why .... " What you are reading is an opinion. Opinions come with bias and agendas.
You are what I described. The interrogative, "why," does not indicate that what follows is a biased opinion, and that does not matter, anyway. You cannot reach a reasonable solution to anything, if the arguments are allowed to contain irrational terms. The American deployment of the Three-part Separation Theory is supposed to prevent any one person from ascending to dictatorship. The claims of the possibility of a dictatorship are grounds for a complete review of the governing system; which is what needs to be done.

You are the one with the comprehension problem.

"Dictator," was the term that you were supposed to describe as the signifier of a fear-mongering opinion.
You are what I described. The interrogative, "why," does not indicate that what follows is a biased opinion, and that does not matter, anyway. You cannot reach a reasonable solution to anything, if the arguments are allowed to contain irrational terms. The American deployment of the Three-part Separation Theory is supposed to prevent any one person from ascending to dictatorship. The claims of the possibility of a dictatorship are grounds for a complete review of the governing system; which is what needs to be done.

You are the one with the comprehension problem.

"Dictator," was the term that you were supposed to describe as the signifier of a fear-mongering opinion.
Well, I thought you had more sense than that.

Why, when asked as an interrogative statement, is a request for more information.

This statement:

"Why Trump Refuses to Deny He Plans to Become a Dictator" <-- IS NOT AN INTEROGATIVE STATEMENT.

It is an opinion.

The author, and likely 100's of other progressives who will stop at nothing to prevent Trump from reelection, have decided to take a joke, made in very poor taste, and set that up as the premise of his rise to being a Dictator should he become President.

To even begin to think such a thing is possible is to make an actual statement that the checks and balances found in our Republic will not, or would not, stop him. It is a childish notion even to entertain.

Nothing in Trump's past, or in his last administration, even remotely hints at his being dictatorial. In fact, more evidence exists that the Democrats in the House, when they held power, and the babbler-in-chief that is currently occupying the Executive seat (complete with baby feeding tray) has acted more like a dictator than Trump ever has.

The very weaponization of the DOJ against a political opponent alone screams Castro/Lenin/Mao from the rooftops, and yet, the only person who seems to bring out the fear is Trump.

No, sorry. Along with your failure to recognize an opinion piece, which is okay to promote as long as you acknowledge it as such, you cannot even identify the true threats to our Democracy.

Here is a hint for some research.

It isn't Trump.
Well, I thought you had more sense than that.

Why, when asked as an interrogative statement, is a request for more information.

This statement:

"Why Trump Refuses to Deny He Plans to Become a Dictator" <-- IS NOT AN INTEROGATIVE STATEMENT.

It is an opinion.

The author, and likely 100's of other progressives who will stop at nothing to prevent Trump from reelection, have decided to take a joke, made in very poor taste, and set that up as the premise of his rise to being a Dictator should he become President.

To even begin to think such a thing is possible is to make an actual statement that the checks and balances found in our Republic will not, or would not, stop him. It is a childish notion even to entertain.

Nothing in Trump's past, or in his last administration, even remotely hints at his being dictatorial. In fact, more evidence exists that the Democrats in the House, when they held power, and the babbler-in-chief that is currently occupying the Executive seat (complete with baby feeding tray) has acted more like a dictator than Trump ever has.

The very weaponization of the DOJ against a political opponent alone screams Castro/Lenin/Mao from the rooftops, and yet, the only person who seems to bring out the fear is Trump.

No, sorry. Along with your failure to recognize an opinion piece, which is okay to promote as long as you acknowledge it as such, you cannot even identify the true threats to our Democracy.

Here is a hint for some research.

It isn't Trump.
Nothing in Trump's past, or in his last administration, even remotely hints at his being dictatorial. In fact, more evidence exists that the Democrats in the House, when they held power, and the babbler-in-chief that is currently occupying the Executive seat (complete with baby feeding tray) has acted more like a dictator than Trump ever has.
Let's examine that statement.
During the Trump administration Trump said in an interview with Lester Holt. That he fired Comey " because of the Russia thing." In short he fired the director of the FBI because his agency was investigation his campaign. Internal memos also showed he asked Comey for loyalty personally to him. The interview resulted in a special counsel being appointed.

During the investigation of that special counsel Trump send out DOZENS of tweets berating his AG for recusing himself from that investigation. After a while he fired him. In short Trump blatantly went after his own AG for allowing the special counsel to work without political interference.

The firing of this AG led to Bill Barr being appointed. Bill Barr subsequently gave a "summary" of the Special Counsel's investigation so egregiously wrong that the special counsel himself came out against it, and a judge later found fraudulent.

Bill Barr also interfered in both the Micheal Flynn and Roger Stone case. The interference in the Flynn case caused the line prosecutors to quit in protest. In Stone's case Barr went against the sentencing guidelines he himself put forth in a memo shouldn't be circumvented. Here to the prosecutors quit.

During Trump's tenure another Special Counsel was appointed named John Durham. He was unlike previous Special Counsel's in regular contact and assisted by the AG personally.

Eventually both were pardoned, not to mention Paul Manafort and many other relations of the president.

This all shows a tremendous political influence on the fair prosecution of the law that is unprecedented in modern times.

Let's compare this now with how the Biden administration acted.

Both Durham and Weiss were allowed to continue the investigations into things that can damage Biden politically or/and personally. Nobody let alone Biden himself have made any public comment that can be construed as influencing the investigations they were conducting. Both special counsels have said that no such influence was exerted on them privately. David Weiss has charged the Presidents son with a dozen charges.

Biden isn't calling for the career public officials who do the job regardless of which administration is in power to be replaced with political appointees loyal to the president personally. Trump is.

Biden isn't spouting out umpteen statements calling for vengeance on political rivals. Trump is.

Biden hasn't made a statement calling for parts of the Constitution unfavorable to him to be suspended. Trump has.

Biden never has said he wouldn't accept the results of the election if that result goes against him. Trump has and is. More than that, Trump has shown he's willing to disregard the conclusions of the court in that respect. He's shown to be willing and eager to find ways to stay in power regardless of election results.

That Darkwind is how an aspiring dictator becomes an actual dictator.
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Here is a hint for some research.
You are the one who needs a hint. The subject of this discussion is the use of the term "dictator" as a reasonable argument concerning the executive branch of government.

This discussion is not about the use of the term "dictator" as a reasonable argument concerning the ambition of Donald Trump.

“The other day [Trump] said, ‘He would be a dictator only one day. That God. Only one day,” Biden said sarcastically.

If the Three-part Separation Theory works then no matter who the president is he, or she, cannot be a dictator - the base model prevents that - doesn't it?

But scholars say that even without violating the letter of the law, Trump would have access to broad powers granted to him as chief of the executive branch. He does not need to become a dictator to subvert democracy, they say: He can simply use the tools of democracy to do so.
I'd rather have a guy that has filed for numerous bankruptcies and came out on top, managed a multi billion dollar corporation and manages thousands of people, world peace, loved by those that matter, being our dictator, than anyone the democrats have.


With trump we had a great economy low inflation, rising incomes, lower taxes, highest employment rates ever, world peace. And Trump would never leave Americans behind in Afghanistan!
View attachment 869428

You need to stop your dumb shit and wake the fuck up.

We will never be able to get things right when the dictator's argument is not recognized as for what it really means.

If Trump had intentions of being a dictator why would he have subjected himself to an election in 2020? COVID was raging, could have declared martial law, etc etc. Why wouldn’t he have done it when he was in office? Wouldn’t that have been the opportune time to become a dictator? Seems an easier path than getting voted out of office and then becoming a dictator doesn’t it?

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