If History Prepares Us For What May Happen...


aka Sheik Yerbouti...
Dec 30, 2008
Cajun Country
then, if Zimmerman is acquitted,

the darkies will go ape-shit...

with at least a dozen deaths related to the ensuing troubles...

as well as hundreds of millions of dollars in property damage...

with TV scenes of darkies looting local stores owned by ethnic middle-easterners and orientals...

I sincerely hope this isn't the way it plays out, but I hold out very little hope that it won't...
I saw on another site a facebook page calling for riots if he is acquitted..so I wouldn't say there won't be riots...this has gotten completely out of control and if there are riots, deaths and destruction Obama will have blood on his hands he had to stick his nose in this case...if he had a SON...........
When Zimmerman is acquitted, the riots are a given. The prosecution has done such a terrible job but there shouldn't have even been a trial. Self defense is legal.
If he is acquitted he should sue the hell out of everyone for this ginned up fiasco.... the media the state, shaprton, Jackson, and Obama
Yeah calling black people 'Darkies' is not racist at all. :cuckoo: I don't care what your intentions are. The fact is no one is going to go 'apeshit'. But if you want to pursue this fine. If you are not a racist then you should have no problem putting your money where your mouth is. Let's each put 10k in escrow.. If it happens I will donate 10k to the forum. If not you will. Don't worry I know you won't take the bet.
If he is acquitted he should sue the hell out of everyone for this ginned up fiasco.... the media the state, shaprton, Jackson, and Obama

despite their encouraging the darkies to go ape-shit, to kill people and destroy everything in site,

the race pimps won't be held accountable for their actions...

we've seen this before, time and time again...
then, if Zimmerman is acquitted,

the darkies will go ape-shit...

with at least a dozen deaths related to the ensuing troubles...

as well as hundreds of millions of dollars in property damage...

with TV scenes of darkies looting local stores owned by ethnic middle-easterners and orientals...

I sincerely hope this isn't the way it plays out, but I hold out very little hope that it won't...

I doubt all of them will lose it.

but the ones living in cities will.

Mostly due to being kept poor by liberal handouts. When nothing is actually yours, earned by making a living, you can't respect what belongs to others.

The smart ones will steal food first
I wonder if anyone will demand the race pimps that pushed this minor incident to a national level, b/c they thought Zim was white and for no other reason, will be held accountable?

They should be in chains now.

hell, once this is done, Jorge should sue them all for millions, each
Yeah calling black people 'Darkies' is not racist at all. :cuckoo: I don't care what your intentions are. The fact is no one is going to go 'apeshit'. But if you want to pursue this fine. If you are not a racist then you should have no problem putting your money where your mouth is. Let's each put 10k in escrow.. If it happens I will donate 10k to the forum. If not you will. Don't worry I know you won't take the bet.

I'm not a betting man... but I'm hoping things will stay calm no matter what...

btw, the only people who will directly suffer if the darkies go ape-shit will be the darkies themselves... most if not all of the people who die during such disturbances are darkies... and the stores that are looted and destroyed are stores that serve the darkie community... thus, if they're closed, the darkies will have to go far afield to buy groceries and other such necessities... making life even more difficult than it may already have been...
If he is acquitted he should sue the hell out of everyone for this ginned up fiasco.... the media the state, shaprton, Jackson, and Obama

despite their encouraging the darkies to go ape-shit, to kill people and destroy everything in site,

the race pimps won't be held accountable for their actions...

we've seen this before, time and time again...
You appear to be a bit of a race pimp yourself.
It's not so much that they're pissed off, but that they just want an excuse to steal and burn shit. Deep down that trumps any animosity they have toward Zimmerman.

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