If I were to vote in the general...

Natural Citizen

American Made
Aug 8, 2016
...I would vote for RFK JR.

Do I champion all of his views? Of course not.

But he's speaking closer to the Constitution than anyone else.

He's right that we do not have free-market capitalism. He's right that recent events have been manipulated to strip wealth from the middle class and move it to the super rich. He's right when he says it was/is Trump as much as it was/is Biden. He's right when he says that a government that can censor its critic is license for every atrocity.

That is all...
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I considered it until he said he’ll sign any gun grabbing legislation and Israel first no matter what.
Do you have a link quoting RFK Jr he will sign "Any gun-grabbing legislation"? I find that hard to believe that he would make such a broad, vague statement. He is quite intelligent and specific when he speaks on issues.
...I would vote for RFK JR.

Do I champion all of his views? Of course not.

But he's speaking closer to the Constitution than anyone else.

He's right that we do not have free-market capitalism. He's right that recent events have been manipulated to strip wealth from the middle class and move it to the super rich. He's right when he says it was/is Trump as much as it was/is Biden. He's right when he says that a government that can censor its critic is license for every atrocity.

That is all...
He's genuine. Good intentions count for something. To me heart matters more than specific political positions most of the time. Being a decent person that will approach issues with honesty and good intentions is more meaningful than R, D or I.
He's genuine. Good intentions count for something. To me heart matters more than specific political positions most of the time. Being a decent person that will approach issues with honesty and good intentions is more meaningful than R, D or I.

He's also been pretty good on the issues regarding the military-industrial complex. The department of Energy. Department of Education.

These are all just more reasons why the estalishment wants him gone from the equation.

The establishment doesn't want any of that discussion to happen at all. Because if it does, then they have to talk about who is right and who is wrong.

And they don't want that.
Ever since Joe Manchin called Fitch, the rating agency, and learned how serious the downgrade was, and how to fix it, he has my vote.
He promised to fix Social Security by removing the cap. That is more than either the Republicans or democrats will do. A great start!
Republicans only cut taxes and borrow more.
Democrats only raise taxes and spend more and borrow more.
Rs and Ds are fiscal disasters in-waiting.
Do you have a link quoting RFK Jr he will sign "Any gun-grabbing legislation"? I find that hard to believe that he would make such a broad, vague statement. He is quite intelligent and specific when he speaks on issues.
It’s doesn’t appear to be accurate.

“My position on the gun control is I’m not going to take away anybody’s guns,” Mr Kennedy, 69, said in response to a listener-submitted question about gun control while speaking about his political platform with Elon Musk and venture capitalist David Sacks. “I’m a constitutional absolutist. We can argue about whether the Second Amendment was intended to protect guns. That argument has now been settled by the Supreme Court.”
RFK Jr comes out against gun control and blames school shootings on ‘drugs’
It’s doesn’t appear to be accurate.

“My position on the gun control is I’m not going to take away anybody’s guns,” Mr Kennedy, 69, said in response to a listener-submitted question about gun control while speaking about his political platform with Elon Musk and venture capitalist David Sacks. “I’m a constitutional absolutist. We can argue about whether the Second Amendment was intended to protect guns. That argument has now been settled by the Supreme Court.”
RFK Jr comes out against gun control and blames school shootings on ‘drugs’
I had a feeling the gun grabber claim is bullshit.
Well, if I know JW, and I think I do have a good take on his views, as they're very similar to my own, there likely is legit justification for making the claim in scope.

As I'd mentioned, though, I haven't really looked into RFK's views on that.

All I know is that gun owners outnumber those who would be sent to take them probably by...oh..I dunno. Ten thousand to one?

Pack a lunch, boys...

Though, I guess you do get those elitist, authoritarian clowns who go around popping off about, well you need F-16s to overcome our agenda.

On the other hand, there were those sheep herding Afghans that demonstrated otherwise...
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I had a feeling the gun grabber claim is bullshit.
Probably right wing propaganda pushed by the establishment to harm his efforts to obtain votes from righties. They push similar propaganda to harm his efforts with those on the left.
Well, if I know JW, and I think I do have a good take on his views, as they're very similar to my own, there likely is legit justification for making the claim in scope.

As I'd mentioned, though, I haven't really looked into RFK's views on that.

All I know is that gun owners outnumber those who would be sent to take them probably by...oh..I dunno. Ten thousand to one?

Pack a lunch, boys...
Most people that enforce law are huge 2a advocates. Not sure who they think is going to go do that. It won't be the cops or the military.
...I would vote for RFK JR.

Do I champion all of his views? Of course not.

But he's speaking closer to the Constitution than anyone else.

He's right that we do not have free-market capitalism. He's right that recent events have been manipulated to strip wealth from the middle class and move it to the super rich. He's right when he says it was/is Trump as much as it was/is Biden. He's right when he says that a government that can censor its critic is license for every atrocity.

That is all...
I'll give you a half like. He does hold other views which are too progressive for me. But, he won't be in the general election unless you write him in. He's running in the democratic primary and the fix is in against him. Once done there, he won't be available in the general.
Most people that enforce law are huge 2a advocates. Not sure who they think is going to go do that. It won't be the cops or the military.

Well they've already went so far as to introduce a resolution to install a bust of Zelensky in the U.S. Capitol.

Everybody's running around waving yellow and blue flags now, too.

Maybe they just move their minions over here for the next forever war on us? And I believe Dear Leader has already started training them on those F-16s that he threatened the American electorate with if they oppose his will.

lol. You know, as stupid as that sounds, I wouldn't put something very similar to that scenario beyond them.

Heck. They've already got non-citizens policing us as it is.
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I'll give you a half like. He does hold other views which are too progressive for me. But, he won't be in the general election unless you write him in. He's running in the democratic primary and the fix is in against him. Once done there, he won't be available in the general.

Well I'm not selling him or anything.

And, yes, I know the fix is in against him anyway.

I was just saying that if I were to decide to vote in the general, I would vote for him. It's completely hypothetical.
I'll give you a half like. He does hold other views which are too progressive for me. But, he won't be in the general election unless you write him in. He's running in the democratic primary and the fix is in against him. Once done there, he won't be available in the general.
I agree that he won’t likely win the D nomination, because the D primary is fixed by the establishment. Thing is he must know this, yet he continues to run for a nomination he can’t win. This makes me question his motives.
I agree that he won’t likely win the D nomination, because the D primary is fixed by the establishment. Thing is he must know this, yet he continues to run for a nomination he can’t win. This makes me question his motives.
I think his motive is he wants to be the nominee. Like Trump opponents, maybe he's waiting in the wings for something to happen to clear the way. Could be he's just sitting around and waiting for Biden to fall down one too many flights of stairs.

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