If Kerry is nominated to be the SOS will his Vietnam record be an issue?

That he went and didn't go to Alabama to help a political candidate? Gee, I don't think so. BTW, do you know what PBR's (patrol boat river) and later swiftboats did?
I don't think it will make a difference. It may do so if they try to place him as Secretary of Defense.
If Kerry is nominated to be the SOS will his Vietnam record be an issue?

No, but him being a complete dope will be.
they dont care that they tried to destroy a war hero with LIES for poltical reasons.

They only like soldiers WHILE they are fighting or when they are dead
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Should be an issue but won't be as the libs in D.C. and the media hang tough.
And they talk about things not getting done now... I can just see meetings now...

"Mr. Kerry, in your opinion should we just spending on Defense and Entitlements?"
"Why, yes, we should cut on both."

NEXT DAY: "We should cut only Defense spending."
DAY AFTER THAT: "We should cut only on Entitlement spending."
AND THE DAY AFTER THAT: "We should cut both Defense and Entitlement spending."

The man flip-flops more than Romney ever could.
That he went and didn't go to Alabama to help a political candidate? Gee, I don't think so. BTW, do you know what PBR's (patrol boat river) and later swiftboats did?

I said "post war conduct"

Yes you did. I was responding to the OP wherein you didn't. His post-war conduct was well within the boundaries of a patriot as are some of (well a few) of the criticisms of Obama by those on the right. Those on the far right are not patriots.
Kerry will be approved post haste, the Republicans want to make a stab at getting Kerry's senate seat so Kerry's war and after-war record fade to nothing of importance as the chance to pick up a senate seat looms. Hey this real politics and has nothing to do with that war junk.
Why would anything be an issue? Senate Republicans are already on record promising that Senator Kerry will sail through confirmation.

Are you calling them liars?
Regardless of the fact that Kerry is a POS, just like Rice, his investments will DQ him. Yet, Obama...the one who preached "change" in DC...nominated the former and may nominate the latter. Financial favors and kickbacks...Obama is no different.
Kerry will be approved post haste, the Republicans want to make a stab at getting Kerry's senate seat so Kerry's war and after-war record fade to nothing of importance as the chance to pick up a senate seat looms. Hey this real politics and has nothing to do with that war junk.
Scott Brown will not win Kerry's seat. He damaged himself badly in this last election. The people of Massachusetts were turned off by his attacks on Senator Warren's race and lineage.

I am predicting that Governor Deval appoints Congressman Ed Markey, who will go on to beat Brown.
And I'm referring to his post war conduct.

Of course it will be an issue. It is what the hacks live for. To stir the shitpot.

But Kerry will float through the confirmation process. Only the really puerile partisans will get the idea in their heads that it would be clever to dredge up that shit.


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