If Obama was such a great President shouldnt he had an easy win


Gold Member
Apr 17, 2011
I mean really if he is SOOO great according to you left wingers he should have had an easy time but he has been fighting to just maintain a close race. I honestly think he will lose in the end and if he wins we are all screwed but why is he not having an easier time?
From what I have gathered, it is just because he is a liberal. The media is at fault. Seems MOST main media is liberal biased
Uh...the economy sucks.

I am especially going to enjoy one phone call to a friend out east if Obama loses.
Obama called it himself when he said "If I don't do a good job, I'm a one-term germ"

Germ = President

I mean really if he is SOOO great according to you left wingers he should have had an easy time but he has been fighting to just maintain a close race. I honestly think he will lose in the end and if he wins we are all screwed but why is he not having an easier time?

If Obama is the 'worst president ever' according to you wing-nuts shouldn't Romney be like 10 to 15% points ahead in the polls right now? Shouldn't Romney be cruising right now instead of being dead tied with Obama in the polls?

What's up with that?
I mean really if he is SOOO great according to you left wingers he should have had an easy time but he has been fighting to just maintain a close race. I honestly think he will lose in the end and if he wins we are all screwed but why is he not having an easier time?

If Obama is the 'worst president ever' according to you wing-nuts shouldn't Romney be like 10 to 15% points ahead in the polls right now? Shouldn't Romney be cruising right now instead of being dead tied with Obama in the polls?

What's up with that?

Leech class clings to host organism.
Obama should be out there running strictly on his record and not basing his campaign on negative attack ads. He, himself, stated that very sentiment in a previous election.

Of course, like some threads here claim, people are turning away from him because he's black.

It's the economy, stupid.
I mean really if he is SOOO great according to you left wingers he should have had an easy time but he has been fighting to just maintain a close race. I honestly think he will lose in the end and if he wins we are all screwed but why is he not having an easier time?

If Obama is the 'worst president ever' according to you wing-nuts shouldn't Romney be like 10 to 15% points ahead in the polls right now? Shouldn't Romney be cruising right now instead of being dead tied with Obama in the polls?

What's up with that?

Leech class clings to host organism.

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You nutters shouldn't waste your thoughts in this way. You only have so many......
I mean really if he is SOOO great according to you left wingers he should have had an easy time but he has been fighting to just maintain a close race. I honestly think he will lose in the end and if he wins we are all screwed but why is he not having an easier time?

I have been asking the opposite question for a long time. If the GOP had such superior ideas, why are they not beating Obama by a country mile?

All this whining about nearly non-existent voter fraud. All this whining about a biased media in an age when every flavor of information from stark raving mad to relatively objective is instantly available to everyone.

Should be a cake walk for someone who has ideas which will actually solve problems, balance the budget, increase happiness, and provide better cable reception. If the other guy is Satan incarnate, it should be a simple matter to kick his nuts over the moon.

No excuses. If your side loses, it is because YOU suck.

Okay, fine. The other guy sucks, too.

But you suck MOAR.

Wake up and deal with it.


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Media darling followed by entitlement darlings.

More takes than provides.
I mean really if he is SOOO great according to you left wingers he should have had an easy time but he has been fighting to just maintain a close race. I honestly think he will lose in the end and if he wins we are all screwed but why is he not having an easier time?

Clearly most on the right just don’t get it, blinded by their utter disdain of Obama…

The issue is Romney and the failure of the GOP to field a viable candidate.
I mean really if he is SOOO great according to you left wingers he should have had an easy time but he has been fighting to just maintain a close race. I honestly think he will lose in the end and if he wins we are all screwed but why is he not having an easier time?

Clearly most on the right just don’t get it, blinded by their utter disdain of Obama…

The issue is Romney and the failure of the GOP to field a viable candidate.

He is ahead or within the margins of the incumbent.

Pretty viable.
I mean really if he is SOOO great according to you left wingers he should have had an easy time but he has been fighting to just maintain a close race. I honestly think he will lose in the end and if he wins we are all screwed but why is he not having an easier time?

Clearly most on the right just don’t get it, blinded by their utter disdain of Obama…

The issue is Romney and the failure of the GOP to field a viable candidate.

Not disdain for Obama... Disdain for his destructive ideologies. That is the fact that somehow eludes liberals, who wrongfully believe that they know what is best for everyone else.
I mean really if he is SOOO great according to you left wingers he should have had an easy time but he has been fighting to just maintain a close race. I honestly think he will lose in the end and if he wins we are all screwed but why is he not having an easier time?

Clearly most on the right just don’t get it, blinded by their utter disdain of Obama…

The issue is Romney and the failure of the GOP to field a viable candidate.

He is ahead or within the margins of the incumbent.

Pretty viable.

Obama leads in key swing states. It's all about the electoral vote. Romney doesn't have enough of them.
I mean really if he is SOOO great according to you left wingers he should have had an easy time but he has been fighting to just maintain a close race. I honestly think he will lose in the end and if he wins we are all screwed but why is he not having an easier time?

It will be a comfortable win for Obama

The key question for the GOP is that after proclaiming that Obama is the worst President in history........how did you get beat by him TWICE?
Of course lovebear can't see beyond her own isolated perspective.

Did it ever occur to you that Romney may be lacking when he can't pull in front of someone you claim to be so horrible?

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