If Spending is Stimulative. Why do Liberals always want to cut Defense?


AR15 Owner
Jun 23, 2008
Libs are always saying we need to cut defense spending, Yet they also say the Government can create Jobs and Stimulate the Economy with spending.

Well, What is Defense spending? Sure some of it is paying the troops, and other stuff, However the single Biggest portion of Defense spending. Is spent on Things, Things like Bullets, Bombs, Planes, and Trucks, Armor Upgrades, MRE's, Etc Etc. The Vast Majority of these things are supplied by US defense contracting Companies, that Employe Literally Hundreds of thousands of American Workers.

If Spending Federal Dollars to Build a road is "Stimulative" Then it is damn sure Stimulative when the Government spends money to, Buy Bullets, or Fuel Air Planes, or Build a ship, or a plane.

Hell if you want to get real Technical even the Money they spend paying the troops, is stimulative. I mean didn't they tell us Food Stamps and Unemployment are stimulative? If those things are, then surely a GI's Pay check is as well.

So why do Liberals want to cause the Lay Offs of Thousands of American workers, in US defense Contracting Companies?
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They claim that WWII spending got us out of the depression, yet whine and cry about spending a bazillion dollars on a new joint strike fighter.

Whatcha gonna do?. :dunno:
They claim that WWII spending got us out of the depression, yet whine and cry about spending a bazillion dollars on a new joint strike fighter.

Whatcha gonna do?. :dunno:

They also claim the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan caused the current economic crisis.
They claim that WWII spending got us out of the depression, yet whine and cry about spending a bazillion dollars on a new joint strike fighter.

Whatcha gonna do?. :dunno:

They also claim the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan caused the current economic crisis.

Yeah, that one is a funny one.

2 Wars that in total have cost just over 1 Trillion in 10 years are the cause of all of our Problems.

Liberal Math at it's finest.
Libs are always saying we need to cut defense spending, Yet they also say the Government can create Jobs and Stimulate the Economy with spending.

Well, What is Defense spending? Sure some of it is paying the troops, and other stuff, However the single Biggest portion of Defense spending. Is spent on Things, Things like Bullets, Bombs, Planes, and Trucks, Armor Upgrades, MRE's, Etc Etc. The Vast Majority of these things are supplied by US defense contracting Companies, that Employe Literally Hundreds of thousands of American Workers.

If Spending Federal Dollars to Build a road is "Stimulative" Then it is damn sure Stimulative when the Government spends money to, Buy Bullets, or Fuel Air Planes, or Build a ship, or a plane.

Hell if you want to get real Technical even the Money they spend paying the troops, is stimulative. I mean didn't they tell us Food Stamps and Unemployment are stimulative? If those things are, then surely a GI's Pay check is as well.

So why do Liberals want to cause the Lay Offs of Thousands of American workers, in US defense Contracting Companies?

What are conservatives so scared of? They were TOLD about Bin Laden and didn't take it seriously.

They think weapons and money will keep them "safe". Well the money isn't theirs and they don't know how to use the weapons.

I hear the super rich are furious with Warren Buffet for suggesting their taxes should be raised.
Actually, WW2 put back into use all the production we had left fallow during the depression because there was little to no profit to be had thanks to government interference. FDR was hell on wheels for discouraging business, preferring government run solutions, rather than following the Harding/Coolidge model of letting the market take care of itself and getting out of the way.

Secondly, although the GDP goes up during a war thanks to broken items and expendables used, it really is an overall drain on any economy because it diverts investment from growth into industries that really are only good for fighting a war. The good news is that most of the infrastructure improvements that are created to handle the needs of a war are more than beneficial after the war, thereby creating a post war benefit.

Thirdly, borrowing must be done to fund any war. It's been this way since feudal lords used to increase taxes on their peasants to fund them and their troops going off to war and keep them well stocked and supplied. Many a war ended quicker because one side hit their debt limit. Then again, borrowing heavily and winning is much preferred over losing. It's also much cheaper than more successful attacks on this nation's soil in the terms of lives AND capital AND morale.
Military spending is really stimulative, depending on how it's spent. Military R&D can be really good. Funneling money down the drain on out-of-date technology isn't quite so good.
Libs are always saying we need to cut defense spending, Yet they also say the Government can create Jobs and Stimulate the Economy with spending.

Well, What is Defense spending? Sure some of it is paying the troops, and other stuff, However the single Biggest portion of Defense spending. Is spent on Things, Things like Bullets, Bombs, Planes, and Trucks, Armor Upgrades, MRE's, Etc Etc. The Vast Majority of these things are supplied by US defense contracting Companies, that Employe Literally Hundreds of thousands of American Workers.

If Spending Federal Dollars to Build a road is "Stimulative" Then it is damn sure Stimulative when the Government spends money to, Buy Bullets, or Fuel Air Planes, or Build a ship, or a plane.

Hell if you want to get real Technical even the Money they spend paying the troops, is stimulative. I mean didn't they tell us Food Stamps and Unemployment are stimulative? If those things are, then surely a GI's Pay check is as well.

So why do Liberals want to cause the Lay Offs of Thousands of American workers, in US defense Contracting Companies?

Your logic leaves me speechless - as usual. Apparently defense spending wasn't too "stimulative" for the Soviet economy. Social Security and other social programs are also "stimulative" - so why do you righties want to cut them?
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Libs are always saying we need to cut defense spending, Yet they also say the Government can create Jobs and Stimulate the Economy with spending.

Well, What is Defense spending? Sure some of it is paying the troops, and other stuff, However the single Biggest portion of Defense spending. Is spent on Things, Things like Bullets, Bombs, Planes, and Trucks, Armor Upgrades, MRE's, Etc Etc. The Vast Majority of these things are supplied by US defense contracting Companies, that Employe Literally Hundreds of thousands of American Workers.

If Spending Federal Dollars to Build a road is "Stimulative" Then it is damn sure Stimulative when the Government spends money to, Buy Bullets, or Fuel Air Planes, or Build a ship, or a plane.

Hell if you want to get real Technical even the Money they spend paying the troops, is stimulative. I mean didn't they tell us Food Stamps and Unemployment are stimulative? If those things are, then surely a GI's Pay check is as well.

So why do Liberals want to cause the Lay Offs of Thousands of American workers, in US defense Contracting Companies?
You're not expecting clear, rational thought and logic from the left, are you?

Hey, if a few thousand defense workers are put out of work, that's just...collateral damage.

Right, USMB lefties?
They claim that WWII spending got us out of the depression, yet whine and cry about spending a bazillion dollars on a new joint strike fighter.

Whatcha gonna do?. :dunno:

Last time i just checked we as a nation didnt convert everything into a giant warmachine for iraq, like we did with wwII.

I know facts are hard for you, because you never do seem to use them.

As for the op. They go after defense because defense is bloated and has waste in it.
but most programs do and they should all see cuts/reform/streamlining.
And yet if anyone proposes cuts to those other programs, they're accused of hating America. :cuckoo:
Libs are always saying we need to cut defense spending, Yet they also say the Government can create Jobs and Stimulate the Economy with spending.

Well, What is Defense spending? Sure some of it is paying the troops, and other stuff, However the single Biggest portion of Defense spending. Is spent on Things, Things like Bullets, Bombs, Planes, and Trucks, Armor Upgrades, MRE's, Etc Etc. The Vast Majority of these things are supplied by US defense contracting Companies, that Employe Literally Hundreds of thousands of American Workers.

If Spending Federal Dollars to Build a road is "Stimulative" Then it is damn sure Stimulative when the Government spends money to, Buy Bullets, or Fuel Air Planes, or Build a ship, or a plane.

Hell if you want to get real Technical even the Money they spend paying the troops, is stimulative. I mean didn't they tell us Food Stamps and Unemployment are stimulative? If those things are, then surely a GI's Pay check is as well.

So why do Liberals want to cause the Lay Offs of Thousands of American workers, in US defense Contracting Companies?

What are conservatives so scared of? They were TOLD about Bin Laden and didn't take it seriously.

They think weapons and money will keep them "safe". Well the money isn't theirs and they don't know how to use the weapons.

I hear the super rich are furious with Warren Buffet for suggesting their taxes should be raised.
It's funny when I'm told what I think by someone who isn't capable of thinking himself. :lol:
Libs are always saying we need to cut defense spending, Yet they also say the Government can create Jobs and Stimulate the Economy with spending.

Well, What is Defense spending? Sure some of it is paying the troops, and other stuff, However the single Biggest portion of Defense spending. Is spent on Things, Things like Bullets, Bombs, Planes, and Trucks, Armor Upgrades, MRE's, Etc Etc. The Vast Majority of these things are supplied by US defense contracting Companies, that Employe Literally Hundreds of thousands of American Workers.

If Spending Federal Dollars to Build a road is "Stimulative" Then it is damn sure Stimulative when the Government spends money to, Buy Bullets, or Fuel Air Planes, or Build a ship, or a plane.

Hell if you want to get real Technical even the Money they spend paying the troops, is stimulative. I mean didn't they tell us Food Stamps and Unemployment are stimulative? If those things are, then surely a GI's Pay check is as well.

So why do Liberals want to cause the Lay Offs of Thousands of American workers, in US defense Contracting Companies?
much contracting money goes overseas...and does not help us...Ge is the biggest contractor of parts of the gvt, yet they have factories in China and other countries....

also, most importantly, there is a lot of WASTE in Defense spending....it is not necessarily in people, but in things like palats of cash delivered in Iraq with no accounting of where the cash went....it probably took a whole 2 people to deliver the billion dollars of cash 2 days of work time, that's it....
Libs are always saying we need to cut defense spending, Yet they also say the Government can create Jobs and Stimulate the Economy with spending.

Well, What is Defense spending? Sure some of it is paying the troops, and other stuff, However the single Biggest portion of Defense spending. Is spent on Things, Things like Bullets, Bombs, Planes, and Trucks, Armor Upgrades, MRE's, Etc Etc. The Vast Majority of these things are supplied by US defense contracting Companies, that Employe Literally Hundreds of thousands of American Workers.

If Spending Federal Dollars to Build a road is "Stimulative" Then it is damn sure Stimulative when the Government spends money to, Buy Bullets, or Fuel Air Planes, or Build a ship, or a plane.

Hell if you want to get real Technical even the Money they spend paying the troops, is stimulative. I mean didn't they tell us Food Stamps and Unemployment are stimulative? If those things are, then surely a GI's Pay check is as well.

So why do Liberals want to cause the Lay Offs of Thousands of American workers, in US defense Contracting Companies?

What are conservatives so scared of? They were TOLD about Bin Laden and didn't take it seriously.

They think weapons and money will keep them "safe". Well the money isn't theirs and they don't know how to use the weapons.

I hear the super rich are furious with Warren Buffet for suggesting their taxes should be raised.

How many super rich are you speaking with daily?
Libs are always saying we need to cut defense spending, Yet they also say the Government can create Jobs and Stimulate the Economy with spending.

Well, What is Defense spending? Sure some of it is paying the troops, and other stuff, However the single Biggest portion of Defense spending. Is spent on Things, Things like Bullets, Bombs, Planes, and Trucks, Armor Upgrades, MRE's, Etc Etc. The Vast Majority of these things are supplied by US defense contracting Companies, that Employe Literally Hundreds of thousands of American Workers.

If Spending Federal Dollars to Build a road is "Stimulative" Then it is damn sure Stimulative when the Government spends money to, Buy Bullets, or Fuel Air Planes, or Build a ship, or a plane.

Hell if you want to get real Technical even the Money they spend paying the troops, is stimulative. I mean didn't they tell us Food Stamps and Unemployment are stimulative? If those things are, then surely a GI's Pay check is as well.

So why do Liberals want to cause the Lay Offs of Thousands of American workers, in US defense Contracting Companies?

Are you admitting that spending is stimulative?
If Spending is Stimulative. Why do Liberals always want to cut Defense?

Because that's their kneejerk response to cutting social spending.

And because defence spending is also descretionary spending thus subject to cuts.

Coincidently, I just posted a couple videos of an economist who believes that stimulating the economy by building up military spending is the BEST kind of stimulus spending for the economy.


You right wingers who love the military but hate Keynesian spending ought to take the time to listen to him.

You might discover that you have been supporting Keynesian economic policies all along and didn't relly know it!.
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Libs are always saying we need to cut defense spending, Yet they also say the Government can create Jobs and Stimulate the Economy with spending.

Well, What is Defense spending? Sure some of it is paying the troops, and other stuff, However the single Biggest portion of Defense spending. Is spent on Things, Things like Bullets, Bombs, Planes, and Trucks, Armor Upgrades, MRE's, Etc Etc. The Vast Majority of these things are supplied by US defense contracting Companies, that Employe Literally Hundreds of thousands of American Workers.

If Spending Federal Dollars to Build a road is "Stimulative" Then it is damn sure Stimulative when the Government spends money to, Buy Bullets, or Fuel Air Planes, or Build a ship, or a plane.

Hell if you want to get real Technical even the Money they spend paying the troops, is stimulative. I mean didn't they tell us Food Stamps and Unemployment are stimulative? If those things are, then surely a GI's Pay check is as well.

So why do Liberals want to cause the Lay Offs of Thousands of American workers, in US defense Contracting Companies?

Your logic leaves me speechless - as usual. Apparently defense spending wasn't too "stimulative" for the Soviet economy. Social Security and other social programs are also "stimulative" - so why do you righties want to cut them?

Flushing money down the drain is not stimulative. It is draining.

The US became a manufacturing power when it tooled up for the war. It became a world power when the rest of the world was bombed to rubble and we were the only game in town. During that same post war period, the Soviets also became a world power.

Do the math.

I would hope that we all understand that stimulative spending is spending that causes additional spending from the private sector. There has to be a multiplier.

That is why food stamps and welfare and that kind of spending are not stimulative. We spend a dollar and a dollar is all that is spent. Sorry Nancy, you are once again absolutely and undeniably wrong.

If we incentivise the private sector to spend using a little seed money raised by taxes, that is stimulative. Stimulate spending. Get it?

That is why the Cash for Clunkers was stimulative and did stimulate the economy and why the cash for the teachers unions was not stimulative and did not stimulate the economy. Delaying the lay off is not stimulating.

Sadly, this administration and apparently many of the posters here do not understand what the words or the actions mean and do.
If Spending is Stimulative. Why do Liberals always want to cut Defense?

Because that's their kneejerk response to cutting social spending.

And because defence spending is also descretionary spending thus subject to cuts.

Coincidently, I just posted a couple videos of an economist who believes that stimulating the economy by building up military spending is the BEST kind of stimulus spending for the economy.


You right wingers who love the military but hate Keynesian spending ought to take the time to listen to him.

You might discover that you have been supporting Keynesian economic policies all along and didn't relly know it!.

I think the Keynesian Model recomends that the government spend in slow economic times and create a surplus during good economic times. Our government, under both parties, has only created the debt part of the equation.

If the Keynesian Model is compared to breathing, we have been exhaling only and nver inhaling.

Our country has NEVER followed Keynesian economics. All we do is spend too much. That is not Keynseian.
If Spending is Stimulative. Why do Liberals always want to cut Defense?

Because that's their kneejerk response to cutting social spending.

And because defence spending is also descretionary spending thus subject to cuts.

Coincidently, I just posted a couple videos of an economist who believes that stimulating the economy by building up military spending is the BEST kind of stimulus spending for the economy.


You right wingers who love the military but hate Keynesian spending ought to take the time to listen to him.

You might discover that you have been supporting Keynesian economic policies all along and didn't relly know it!.

I think the Keynesian Model recomends that the government spend in slow economic times and create a surplus during good economic times. Our government, under both parties, has only created the debt part of the equation.

If the Keynesian Model is compared to breathing, we have been exhaling only and nver inhaling.

Our country has NEVER followed Keynesian economics. All we do is spend too much. That is not Keynseian.
TRUE Keyensian economics states that during bad times, govt spending increases to make up for private sector failures while it decreases during good times allowing for a surplus to be built up allowing the private sector to grow back. If this actually was applied, it'd be better than what's been happening currently which is expanding government in BOTH good and bad times and protecting government at all cost in all times and increasing govt spending at varying rates.

The key issue is that progressives have corrupted even this lousy model of economics with a proven track record of failure, and made it worse. And why is it a failed model? Because it demands a behavior impossible to politicians and bureaucrats who want permanent security of employment, not temporary jobs like they should have.
Libs are always saying we need to cut defense spending, Yet they also say the Government can create Jobs and Stimulate the Economy with spending.

Well, What is Defense spending? Sure some of it is paying the troops, and other stuff, However the single Biggest portion of Defense spending. Is spent on Things, Things like Bullets, Bombs, Planes, and Trucks, Armor Upgrades, MRE's, Etc Etc. The Vast Majority of these things are supplied by US defense contracting Companies, that Employe Literally Hundreds of thousands of American Workers.

If Spending Federal Dollars to Build a road is "Stimulative" Then it is damn sure Stimulative when the Government spends money to, Buy Bullets, or Fuel Air Planes, or Build a ship, or a plane.

Hell if you want to get real Technical even the Money they spend paying the troops, is stimulative. I mean didn't they tell us Food Stamps and Unemployment are stimulative? If those things are, then surely a GI's Pay check is as well.

So why do Liberals want to cause the Lay Offs of Thousands of American workers, in US defense Contracting Companies?

The thing about spending on the military is that it's very short term stimulus and more a one way waste of taxes.

If you use anything that the military buys..you are in trouble. If not..it rots.

And we are spending more then the rest of the world on it.

There's much better stuff to spend that kind of money on and on things that would actually help the economy. Like infrastructure, upgrading our telecommunications, high speed rail and the space program.
Libs are always saying we need to cut defense spending, Yet they also say the Government can create Jobs and Stimulate the Economy with spending.

Well, What is Defense spending? Sure some of it is paying the troops, and other stuff, However the single Biggest portion of Defense spending. Is spent on Things, Things like Bullets, Bombs, Planes, and Trucks, Armor Upgrades, MRE's, Etc Etc. The Vast Majority of these things are supplied by US defense contracting Companies, that Employe Literally Hundreds of thousands of American Workers.

If Spending Federal Dollars to Build a road is "Stimulative" Then it is damn sure Stimulative when the Government spends money to, Buy Bullets, or Fuel Air Planes, or Build a ship, or a plane.

Hell if you want to get real Technical even the Money they spend paying the troops, is stimulative. I mean didn't they tell us Food Stamps and Unemployment are stimulative? If those things are, then surely a GI's Pay check is as well.

So why do Liberals want to cause the Lay Offs of Thousands of American workers, in US defense Contracting Companies?

Are you admitting that spending is stimulative?

GI's don't get paid enough. But that's not the point. Most of the defense spending (somebody back me up with a citation here) is used for government contracts. Again - back to those "corporations are people" memes.

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