Vance says the Democrats are "anti-family and anti-children,"

People who choose not to have kids are no less valuable than those that do have kids. He's flat out wrong on this. We don't need to insinuate it is a duty or responsibility to have kids for the good of the nation.

""This is about criticising the Democratic Party for becoming anti-family and anti-children," he told .

"The simple point that I made is that having children, becoming a father, becoming a mother, I really do think it changes your perspective in a pretty profound way," he said.

"I'm making an argument that our entire society has become sceptical and even hateful towards the idea of having kids.""

How is the Democratic Party "anti-family" and "anti-children"???

Let's look at facts.

The states with the least amount of social workers per children is Utah, 623 children per social worker. Idaho, Arkansas, Georgia and New Jersey are the other high ones. Louisiana doesn't even get on this, probably because it's so bad the state doesn't send data.

So two out of four are strong right wing states, one a left wing state and one a more right wing than left wing state. The liberal north east has the most.

Single parent families.

DC has the highest. Then Mississippi, then Louisiana, Ohio is pretty high up there, Mr Vance.

Basically he claims Democrats are against families, but it's not really true. The Republicans seem to push for the ideal family and people feel they can't reach that, and it causes problems. Democrats are more honest about it, and therefore might have less problems.

Obviously this isn't black and white. There are many issues, like urban v. rural and the like, but for a guy who wrote a book about HOW BAD HIS HILLBILLY PEOPLE ARE AT MARRIAGE, to say Republicans support marriage and children more than Democrats just doesn't pass the test of FACTS.
How is the Democratic Party "anti-family" and "anti-children"???

Since you are not a US citizen its none of your business either way
Yes, having kids does change yer perspective of being that of a prisoner with a life sentence.
He's not wrong when those people who (wisely in their case) choose not to have children want to undermine things for those who do.
I had four kids and would advocate for someone to not have kids if they so desire.
Yes, having kids does change yer perspective of being that of a prisoner with a life sentence.

Actually, when those kids turn out right, they are an absolute treasure ... I'm eagerly awaiting grandchildren.
He's not wrong when those people who (wisely in their case) choose not to have children want to undermine things for those who do.
So explain how the young married couple next door, both the husband and wife making good money, travel alot and such, who have decided not to have kids, are undermining the nation.
Inflation is up 25% since Biden took office. Kamala is a big spender too.
That is costing families about $1,000 a month in buying power.

Inflation is up worldwide

Why do you give Trumps pass for jobs lost due to Covid but blame Biden for inflation due to Covid?
Vance is way better than any leftard's incompetent ass.

Come to think of it, a hillbilly is way better too. So is the dogcatcher. So is a blindfolded six year old.

If leftards spent as much time on policy as they do on Trump, they might be able to improve this country. As it stands, all that TDS is sucking cycles out of any improvement.


The more time that they spend on policy the worst their policies would be.

""This is about criticising the Democratic Party for becoming anti-family and anti-children," he told .

"The simple point that I made is that having children, becoming a father, becoming a mother, I really do think it changes your perspective in a pretty profound way," he said.

"I'm making an argument that our entire society has become sceptical and even hateful towards the idea of having kids.""

How is the Democratic Party "anti-family" and "anti-children"???

Let's look at facts.

The states with the least amount of social workers per children is Utah, 623 children per social worker. Idaho, Arkansas, Georgia and New Jersey are the other high ones. Louisiana doesn't even get on this, probably because it's so bad the state doesn't send data.

So two out of four are strong right wing states, one a left wing state and one a more right wing than left wing state. The liberal north east has the most.

Single parent families.

DC has the highest. Then Mississippi, then Louisiana, Ohio is pretty high up there, Mr Vance.

Basically he claims Democrats are against families, but it's not really true. The Republicans seem to push for the ideal family and people feel they can't reach that, and it causes problems. Democrats are more honest about it, and therefore might have less problems.

Obviously this isn't black and white. There are many issues, like urban v. rural and the like, but for a guy who wrote a book about HOW BAD HIS HILLBILLY PEOPLE ARE AT MARRIAGE, to say Republicans support marriage and children more than Democrats just doesn't pass the test of FACTS.
Leftwingers always do this: They present Bible belt state ills as examples of failed red states. What they fail to mention is bible belt states also have the highest percentage of blacks. It's blacks that are born into single-parent households to the tune of 70%. Blacks vote 93% Democrat. Frigid Weirdo claims this isn't a black vs white problem, but that's exactly what it is. Proof this is a race problem is the fact that DC leads the pack in these maladies.
Inflation is up worldwide

Why do you give Trumps pass for jobs lost due to Covid but blame Biden for inflation due to Covid?
The jobs loss was due to Democrat governors of large states with their year-long closures. Experts now agree those closures were unnecessary and harmful.
He's not wrong, it's just that the leftist dems don't want to hear it.

They want cradle to grave .gov dependency.
It is far worse. Ask any Lefitst and they are at war with the Patriarchial family.

Translated, that means single parent homes, which means poverty, which means another war on children, in addition to no father in the house as kids find their father figure out on the streets, which translates into more crime.

Yes, the DNC is a wrecking ball upon society.
Inflation is up worldwide

Why do you give Trumps pass for jobs lost due to Covid but blame Biden for inflation due to Covid?
Joe and the Progs had all the answers. They told us for years with Trump as President. Utopia would occur on day one. Covid was done they said. Joe will unify us all they said. They fought Trump with Covid instead of working with him. They even were part of the release of it from China. Trillions and trillions of dollars in legislation to fill up the corrupted coffers of their own privileged adherents. Prog politicians in states and cities were morons. Even destroying their own communities for the almighty Prog Socialist Party. Look within yourselves before lashing out on others with most who did no wrong.

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