Trump’s choice of Vance was a brilliant move. Here’s why.

Every leader needs a hatchet man. I have one at work. He’s the in-your-face guy doing the dirty work of your boss.

Trump is getting too old to do this on his own. JD Vance is his perfect protégé. Vance is younger and has the energy. Vance must be eyeing his own spot in the top seat.
Did Harris make a pick yet? Obviously, Pete Buttfag is not someone to face China or have nuclear codes. Why? He's a fag, or course.

Roy Cooper is a meek wimp.

Who else?
How do you say you have issues with your own masculinity without saying it....
Every leader needs a hatchet man. I have one at work. He’s the in-your-face guy doing the dirty work of your boss.

Trump is getting too old to do this on his own. JD Vance is his perfect protégé. Vance is younger and has the energy. Vance must be eyeing his own spot in the top seat.
Vance is dead weight to a felon and the only guy who's not been convicted of anything yet.
Every leader needs a hatchet man. I have one at work. He’s the in-your-face guy doing the dirty work of your boss.

Trump is getting too old to do this on his own. JD Vance is his perfect protégé. Vance is younger and has the energy. Vance must be eyeing his own spot in the top seat.
Trump is still a long way from being too old to exchange insults with assholes.

But JD Vance seemed to be smart enough to handle the press and clean enough to force Democrats to resort to simply Name-Calling.
Vance is dead weight to a felon and the only guy who's not been convicted of anything yet.
Only because nobody would dare prosecute a top Democrat for anything,

Clearly Democrats are above the law.

Biden issued a death treat against Speaker of the House Johnson yesterday, and nobody is going to say anything about it, much less press charges against a man who was been deemed too old and feeble to prosecute or run for POTUS.
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The idea that Marxists here think Vance is a bad pick means he is a good pick. Seriously, Marxists here are giving advice for the best pick? lmao
A VP probably does not make a lot of difference. Has it ever in American politics? Can that be changed by someone really aggressive?

Furthermore, conservatives should have gone after Biden's pedophilia. That was a slam dunk.
Like Trump, Vance is weird and creepy.

Vance has no defense against the charge that he's weird and creepy, because he's so blatantly weird and creepy.

Hence the ongoing meltdowns. Fascists can't tolerate being laughed at, because fascists depend upon maintaining a strongman image. Vance now has the public image of being a chubby little creep, not some scary hatchet man.
Like Trump, Vance is weird and creepy.

Vance has no defense against the charge that he's weird and creepy, because he's so blatantly weird and creepy.

Hence the ongoing meltdowns. Fascists can't tolerate being laughed at, because fascists depend upon maintaining a strongman image. Vance now has the public image of being a chubby little creep, not some scary hatchet man.
"Creepy.'' Another girly man term. lmao:laugh2:
Like Trump, Vance is weird and creepy.

Vance has no defense against the charge that he's weird and creepy, because he's so blatantly weird and creepy.

Hence the ongoing meltdowns. Fascists can't tolerate being laughed at, because fascists depend upon maintaining a strongman image. Vance now has the public image of being a chubby little creep, not some scary hatchet man.
A clear attempt to demonize Trump's running mate without any evidence whatsoeva.
The idea that Marxists here think Vance is a bad pick means he is a good pick. Seriously, Marxists here are giving advice for the best pick? lmao
You can't get much more liberal than me, and I'm thrilled that Vance was chosen. Sarah Palin 2.0 with eye makeup and a plan to track women's pregnancies. On top of all that, he wants to completely ban abortion and every couch in his house is a love seat. I wouldn't be more pleased with that choice if the DNC picked trump's running mate.
Some of the Marxists replies here have the same writing style. Nothing fishy 'bout that! lmao

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