If the election of Joe Biden was legitimate, why oppose an investigation into voter fraud? (poll)

If the 2020 election was legitimate, why oppose an investigation into voter fraud?

  • Because the democrats are afraid that significant voter fraud will be proven

    Votes: 8 57.1%
  • Because we all know that voter fraud doesn't happen, especially by democrats

    Votes: 1 7.1%
  • Other, I'll explain below

    Votes: 5 35.7%

  • Total voters
investigations haven't been curtailed. Can someone show me evidence that they have?
It's not up to the Feds. It's up to each individual state. For instance, if in Colorado, if one side tried to do the voter suppression that is generally accepted in Alabama there would be some officials sent to fired or possibly sent to prison. I think ALL the states need to revisit their voting methods. Not just the ones hand picked. And maybe we can talk the ACLU into taking up court battles for those that are not fair. Every once in awhile, the ACLU becomes handy to have around.
What is the big deal about investigating the "stop the steal" 2020 election? Lets take a poll.

Democrats keep circling the wagons like their lives depend on keeping their election success secrets.

Very soon the democrats and MSM won't have Trump to kick around anymore, they will be judged on their performance.

Very soon we will see how dysfunctional the democrats really are, stand-by...
There's been investigations of credible allegations. Many if not most the allegations are either not credible or not even allegations of wrong doing.

They don't want an investigation. They don't want a process. They want a result. Anything that doesn't give the desired result in insufficient.

Think back to Benghazi. There were 8 or 9 investigations. Why so many? Because they didn't give the result they wanted, so they kept investigating. And at the end of the day, every investigation had the same outcome, but it made zero difference.
1. If all allegations have been investigated, and disproven, then issue a formal report so we all know the truth. Saying "nothing to see here" doesn't get it.
2. Who doesn't want an investigation? democrats.
3. Ok, at least Benghazi was investigated.
1. Makes no difference. Barr said there was nothing widespread. Raffensperger has attempted to dispel these notions at length. You think the people who rioted last week read formal reports?
2. There's been investigations. Like I said, the right doesn't want a process. They want a result.
3. It was investigated over and over again because the process failed to give them the result they wanted. There were formal reports, but do you honestly think that "we all know the truth"? Nope. Tons of conspiracies to this day.
Bullshit. Show me formal DOJ/FBI reports. Damn right we don't know the "truth".
investigations haven't been curtailed. Can someone show me evidence that they have?
Investigations haven't been curtailed, they never started. No reports to see, nothing to see here.
Get an independent investigation of voter fraud then.

I would have no problem if Republicans did this. But I’m certain that even after this came back with no significant findings, they would STILL claim that there was overwhelming voter fraud.

There is NOTHING that many of you would accept. Your minds are made up because Trump said so.
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What is the big deal about investigating the "stop the steal" 2020 election?
Because it's just fake excuse making.

Anyone who has parented an eight year old has played this game.
LOL! "Because I said so" isn't working

I understand that it's not a satisfying answer. But sometimes "Because I said so" is all the feeble protests of an 8-year old deserve. Same goes for Trumpsters.
What is the big deal about investigating the "stop the steal" 2020 election?
Because it's just fake excuse making.

Anyone who has parented an eight year old has played this game.
LOL! "Because I said so" isn't working

I understand that it's not a satisfying answer. But sometimes "Because I said so" is all the feeble protests of an 8-year old deserve. Same goes for Trumpsters.
...same goes for cheaters afraid to investigate credible allegations with sworn affidavits...

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