Gold Member
I'm sort of shrugging in disbelief that an IG report that would seem to make HRW unable to be confirmed as an AG or SoS isn't sending panic waves through the dem party.They will " shrug" their way into a hernia
She's still a better fit as the POTUS over that loser Trump! He can pump up his ego as much as he likes, but I have to believe the country couldn't see themselves being led by such a nudge! People talk about Hillary's trustworthiness, but IMO, no one's more deceptive and pathological than The Donald! He's an embarrassment to humankind, not just the office he's looking to hold! The whole world is alarmed and justifiably so!
Wow, a leftist thinks that the leftist is a better fit for POTUS, who saw that coming? I mean wow, out of the blue ...
You don't know what you're talking about, but what else is new around here? Years ago, I very well could have voted for a Republican, but they've collective lost their minds and my respect; esp. after the way they embarrassed themselves under the leadership of the last 2 Dems! They're always talking about respecting the office at least, but they couldn't even do that; showing their bigotry and racist side absolutely showing their contempt before Obama even took office! They questioned his heritage, patriotism, religious affiliation, his wife, the kids, and his intelligence! There's no coming back from that; the world knowing party comes before country in their feeble little ignorant and shrunken brains! I'm so done with them!
Bull crap, you're a leftist. You just declared a corrupt, arrogant felon owned by wall street to be fit to be POTUS. You're swilling Kool-Aid.
That must be it!