If the left believes this hunter guy is so great and pure, Why isn't he out campaigning like Don Trump jr?

Sounds like the last election. Hide in the basement. Don't say anything. It doesn't matter to the DNC because the fix is already in.
Trump gave his son a mouth that's two sizes too small for a politician.
And he was stingy in the brains dept. on Eric.

Sadly, Hunter is an addict and corrupt, even though he has the good looks to make it in politics.
Where is Melania?

Has anyone seen her since she and Fat Donnie snuck out of Washington DC?
Don junior is a liability. Hunter Biden isn't in government.
No, he just uses our government business to shake down foreign leaders - with the help of his senile thug father. They get away with it because you low-life assholes are too busy hating the bad orange man to give a damn about the death of our country. Hopefully, when the balloon goes up, people remember why things got to that point.
Jill is the blind dog. Every blind person has one.
Did you see her face that day on the balcony when Hunter was hopping around, tweaking like mad? I actually had a moment of empathy for her. It was like she was the only one there who had the decency to be ashamed of his disgusting performance.
Did you see her face that day on the balcony when Hunter was hopping around, tweaking like mad? I actually had a moment of empathy for her. It was like she was the only one there who had the decency to be ashamed of his disgusting performance.

I hope you're not talking about that edited video.
No, he just uses our government business to shake down foreign leaders - with the help of his senile thug father.
So do you spout Russo-Chinese propaganda because you get paid, or do you to it out of ideological devotion?

Or perhaps the CCP is blackmailing you into betraying the USA? After all, deviants like those in the Trump cult are known for photographing their perversions and putting them online.
hurl all the insults ya want libs. But one is out there campaigning the other one is hiding

He is probably to busy watching our former first Lady in girl on girl porn to be out campaigning. Lol have you seen the porn Trumps wife did? Ole Trumpy boy likes him those porn stars. He'll he married one! Paid another to keep silent about doing him. The boy just likes to pay for sex when he is not busy grabbing some chick's pussy.
Hunter's small time compared to Kushner's two billion dollars from the Saudis. I guess that trump's lickspittles only worry about the Bidens look like.
Sounds like the last election. Hide in the basement. Don't say anything. It doesn't matter to the DNC because the fix is already in.
Yep. Trumpers should just stay home in 2024.

The election is already rigged. Trumpers just look silly going to the polls knowing their vote doesn't count.

Don't give libs the chance to laugh at you.
I stopped reading after the title's "if statement" was wrong.
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Yep. Trumpers should just stay home in 2024.

The election is already rigged. Trumpers just look silly going to the polls knowing their vote doesn't count.

Don't give libs the chance to laugh at you.
I'm laughing at both sides, wanting to see another fight to the death between 2 fools with at least one foot in the grave.

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