If the Redskins got cancelled, why not Vikings, Buccaneers, Raiders, Chiefs, Steelers, Cowboys, Saints and Patriots?

Stupid people, which includes 99% of all dimocraps, don't even understand what a 'Redskin' is.

Native Americans were not real advanced when it came to making clothing. At all. Haberdashery was a lost art with them. The women might have more clothing made by and for them than the men because the men liked to use grease. Whatever kind they could get hold of. Bear grease was their favorite.

Try it sometime. Rub yourself down with grease and go outside. It works. It works well. Very well.

And the Native Americans like to color the grease. They might color it to signify a feast and that grease paint might be -- Blue, Nice color.

A wedding, they might color it Black and White or green or -- Whatever.

But the Universal Color of War Paint body grease for all of them was Red. Look it up, stupid fucking dimocraps. It's fact.

Might be all red, might be partly red, might be red mixed with other colors but War Paint was RED.

So, back in the 17th and early 18th Centuries, Deer Slayer shows up in a village and starts talking with the boys at the Bar. He mentions that in his travels, he spotted some local Native Americans in War Paint. Which is RED. "Watch out for them Redskins, they're in a bad mood." Good advice. And the word 'Redskin' stuck. It was used to denote Native Americans that were in a pissy mood as a rule. Sometimes derogatory but usually not.

Sports teams like to give themselves names that sound fierce, like they're badasses. Who's gonna be afraid of the Washington Chipmunks? dimocrap scum, maybe.

So they chose the word 'Redskins' to honor them, to pay tribute to their ferocity. Americans have done that many times over the centuries.

Maybe we should outlaw 'Spartans' while we're at it. And Bears. Bears eat people. So do Tigers. And Cowboys, well we know about them, don't we?

Bottom line is this people -- dimocraps are the stupidest pukes to ever pollute the Earth with their presence
Plus, the logo on the Redskins helmet was drawn by an Indian and it is of an actual Chief. The name was selected by Indians.

Dumb ass cult fucks cancelled INDIANS. :laughing0301: :auiqs.jpg:
It can be used as a derogatory/diminutive yes.

You know this, why are you asking?
I think you’re full of shit. That’s why.

The “Chiefs” is never used as a derogatory or diminutive. It was chosen because the team wanted something emblematic of greatness.

Ditto the Cleveland “Indians.”

The only problem with the term “Redskins” was that it could be misperceived as being a diminutive. But it wasn’t intended that way. Obviously.

Paleface vs Redskin was merely an old fashioned way of describing a former conflict between European Americans and Native Americans. Do you believe that the team sought to name themselves after people they didn’t admire?

There is no real team called “the Caucasians.” Nor is there a team named “the Negroes.”
Are those names used as insults or in derogatory ways?


Then that's your answer.
To you stupid low IQ Moon Bats just about everything is either racist or insulting.

Like calling a male a male when he is clearly wearing a dress and has specifically told you that his pronouns are she and her.
It's just so easy to make fun of you. A combination of sad and pathetic mixed in with your testosterone-free defiance
You have no idea about anything about my personal life. Those comments reflect on your mindset, not mine.

So why do you obsess over homosexuality?
To you stupid low IQ Moon Bats just about everything is either racist or insulting.

Like calling a male a male when he is clearly wearing a dress and has specifically told you that his pronouns are she and her.
YOur deflection is noted and your surrender accepted.
The Vikings and Raiders played a 3-0 game this weekend…as an aside.

Vikes, Bucs, and Raiders are all Vikings. Vikings raped and murdered and enslaved thousands…if not millions during their reign.

Vikings raided and pillaged Ireland, and much of Europe via rivers.

How can rape, murder, and enslavement be accepted?

STEELERS? THE STEEL INDUSTRY WAS/IS horrible for the environment
Cowboys murdered Indians.
Patriots were racist slave owners.

Redskin is an slang insult for Native Americans...

Vikings settled in the places they conquered and traded, mingled and married.

By the way calling teams, Yellow Skins, Wetbacks, Darkies, Drunkards, Frogs,....

Here is a better list: List of ethnic slurs and epithets by ethnicity - Wikipedia

BTW, no on got cancelled... A commercial company who wants more customers decided thatt having a racist name is not in there interest... Welcome to fucking commerce..
Wrong. Worked with a fella who called every male American indian "chief" and he definitely wasn't using it as a compliment. It is used that way all the time.
Wrong. I said “Chiefs” as in the team name.

Your pathetic anecdote is beside the point.
Wrong. I said “Chiefs” as in the team name.

Your pathetic anecdote is beside the point.
Oh, your contention is that the plural excuses it? :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

Are you really that stupid or do you just pretend on the internet?
Oh, your contention is that the plural excuses it? :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
No you fucking obtuse retard. The fact that it’s a team name explains it.

Of course not would sail over your head. And does.
Are you really that stupid or do you just pretend on the internet?
No. You’ve got the field on stupid fully covered, you pathetic hack.
No you fucking obtuse retard. The fact that it’s a team name explains it.

Of course not would sail over your head. And does.

No. You’ve got the field on stupid fully covered, you pathetic hack.
Adding the "S" makes it all OK, LMAO!!

What a dwerp.

I gave you a chance, I'm done with you again.


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